Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”
Shanna: We are almost home free. (car explodes) (~)
Rochelle: The last person I want to see is Leonard or Lacreasha. (~)
Leonard: I’ll leave.
Man: I don’t think so. I’m afraid you’ll learn the hard way. (~)
Widlin: Her what?
Mark: Camille is my wife.

<> Lacreasha: What are you going to do with Leonard? You aren’t seriously going to kill him.
Man: I may have no other choice. I cannot risk him blabbing out to the wrong people that I’m still in Hallandale.
Lacreasha: Why have you stuck around all these years?
Man: I always planned to leave, but something kept me here and I can’t leave until I figure out what.

Royce: You can’t live the rest of your life fearing bumping into Lacreasha and Leonard.
Rochelle: I am just not up for a party.
Royce: Okay. Well, I can’t force you to go, but think about it. I’ll save a dance for you just in case. Samantha, are you ready to go?
Samantha: Ready and able.
Royce: Whoa. You are going to give those guys a running for their money.
Samantha: That is what I was hoping you would say.

Widlin: Camille is your wife?
Camille: Yes. Don’t act so shocked.
Malina: (watching from the foreground) I can’t believe that guy is with such a manipulative bitch.
Anton: Whoa. You obviously don’t like that woman.
Malina: You can say that again.
Anton: Why?
Widlin: It seems you have been keeping secrets of your own, what’s a girl to do?

(theme music)

< > Camille: Could you guys excuse me and Widlin for a couple of minutes?
Mark and Alfonso: Go ahead.
Widlin: What is it? Are we a little nervous?
Camille: Keep your voice down.
Widlin: Why? A little worried that your husband is going to see that you are nothing but a blackmailing – wow, what a predicament we have ourselves in.

Malina: Camille has not made it easy to be liked every since she came to town. I can’t really say how because the problem is not with me personally, but has still affected me in some way.
Anton: Sorry to interrupt, but I think I see someone I should go and assist. I’ll be back.
Malina: (caught off guard) O- Okay.

William: I am out of ideas of where this woman could be. I have a message, maybe its from Jessica telling me where she is. (presses the play button)
Police Officer: “We thought you might want to know we have a clue of where your wife could be, meet me at the hospital and I’ll explain.”
William: It’s about time. The hospital?

Lacreasha: Well, you can’t stay anonymous for too long.
Man: Yeah, I know. However, I wasn’t planning on Mr. Sex Freak seeing me. I have to remove this problem.

< > Lacreasha: What do you mean, remove? You are not seriously thinking of killing Leonard?
Man: I cannot keep him tied up in that basement. Nobody will care about some poor gatekeeper being killed off.
Lacreasha: Why don’t I like the sound of this?
Man: (picks up gun) I have no choice. Leonard must die. Tonight!

Rochelle: I cannot believe that I am seriously thinking about walking into that party. This is a mistake. Oh great, now I’m talking to myself. I have to get out of here.
Anton: Rochelle. Where do you think you are going?
Rochelle: Preferably out of the door.
Anton: I don’t think so. Besides, you’d be increasing your chances of running into Leonard or Lacreasha out there.

Camille: This does not change anything. You cannot prove any of your accusations.
Widlin: You wanna bet. The Pierre Estate is under 24 hour surveillance. We are bound to be caught on one of those cameras. Face it. Your reign of terror is over.

< > Camille: I don’t think so. You’ve forgotten that you have as much to lose as I do if that tape is seen.
Widlin: I don’t care because if it causes you to lose your husband, then it will all be worth it.
Camille: Ugh, you… (attempts to slap Widlin)
Widlin: Do you really want your husband to see that violent side of you?

William: What are we doing in a morgue?
Police Office: I’m sorry, Mr. Arlington. But we need you to identify this woman for us.
William: What woman? You mean, there is a dead woman under that sheet?
Police Office: Yes, sir. We need you to verify if this woman is your wife.
William: (takes a deep breath) Alright. (the office removes the sheet as William makes a distraught outburst) Oh no!

Rochelle: What do you mean?
Anton: Lacreasha and Leonard are not in there.
Rochelle: That’s strange. Where could they be?

Leonard: Look, this is a big mistake.
Lacreasha: I think he’s right.
Man: This man is from the streets. No one is going to miss him when he is dead.
Leonard: Rochelle will.
Man: Ha. After your latest stunt with Lacreasha, I’m sure Rochelle will see it justice you die and I know exactly where to shoot.
Lacreasha: I warned you. It is out of my hands now.
Leonard: No, please don’t. (gun fires)

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