Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Winter of Forbidden Ecstasy 
Lacreasha:  I’m so sick of you, sick physically and mentally. (~) 
Beau:  He was a man without conscience or scruples. (~)  
Kavina:  That’s why I can’t have you testifying to what you saw and I’m sorry, that means you have to lie. (~)  
Billy:  I wanted to see his eyes… see if they matched those of my shooter’s!  
***Crystal: (still amazed by the idea) You think Javier shot you? 
Billy:  I don't know what I'm thinking.  
Crystal:  Then let me clear it up for you, there is no way Javier did this.  (Billy raises his head as Crystal shakes hers in astonishment)  
(<- Hallandale Courthouse ->)  
Widlin:  I am not being coached.  
Lournings:  Then why are you so sketchy on the details, Ms. Pierre?  
Widlin:  I already explain that, I tried my best to block out all details of that night.  I wanted no part of it, so forgive me if I cannot remember all the minute by minute details of the misfortune.  
Lournings:  I think its more than that, Ms. Pierre.  You are deliberately blocking out details and I'm inclined to ask why.  (Widlin becomes more uneasy)  
Beau:  Anton was far from the noble man he is today.  
Malina:  (conviction in her voice) Well, he's changed, people can do that.  I certainly haven't had an Oscar-worthy life.  
Beau:  At least you have the guts to admit that!  Anton is a hypocrite--   
Malina:  Or maybe he's just being careful.  Come on Beau, you haven't exactly given him reason to trust you, seeing how you faked your death and then showed up years later playing mind games with him.  
Beau:  Yeah, and that didn't last long, did it?  
Malina:  Not because you put a stop to it.  
Beau:  Yeah, well count it up to years of anguish over the fact that your cousin, a man you also considered to be your best friend, boffed your fiancée when your body wasn't even cold in the ground.  
Malina:  Tell me, who are you really furious with?  
(<- Showtime Limits Agency ->)  
Kyle:  (sneaks up on her and kisses her on the neck) Hey honey, I saw the article you and Rochelle did in the paper, it's absolutely inspiring. 
Lacreasha:  (anger in her voice) Please don't mention that women's name!  
Kyle:  What's wrong?  Whose name?  
Lacreasha:  I have had it up to here with Rochelle Desmores and I don't want to hear or see her ever again. (storming out of the office)  
Kyle:  Great going, we're off to a wonderful start.  (shakes his head in frustration)  
*Theme Song*
Beau:  What kind of question is that?  
Malina:  (with a smile) It's simple, are you furious with Anton, Karen or yourself? (Beau scoffs) You see, it takes two to tango, although you seem to have forgotten that when you were busy blaming Anton, perhaps because it was easier than blaming Karen, a women I assume you loved because you were engaged to be married to her, but who gave into her lust for your cousin when she realized you were dead.  
Beau:  (overcoming the emotional disturbance) Shut up!  
Malina:  Or just maybe you blame yourself for not being able to resurface sooner?  
Joy:  Objection, your honor, I believe counsel is the one who is speculating.  
Judge:  I am inclined to agree, where exactly is this line of questioning going, Mr. Lournings?  
Lournings:  I'm just trying to prove that there are holes in Ms. Pierre story, which does not make her a credible witness in this trial.  
Joy:  In other words, he's fishing for some bogus reason to have her testimony thrown out. 
Lournings:  I don't think it's all that bogus!  
Judge:  Enough!  I am becoming fed up with these proceedings and I believe I have exercised enough leniency in this case, so Mr. Lournings, if you actually have something concrete for us, then very good, but if not, then move onto another line of questioning.  
Lournings:  All right, I have another question for Ms. Pierre, if you're reputation was so important, then why muddy the waters by testifying today?  
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)  
Billy:  (Crystal facing the wall) You can't be sure of that!  
Crystal:  (turning to him) I don't have to be sure of it, I know Javier and he is not the type of man to commit murder.  
Billy:  Come on, do you remember how things were before I was shot, Javier was over the edge and he definitely wasn't acting like the man you fell in love with, you said that yourself.  
Crystal:  and because he's over the edge, he decides he wants to kill you.  That doesn't make sense!  
Billy:  (shocking Crystal) No, that doesn't make sense to you!  
***Billy:  It doesn't make sense to you Crystal because you refuse to see the facts.  You're deluding yourself into seeing a man who is not there and ignoring everything that has occurred between Javier and me in the past year.  
Crystal:  No, I'm not!  I just don't think Javier did this.  
Billy:  Then he must have a pretty convincing double out there because the description matched him almost perfectly.  
Crystal:  Come on, there are plenty of guys around here with dark long hair and brown eyes, it does not prove anything.  
Billy:  Do you think I want to believe this?  I tried to convince myself that it was impossible as well, but the truth is it very well possible and it wouldn't be the first time he's tried to commit murder.  (Crystal not pleased by the thought)  
(<- Hallandale Courthouse ->)  
Beau:  Oh, you're good Malina, trying to get me all angry and fired up so that I would admit this soulful confession about how I am really the blame.  
Malina:  (smirks) I guess there is no fooling you, huh?  
Beau:  No, you see, I went through all those stages a long time ago, I think the person who has not is your buddy Anton.  
Malina:  What are you talking about now?  
Beau:  His obsession to continue to believe that I am the enemy.  I have made strives to call for peace and he has fought me all the way, so don't tell me its about being careful because that is a load of bull.  The truth is he can't forgive me because he can't forgive himself.  
Malina:  You will believe anything if it feeds into your little theory.  
Beau:  No, it's not a theory, it's a fact, one I intend to prove!  
(<- Showtime Limits Agency ->)  
Kyle:  Hey, I didn't think you were coming back.  
Lacreasha:  Well, I let Rochelle ruin one day, I am not going to let her ruin another.  
Kyle:  Good, because what I have planned I could not have possibly pulled off without you. 
Lacreasha:  (quickly raising her spirits) Sounds intriguing?  
Kyle:  It's a surprise and you will know what it is all in due time.  
Lacreasha:  You know patience isn't one of my virtues.  
Rochelle:  (walking in unnoticed) I remember a time when you used to have them.  (Lacreasha turns to Rochelle, stunned by her presence)  
***Lacreasha:  What are you doing here?  I thought we said everything we needed to say to each other last night.  
Rochelle:  Apparently not, I'm here!  
Lacreasha:  That doesn't say much to me, I just assume you're bored with your life and you feel you can drag me down while you're in the dumps.  
Rochelle:  For someone who was hoping to repair our friendship, you sure are one with the insults.  
Lacreasha:  (moving towards Rochelle in fury, Kyle sensing trouble tries to pull her back only to be knocked off)  Maybe because I didn't expect or want to see your face!  
(<- Hallandale Courthouse ->)  
Widlin:  I was summoned, its not like I made the decision to come here, well, not initially.  I was content on fighting this summons, but I felt I would be delaying the inevitable, so I came to tell the courts what I know.  
Lournings:  Obviously that wasn't much since you arrived in Leonard's room after he was shot and saw Kavina pulling Leonard on the bed while leveling him on herself.  Doesn't that seem a little strange to you, Ms. Pierre?  
Widlin:  I never said that for certain.  
Lournings:  You never said anything for certain, yet the defense felt obligated to bring you here to testify.  
Joy:  Objection your honor, counsel is drawing conclusions.  
Lournings:  Withdrawn, your honor, I'm bored of this witness!  
Judge:  Ms. Gannon, would you like to re-direct?  
Joy:  (after taking a glance at her notes) No, I have no further questions for the witness.  
Judge:  Then Ms. Pierre, you may step down and at this time I call for a 15-minute recess. (pounds gavel)  
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)  
Crystal:  That is a low blow and what happened with Angela and Ricker was an accident.  Also, do I need to remind you that we are the reason that Angela was even on that roof.  
Billy:  You don't see the symmetry or parallelism, me and you are getting closer again and we open up this new company and you basically write off Javier and then on a "roof", we are distracted by flying bullets.  If that's not history repeating itself, I don't know what is.  
Crystal:  (realizing just now) Well, it doesn't sound to me like you don't know what you're talking about, it sounds to me like you're convinced Javier did this to you!  
***Billy:  (realizing how upsetting it must be to her) You know what, maybe you're right, maybe I am just grasping at straws!  
Crystal:  But you don't think so.  
Billy:  I just can't think of anyone who would do this and although there is bad blood between me and Javier, maybe he wouldn't try to kill me.  
Crystal:  I just wish you believed that, but you're only saying that for my benefit.  Javier was here though and he wished us best, doesn't that count for anything? (Crystal vacates and Billy lets out a deep sigh)  
Malina:  (noticing Anton coming out of the courtroom) Hey!  
Anton:  Hey and I was just about to ask what had been keeping you.  
Beau:  Hello to you too, cuz!  Is it still too hard to face me, even after all these years?  
Anton:  I have no problem looking you in the eye, you're the one that played cat and mouse for weeks.  
Beau:  Well, I quit that game awhile ago and I even tried to declare a truce, so maybe when you're able to look yourself in the mirror again without seeing the man you used to be, call me. (Beau vacates swiftly)  
Anton:  What the--   
Malina:  Don't concern yourself, I'll fill you in later.  What's happening with the trial?  
Anton:  I can't predict the verdict, if that's what you're asking, but I did notice something very interesting. 
Kyle:  What are you doing here, Rochelle?  
Rochelle:  Unfortunately, there's one thing I did not ask Lacreasha about the bombshell she dropped yesterday.  
Lacreasha:  What is this about? (Rochelle becomes hesitant because of Kyle)  It's all right, he knows!  
Rochelle:  (stopping herself from saying something, only just to let out a sigh) It's about Dean, I don't want him to know the truth.  
Lacreasha:  Well, that really doesn't concern me, I have no intention of telling Dean anything.  
Rochelle:  It's not much about showing as telling, I want everything you have that connects me and the Stone twins.  
Lacreasha:  What are you going to do considering I give you these items?  
Rochelle:  Burn them and any connection I have to the Stone twins, once those papers turn to ashes, the secret in it dies with it. 
*Stay in Tuned for Next Week's Episode*

Click here for Episode 246