Royce KellerRoyce Keller

Native resident of Hallandale, MA (circa 1966)

Current Residence: Everglades Pines Resort

ø Royce Keller, Sr. (father, deceased)
ø Mandy Davenport (mother, deceased)
ø Samantha Keller Lombard (sister)
ø Brock Lombard (brother-in-law)
ø Ralph Lombard (brother-in-law)
ø Dana Lombard (sister-in-law)

Children: None

Marital Status: Dating Kendall Reyes

Past Entanglements: None

Occupation: Owner, HatcherKeller & Associates

Represented by:
ø Ty Treadway [ Episode 14 - Present ]

About Royce

Secretive, explosive and one of Hallandale's most eligible bachelors--this Hallandale native is one you don't want to mess with. With a long-standing feud against the Pryce and Pierre family, does he have any friends?! Well, aside from his sister, the only two people that come close are Anton Mcloud (a former colleague) and Jessica Chappell. He is now romanticallly entangled with his executive assistant, Kendall Reyes.

In the very distant past, he was great friends with Earl Pryce. They were constantly in each other's shadow. It helped that their parents were also great friends. It would become clear just how friendly their parents were following his mother's sudden suicide. Royce couldn't reconcile with his mother's willingly choosing to leave his sister and their father. When news of Lena Ramos' affair with his father hit the fan, Royce became convinced that she was behind his mother's suicide/murder. This unsubstantiated theory led to the eventual downfall of his friendship with Earl, who naturally defended his mother. Even when the authorities failed to find evidence of foul play, Royce insisted that Lena was the blame. Her passing a few years later did little to appease Royce's anger. After the funeral, Earl moved away with his younger brother.

He would gain a new enemy when a drunken LeoPold Pierre (Alexander's father) struck and killed his father. Due to the family's wealth and influence, LeoPold skated prosecution. This pushed Royce to open up his own law firm with partner, Rochelle Desmores.