Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Rochelle: Something is driving you to break up me and Leonard and I want to know what it is. (~)
Crystal: I had to learn the hard way that secrets can cause you to lose everything. (~)
Widlin: What I did at camp was so horrible, but it was an accident…
Camille: It was planned and executed from the beginning. (~)
Laura: I don’t understand why you don’t want me.

<> Widlin: Why don’t you just shut up and stop spreading your filth?
Alex: Forget about Camille. I want to know exactly what it is you have done.
Widlin: While I was at camp, I –
Camille: She engaged in sexual relations with all the boys there. (Widlin gasp)

Darron: How exactly did you learn that lies could make you lose everything?
Crystal: Let’s just say that one stupid moment between me and another guy cause me to lose my husband and unborn child.
Darron: You’re telling me you had a baby with another man?
Crystal: Oh no, we were planning to adopt a child. However, when my husband found out about the stolen moment between me and the biological father, they got into a huge fight. Long story short, Angela got in the way and fell down a flight of stairs, losing her baby. My life was never the same after that night.

Lacreasha: You cannot handle the truth.
Leonard: That’s because there is no truth to tell. Unless you are feeling up to admitting that you are a slut.
Lacreasha: This slut didn’t have to try hard to get you in bed. You were practically begging me.
Leonard: Oh please!
Lacreasha: There is no hidden meaning, Rochelle. Leonard has finally shown his true colors and that is why he cannot be trusted.

(theme music)

< > Leonard: Why don’t you stop lying for one minute, Lacreasha?
Rochelle: I have an idea. How about the both of you shut up and let me do the talking.
Lacreasha: Do I look like one of your children?
Rochelle: Thank god you don’t. Tell me one thing, Lacreasha, what is your sister going to say when she finds out about your extracurricular activities?

Darron: Whoa! I had no idea about any of this.
Crystal: It was a very painful time and it took a lot of strength for me to dredge this up. I just hope I don’t regret it.
Darron: Why would you say that?
Crystal: Can I trust that this will stay between me and you, Darron?
Darron: Yeah, you know you can. But why the strong urge to keep this low key?
Crystal: It’s just if the wrong people found out about it, it could be disastrous.
Woman: Found out about what?
Crystal: You!

Alexander: She did what?
Camille: She had sex with all the camp members.
Alexander: My god, Widlin, is this true?
Widlin: (hesitant) Uhh… yes!

< > Widlin: Dad, are you alright?
Alexander: Alright? Alright? I just found out that my daughter has had sexual relations with a whole camp of boys. Do you know what you have done?
Widlin: It’s no big deal.
Alexander: No big deal. It is a very big deal. Thanks to your carelessness, the Pierre name could be ruined.

Darron: What’s going on? Who’s this?
Crystal: Angela’s sister.
Laura: I’m surprise you even remember me, especially after what you and your hubby did to my sister.
Crystal: That was an accident, Laura.
Laura: The hell it was. I don’t know how or when, but you will pay for my sister’s death.
Darron: What? I thought you said she only lost her baby.
Laura: I see she is telling half-truths again. Crystal not only killed my sister’s baby, but Angela as well.

Lacreasha: What my sister knows is none of your business.
Rochelle: Silly me. I thought everything about our lives was shared. Oh, that’s right. That was when we were friends.
Lacreasha: Whoopee! We’re not friends anymore; don’t expect me to spread a tear?
Rochelle: I don’t. I sure as hell didn’t spread any. We are enemies and I will make it my personal mission to make sure every secret you hold dear is discovered.

< > Lacreasha: Be careful, you may not like what you find.
Rochelle: Thanks for the warning, but I will take my chances.
Lacreasha: Before you leave, why is that you came over here?
Leonard: Yeah! I mean, you have all your things, yet you came back here tonight, why?

Crystal: Why don’t you stop spreading those lies and leave, along with your threats?
Laura: Oh that wasn’t a threat. It’s a promise. We both know what happened and I won’t be satisfied until my sister’s death is avenged. Like the bible says, “an eye for an eye.”
Darron: That’s enough!
Laura: Don’t get your drawers in a knickers. I was just leaving, but this is far from over and you know that Crystal.

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