Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Winter of Forbidden Ecstasy 
Rochelle:  You never wanted to do it, I always knew that, I just never knew why. (~) 
Widlin:  Widlin Pierre is back and with a vengeance. (~)  
Man:  Widlin Pierre has no intention on testifying (Liam turning in shock). (~)  
Frankie:  I was trying to be a friend and obviously the past is always going to be an obstacle that gets in the way. 
***Frankie:  (outside of Crystal's Fantasy & Associates when noticing Garrettlyn back to him looking up towards the sky) To answer your question, no, I don't think it's so easy to forgive and forget. (Garret turns to look him in the eye)  
Garret:  Then you should understand why I can't forget what you have done. (walks back into the restaurant)  
(<- Pristine Powers Mansion ->) 
Jennifer:  (sneaking upon him on the stairway) Hey-- (Brian jumps) What are you doing?  
Brian:  Looking down on Dylan, he just looks so-- pitiful.  
Jennifer:  Please don't tell me you are feeling sorry for Dylan McCloud.  
Brian:  We are his roommates, I just feel we should be trying to do something to cheer him up.  
Jennifer:  The reason Dylan is not so cheery is because he's the reason for all his self-pity. (moving gracefully along as Brian takes into account the reasoning) 
(<- Show time Limits Agency ->)  
Leigh:  (walking in on Kyle staring hopelessly out the window) Kyle?  
Kyle:  Leigh, what are you doing here so late?  
Leigh:  I could ask you the same thing.  
Kyle:  Well, I own this fine establishment, I'm supposed to put in late hours.  
Leigh:  Yeah, but I don't think that's what's keeping you here tonight, is it? 
Rochelle:  How's the article coming along?  
Lacreasha:  Quite smoothly!  
Rochelle:  Smoothly enough for you to put it to the side and finished what we were discussing earlier.  
Lacreasha:  I really don't think this is the time or place.  
Rochelle:  It's never going to be the right time or place and I think this secret has caused enough damage as it is.  It ended our friendship because you thought it was explosive enough to warrant sleeping with a man you despised.  Well Leonard's dead and you continue to let this secret hang around our lives like a dark cloud and the only way to let the sunlight in is to tell me the truth.  
Lacreasha:  You have no idea what you are asking me to do here.  
Rochelle:  You're acting as if I am some vulnerable little flower that's going to break when I learn the truth when I am strong enough to handle it.  
Lacreasha:  That's because you don't know what it is.  
Rochelle:  Then tell me, if you were ever my friend, be honest with me.  Tell me the truth! 
Lacreasha:  All right, I'll tell you what I have been keeping from you.  
*Theme Song*
Lacreasha:  I don't even know where to start, I have been keeping this secret from you for so long, I'm not sure I can let it out even now.  
Rochelle:  Well, there is no rush because I am not going anywhere until I get some answers. 
(<- Pryce International ->)  
Dean:  (following Liam into his office) Look, I want some answers as to why my brother's murder trial has been postponed.  
Liam:  I am not the one in charge of that case, Mr. Stone!  
Dean:  But you do work in this office and you are the A.d.a. 
Liam:  and what pray tell do you hope for me to tell you?  
Dean:  Anything that proves that justice is being sought.  
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)  
Brian:  Believe me, I couldn't agree with you more that Dylan is the source of all his problems, but we really do not have to throw that in his face.  I mean, we are his roommates and this place should not be full of tension and animosity.  
Jennifer:  Well, we are not the blame for "this" tension.  
Brian:  and we haven't exactly minimized it either.  I made a promise to Garrett to look after him and how can I do that with a heavy heart?  
Jennifer:  Therefore, I am supposed to act as if the past few months haven't happened, the fact that he is still keeping secrets from me doesn't matter?  
Brian:  No, but you have to let it go! (Jennifer jaw drops) Now, I know that is asking a lot, but please for me, if not for yourself, let this go.  
***Garrett:  (standing at the bar) A vodka tonic, please?  
Mindy:  Isn't that a bit strong for you?  
Garrett:  Well, after my day, I could use it.  
Mindy:  All right, coming up then! (Garrett then takes a seat)  
Romeo:  Now that's disappointing, a beautiful lady like yourself drinking alone. (Garrett turn to the mysterious man unfazed by his charm)  
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)  
Jennifer: (grunts) I can't believe I am considering this, but fine (with strain) I will try to be civil to Dylan.  
Brian:  That's all I ask.  
Jennifer:  It's quite enough, so why don't you oblige me and let's go out tonight?  It will take your mind off Dylan and his self-pity.  
Brian:  Or it could be the perfect way to cheer up Dylan.  (Jennifer discontent shows for a moment) Well, you don't mind if I invite him along, do you?  
Jennifer: (nearly choking on the word, but with a forceful smile) No!  
(<- Pryce International ->)  
Liam:  Everything is being done to ensure that Kavina is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  
Dean:  Well, sometimes it seems the D.A.'s Office is inept to prosecute a stray dog.  I mean, for heaven sakes, Kavina is claiming she was under emotional duress when she killed my brother and this whole town knows that is a crock, but no one is doing anything about it.  
Liam:  Lournings has been doing everything to get Kavina's plea thrown out.  
Dean:  Yeah, all the good that has done.  I'm sure everyone will be just fine if Kavina gets away with a slap on the wrist for killing my brother because they all believe he got what he deserve.  Well guess what, they are wrong! (Liam feeling the intensity of Dean's outrage) 
(<- Showtime Limits Agency ->)  
Lacreasha:  Well, you know I was determined to break up you and Leonard and so I had him investigated.  
Rochelle:  You what?  
Lacreasha:  I wanted to get some dirt on him, unfortunately, he was clean and all I got was a bunch of personal records with basic information.  Little did I know a bombshell was right in the middle of it.  
One so destructive, I had no choice but to keep it buried as those before me decided.  
Rochelle:  What buried?  What did you find out?  
***Kyle:  Well, with this trial going on, I have been doing a lot of thinking Leigh.  
Leigh:  Want to talk about it?  
Kyle:  I'm sure you have something better to do than listen to my problems or whatever they are now.  
Leigh:  Actually, I don't.  So if you want to talk, I'm all ears.  
(<- Pryce International ->)  
Liam:  I understand how you feel about your brother's death and I know you are angry and upset because you feel his death is being made a mockery of, but you're not going to help the case by fueling that mockery.  Now you have to sit back and allow us to do our job.  
Dean:  (conviction in his tone) and if I do that, then justice will never be served and this one thing I cannot live without. (Liam taking aback by the statement)  
(<- Showtime Limits Agency ->)  
Kyle:  There was a time when my life revolved around Hallandale and I was sure of everything and what it meant to me.  My relationship with my father,  weird as it was, I knew where we stood and back then I was engaged to Taneia Ralston.  I was always so sure of what I wanted back then, but something changed.  It forced me to break the heart of a woman I deeply cared about and go into hiding and now it's happening again.  I feel history is repeating itself and I'm not sure why or what I can do to stop it.  
Leigh:  Are you sure you want to stop it?  
Kyle:  Why would you ask me that?  
Leigh:  You seem so certain that history will repeat itself and it hasn't, you're still here and it seems to me you only feel the need to hide when things start getting serious between you and woman.  First, you and Taneia, and now Lacreasha.  Is that the reason why you feel this way because things are changing with you and Lacreasha?  Because you feel if you stick around long enough your heart is more likely to break just the way your father caused it to years ago! (Kyle's mind considers the validity of her reasoning)  
***Brian:  Are you ready to go? (Jennifer gives a reassuring smile) Hey man, me and Jenni were about to go out, do you want to join us?  
Dylan:  Well, if it means being a third wheel or someone's pity case, then no! (Jennifer shocked but relieved at the same time)  
Garrett:  (with a smile) If you're trying to be charming, you are wasting them on me.  
Romeo:  Oh, we're playing hard to get, are we?  
Garrett:  Actually, I'm not playing at all.  
Romeo:  That is so disappointing!  
Garrett:  So is this conversation, now I have made it clear I am not interested, so bug off.  
Romeo:  Is that what you really want, Garrett?  (startling Garrett when calling her by her name)  
Liam:  What exactly are you saying, Dean?  
Dean:  That I could not live knowing Kavina went free for my brother's murder.  
Liam:  Well, unfortunately, I can't predict or control how the jury is going to vote in that matter.  
Dean:  It's fine because if the courts don't give me justice, I will get it myself. (walks towards the exit shutting the door behind him)  
Lacreasha:  You're right, this secret has cause me nothing but anguish over the years and I do think you're strong enough to handle the truth.  It might be easier to hear since Leonard is no longer a part of the picture.  
Rochelle:  So this secret has something to do with Leonard?  
Lacreasha:  Yes and I think you should thank your lucky stars I found out about this and prevented any intimacy from happening between you and Leonard because if it did, you would have never been able to forgive yourself.  I mean, sleeping with a stranger is one thing, but with your own brother-- (stopping in disgust at the thought)  
Rochelle:  (bewildered tone) What?  
Lacreasha:  Leonard Stone is your brother, Rochelle! 
*Stay in Tuned for Scenes*
Garrett:  How the hell do you know my name? 
Romeo:  You'd be surprise how much I know about you. (~) 
Rochelle:  This is a sick joke, isn't it? 
Lacreasha:  No! (~) 
Kristen:  I'm afraid you're allowing yourself to get mixed up in his life again and that's very dangerous!

Click here for Episode 242