Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Widlin: I cannot relive that horrible night and I’m not sure I will ever want to. (~)
Leonard: I will not allow that slut… to ruin the best thing that has ever happen to me.
Rochelle: …You did that all yourself. (~)
Man: Are you ready to put this plan into action?
Lacreasha: …Bring it on.

<> Rochelle: Lacreasha did not force you to stay on that bed. You could have moved off of it at any time, yet you stood there with her on top of you.
Leonard: She was holding me down so hard I couldn’t move.
Rochelle: Please! Why can’t you just leave me alone?
Leonard: Because I’m head over heels in love with you, Rochelle.
Rochelle: Stop spewing your lies! I knew a person of my caliber should have never gotten involve with – (she pauses)
Leonard: What? Finish what you were going to say. That you shouldn’t have gotten involve with trash like me?

Malina: (gasps upon running smack into him) Oh, I’m so sorry. I was not paying attention.
Anton: Don’t be. I wouldn’t have been able to grace such a beautiful face.
Malina: (flattered) Oh, I have to go!
Anton: So soon. Before you even grace me with a name.

Alex: (shouts from the ground floor of the mansion) Widlin, come here now!
Widlin: Father, what is it?
Alex: Don’t act innocent with me. This young woman and I just finish having a rather interesting conversation.
Widlin: What? (finishing her descent down the stairs) Who are you talking… You!

(theme music)

<> Widlin: What are you doing here, Camille?
Alex: That’s beside the point. Isn’t there something you been meaning to tell me?
Camille: Yes, Widlin. Your father needs to know his daughter can be honest with him.
Alex: So tell me the truth now!

Malina: I was told never to give personal info about myself to strangers.
Anton: We’re not strangers. At least, we don’t have to be.
Malina: How about you tell me your name first?
Anton: Because that would take away all the intrigue.

Rochelle: That is not what I said.
Leonard: You didn’t have to. It is clearly written all over your face.
Rochelle: I just think our relationship was doom right from the start.
Leonard: No, you are just like the rest of those high class bitches that think there better than everyone else. (Leonard retreats toward the exit of the office)
Rochelle: That is not— (Leonard slams the door shut before she can finish) true.

<> Lacreasha: Is everything set?
Man: Everything is ready. After the masquerade ball at T.E.C.’s Restaurante tomorrow, neither Leonard nor Rochelle will know what hit them.
Lacreasha: This has to work. Lives are at jeopardy if we fail.

Malina: So you’re a man of mystery?
Anton: I like to think so, but there is one way you can be sure.
Malina: and how is that?
Anton: Accompany me tomorrow night for masquerade ball.

Widlin: I cannot believe you can be so heartless. That you would tell my father what happened.
Alex: I don’t understand. Why are you getting upset with Camille for telling me about an old boyfriend you had at camp?
Widlin: A what?
Camille: A boyfriend. The boy you liked at camp. What else could I have told your father?
Widlin: I totally forgot.
Camille: Well, it was a little over a decade ago.
Widlin: Yeah. (her eyes set right on Camille, that she doesn’t even turn when she addresses her father) Dad, could you excuse me and Camille?
Alex: Sure. I have to get ready for work, anyway.

Lacreasha: After tomorrow night, these two must be broken up permanently.
Man: I have no doubt that Rochelle and Leonard’s relationship will reach a screeching climax tomorrow night.
Lacreasha: I’m glad you are so sure. But this is Leonard we are talking about and he does not give up easily.

<> Man: As long as I keep my anonymity and no one knows I’m here, we can execute any possible maneuver.
Lacreasha: Don’t worry! No one will be able to link me to this and therefore, you either. We are completely safe.

Camille: Did we really have to go outside?
Widlin: I cannot believe your gall!
Camille: I am just showing you that I can reveal your real secret at any time to anyone. So if you double cross me—let’s just say it would be wise not too. So get off your high horse because you are no better than me or anyone else. I think that Malina would also agree if she ever stumbled onto the truth.

Malina: Okay.
Anton: What, no other safe precautions.
Malina: You have me intrigued. Plus, it would be good to walk in there with a handsome man on my arm. (Anton and Malina share a giggle at the remark)

Rochelle: Damn you Leonard. I can’t believe you have me feeling guilty. You are the one who betrayed me and I have every right to be angry. (she pauses for a moment as it becomes apparent to her) So why do I feel anything but?
Leonard: (eavesdropping from the outside) Yes! It won’t be long before she’s back in my arms.

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