Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Winter of Forbidden Ecstasy
Alexander:  You'll look in her eyes and you'll know the truth! (~)
Matthew:  I'm done, you're dead to me! (~)
Leigha:  I don't need or want your forgiveness. (~)
Rochelle:  You knew me, but you had no problem seeing me go down for murder.
***Dean:  (catching them both upon his entrance into the courthouse) Liam, Rochelle.
Liam:  Mr. Stone!
Dean:  Could you excuse us a moment, Rochelle?  (raises an eyebrow and obliges)
Liam:  What can I do for you?
Dean:  You can tell me everything you know about my brother's case.
Joy:  What is your relationship with the defendant, Ms. Reyes?
Kendall:  She's a friend; she helped me adjust when I came to Hallandale.
Joy:  So you know the defendant pretty well?
Kendall:  Yes, I guess so!
Joy:  Does she seem like the kind of women capable of harm to herself and others?
Lournings:  Objection, your honor!
Judge:  Overruled, answer the question, Ms. Reyes!
Kendall:  No, I can't say that she is!  (looks at the defendant who returns the gesture)
(<- The Pierre Mansion ->)
Darron:  The last couple of days you were acting strange, meeting me in places you would hardly frequent under normal circumstances--- you didn't want your father to know you were still seeing me. (in shocked as he glances at Widlin) When your father gave you the choice, what did you choose?
Widlin:  I chose you because nothing is more important to me than you.
Darron:  Then why couldn't you say that to your father's face?
(<- Springfield Lakes Resort ->)
Dana:  (knocks on the door) Hey!
Earl:  It's about time, I've been leaving you messages all day.
Dana:  Well, I just got back in town last night and I only now just checked my messages.  What's so urgent?
Earl:  I've looked everywhere, I cannot find him; I need your help.
Dana:  Wait, find whom?
Earl:  My brother, Matthew, he's gone!
*Theme Song* 
Lacreasha:  I refuse to sit here and endure this mockery.  (getting up and walking off, Kyle ponders whether to follow)
Joy:  So this vengeful and manipulative woman is just a part of the minds of people who are looking to make her suffer?
Lournings:  Objection your honor, defense is putting words in her own witness' mouth.
Judge:  Sustained! Ms. Gannon, proceed to a new line of questioning.
Joy:  Ms. Reyes, do you believe that Kavina was in a sound mind the night she killed Leonard?
Lournings:  Objection your honor, Ms. Reyes is not a skilled psychologist nor does she have the credentials to answer the question.
Joy:  Your honor, Kendall has known the defendant long enough to know what she is capable of.
Judge:  All right, I will allow it.
Lournings:  Your honor--
Judge:  Overruled! (Lournings sits down defeated)
Joy:  Should I repeat the question?
Kendall: No, I don't believe that Kavina could have been herself when she killed Leonard Stone.
Joy: (feeling a sense of accomplishment) I have no further questions for the witness, your honor.
Kyle:  (watching her pace back and forth down the courtroom walkway) Lacreasha!
Lacreasha: (with attitude) Kyle, I am not going back in that courtroom.  How can you stand to listen to that, the scene is nauseating.  Kavina's wacky attorney trying to defend her actions by saying Kavina wasn't in a sound mind the night she killed Leonard, for all we know, she relished every moment.  Has everyone forgot that she held Rochelle at gunpoint and was willing to shoot her to keep her quiet and I am jailed and held in contempt for speaking the truth.
Liam:  You must be really desperate, coming to me of all people.
Dean:  Well, you and the DA are the only people who know anything about my brother's case and since the DA's busy prosecuting, that only leaves you.  So put your animosity aside and give me the answers I need.
Liam:  I have no animosity towards you, perhaps you're projecting your negative attitudes towards me on me.  After all, I am somewhat involved with Rochelle and that makes you uncomfortable because of your true feelings for her.
Dean: (hits a nerve) My feelings for Rochelle are not up for discussion!
Lournings:  (Rochelle paying close attention) Ms. Reyes, you testified earlier that you didn't believe Kavina Shah was capable of harm towards others, yet you were witness to her holding a gun to Rochelle Desmores' head?
Joy:  Objection--
Judge:  Overruled, please get to the point Mr. Lournings?
Lournings:  How can you explain this incident, Ms. Reyes?  Did it seem like a woman under duress or in fear of being caught?
Joy:  Objection your honor, what is the question exactly?
Lournings:  I am simply asking Ms. Reyes to explain the actions of a woman she testified she knew well.
Judge:  I will allow it, but tread lightly Mr. Lournings!
Lournings:  Ms. Reyes, shall I repeat the question?
Kendall:  No, and obviously the reaction to being discovered as a murderer is going to cause you to do things you wouldn't normally do, I mean, she felt she was doing a public service.  Kavina did what everyone wanted her to do and didn't think she should be punished.
Lournings:  and do you think she should be punished?
***Leigha:  My god, it was really crowded in that courtroom.
Ralph:  Well, with the big finale around the corner, people are really trying to get a part in the action.
Leigha:  and you're so certain there is going to be action?
Ralph:  This is Hallandale, anything is possible!
Liam:  Whoa, obviously I hit a nerve and that was not my intention.
Dean:  (sarcastic tone) I'm sure it wasn't, now back to my brother's case.
Liam:  All I know is there is going to be a surprise witness and then this case will be on the verge of the end.
Dean:  Not for me, the judge's ruling will not necessarily end this case.
Liam:  What are you talking about?
Dean:  This case will only be over when Kavina gets what she deserves.  (walking off and leaving Liam to ponder the thought)
(<- The Pierre Mansion ->)
Widlin:  I guess I didn't have the strength or maybe I was appalled that my father would even ask me to make such a choice.
Darron:  and what did you think sneaking around with me would accomplish?
Widlin:  I'm not sure what you mean?
Darron:  Well, you continue to see me while avoiding places your father frequent and that not only tells me, but the world, that your millions were far more important to you than me.
Widlin:  That's not true!
Darron:  Maybe you didn't knowingly choose, but your actions said more than enough.
Widlin:  Don't let my father's twist on things divert your mind from the truth.
Darron:  I'm not, but for once we cannot place the blame on your father!
(<- Springfield Lakes Resort ->)
Dana:  What do you mean Matthew's gone?
Earl:  He's disappeared and I have no idea where to.  I was hoping that maybe he contacted you.
Dana:  No, besides I have been out of town for the last few days.  Why would your brother just disappear, I mean, did something happen?
Earl:  Well, I have been more focused on finding him.  I have looked everywhere: the hospital, the station, Cypress Palace, the Palisades…
Dana:  Well, whatever happened, it must have been major if you'd think he would leave Hallandale.  Come on, you asked for my help, so I think the least you can do is be honest with me, what happened between you and your brother?
***Dana:  You can speak anytime.
Earl:  Look, its not important, okay?  Finding my brother is!
Dana:  Fine, then you can find him yourself!  (walking off as he sighs in frustration)
(<- The Pierre's Mansion ->)
Widlin:  So you're saying that I am the blame?
Darron:  Well, unfortunately I can't blame your father for everything, he is only partly responsible, but you're the one that made the decision.
Widlin:  There was never a decision to be made.
Darron:  (intercedes) Let me finish!  You allowed your father to prey on your insecurities about me and that's why you couldn't choose between your millions and me.
Widlin:  (fragile tone) No--
Darron:  Really, I don't blame you, my past with women and money isn't exactly Oscar-worthy, but I thought you were secure that I was changed man.  Obviously, your father's belief that a leopard can't change his spots is hereditary.  (Widlin's eyes light in shame)
(<- Hallandale Courthouse ->)
Kyle:  Well Lacreasha, I think you may have finally found something to write about.
Lacreasha:  Excuse me?
Kyle:  I own a news agency and I always wanted you to be apart of it, maybe now you'll be motivated enough to join.  You will have all the resources you need to bring down Kavina.
Lacreasha:  Are you suggesting I do an expose?
Kyle:  Why not?  You want everyone to know the full story, how else are you going to do it? (Lacreasha tries not to appear completely sold on the idea)
Kendall:  I really can't make that decision.
Lournings:  Why, because you feel its for the jury to decide or because you are unsure due to your unresolved feelings towards the defendant?
Kendall:  Excuse me?
Joy:  Objection, your honor!  I cease to see where this line of questioning is going.
Judge:  I am inclined to agree, Mr. Lournings.  Now if there are any pertinent questions you have for the witness, proceed with them now.
Lournings:  Just one, Ms. Reyes, do your consider yourself a credible witness in a case of this magnitude?
Kendall:  I beg your pardon?
Lournings:  Well, weren't you under suspicion of murder yourself before coming to Hallandale?
Joy:  Objection! (gallery murmurs as judge repeatedly pounds gavel)
***Judge:  Order in this courtroom now!  I have three things to say: Jurors, scratch Mr. Lournings last comment from the record.  Second, Mr. Lournings, don't ever try something like that again and third, do you have anymore questions for this witness?
Lournings:  No!
Judge:  Then take a seat and Ms. Reyes, you may step down, provided Ms. Gannon would not like to cross-examine you?
Joy:  No, your honor!
Judge:  Then call your next witness.
Joy:  The defense calls Anton McCloud.
Anton:  (raises from his seat, sighing deeply) Here I go again!
Rochelle:  Hey, what's going on, I thought you were going to watch this train wreck with me?
Liam:  That bad, huh?
Rochelle:  Well, not all bad depending on how you look at it.
Liam:  Not from your eyes, that's for sure.  From what I observe, the prosecution is on the verge of losing.
Rochelle:  This isn't just about that surprise witness, is it?  You think Kavina could go free!
Liam:  and what if I were to say yes?  (Rochelle becomes disturbed by the thought)
Leigha:  You say anything is possible, do you think it is possible we will ever be where we were before my past with your brother hit the fan?
Ralph:  I really couldn't answer that, my sister's the one with the fortune telling ability.
Leigha:  I am not asking for a prediction, I am asking for an answer from your heart.
Brock:  and I highly doubt that my brother would trust you with his heart again, I mean, no one is that forgiving.  (Leigha turns to Brock's reply, then back to Ralph with an exasperated expression)
Widlin:  I don't know what to say!
Darron:  Hey, its okay, I don't blame you--
Widlin:  Stop, I don't need your understanding.
Darron:  But you have it.  I'm sure your father told you that I would leave you if I found out you had no money to your name and you might have said he was wrong, but a part of you wondered if he was right, didn't you?
Widlin:  Yes, I did! (Darron raises his eyebrow in acknowledgment)
Dana:  (unlocking the door and flicking the light switch, gasp as she finds a man standing in the doorway)  Matthew!
*Stay in Tuned for Next Week's Episode*

Click here for Episode 236