Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Winter of Forbidden Ecstasy
Matthew:  Do you think you would be able to recognize the shooter… 
Dana:  (startled by Javier nearly knocking her over) Watch where you’re going! (~) 
Rochelle:  One way or another, I will get my hands on those papers. (~) 
Jennifer:  I’m sorry I can’t muster up phony compassion as well as you can, but if tending to his feelings mean ignoring my own, then you can forget it. (~) 
Anton:  I know it’s going to sound crazy, but I don’t think Kavina killed Leonard Stone. 
***Malina:  You’re right it is crazy.  There is no way that Kavina could be innocent, the evidence proves that much. 
Anton:  Kavina was apart of a legal investigations team, if she wanted to make herself look guilty she certainly had the means and the knowledge. 
(<- Crystal’s Fantasy & Associates ->) 
Mindy:  (handing customer an order to go) There you go, have a nice evening. 
Alfonso:  (appearing out of nowhere) Hey. 
Mindy:  (raising her head in amazement) Hey, that’s all you can say to me? 
Alfonso:  I figured you would be upset, but I-- 
Mindy: Upset?  You have been MIA for days now, where the hell have you been? 
Garrett:  (bypassing the obvious tension between Mindy and Alfonso) Bartender, club soda, please? (taking a deep breath) What has come of my life? 
Romeo:  Well, I can’t answer that, but I don’t think a beautiful woman like you should be pondering it alone.  (Garrett turns sharply) Hello Garrett! 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Bella:  (knocks on door before entering) Hey, how’s that son of mine doing? 
Billy:  (in the middle of gathering his things) Mother, what are you doing here? 
Bella:  Why are you dressed?  You haven’t been released. 
Billy:  I know, but there is somewhere I need to be and this hospital is not going to stop me. 
Crystal:  (approaching the nurse’s station) Hi, I was told I had a visitor on this floor. 
Erick:  and you are? 
Crystal:  Crystal Perez. 
Erick:  Oh yes, there’s an Enrique Rivera waiting for you on the terrace. (pointing in the direction) 
Crystal:  Oh, thank you! 
Delilah:  (arriving soon after Crystal departs) You’re manning the nurse’s station now. 
Erick:  (coldly) What do you want? (Delilah scoffs) 
Crystal:  I gather you want to see me regarding our conversation yesterday. 
Enrique:  Then you gather correctly, did you learn anything? 
Crystal:  (skeptic facade) Only that Billy seems to think that my ex-husband tried to kill him. 
Enrique:  and are you so sure he didn’t? 
(<- Evercrest Gardens Palace ->) 
Rochelle:  (sighs deeply) I cannot believe I am doing this, the last time I did this, I found a little more than I bargained for.  But I have got to get my hands on those papers. 
Darron:  You know they say talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity. 
Rochelle:  (sarcastic tone) Very funny. 
Darron:  I thought so.  Now why did you want me to meet you here? 
Rochelle:  Because I have a job that only someone of your caliber can handle. 
Darron:  Why don’t I like the sound of this? 
Rochelle:  How would I know?  You have always been strange. 
Darron:  Anyway!  What is it that I can do for you? 
Rochelle:  (intriguing Darron) Help me stop someone we hate even more! 
*Theme Song*
Darron:  Well, I can’t think of that many people you hate, except the recently deceased Leonard Stone.  (dawning on him suddenly) Oh, but of course, Lacreasha. 
Rochelle:  The one and only. 
Darron:  For the record, I don’t hate Lacreasha, I am just not a huge fan of hers for reasons you are all too aware of. 
Rochelle:  Nonetheless, you are the only one I can think of to get me access to those papers in her apartment. 
Darron:  At last, the master plan is revealed and I assume that this would be done without her knowledge and is illegal in a majority of the 50 states.  You know that I have put that part of my life behind me and it wasn’t a very easy process. 
Rochelle:  Well, some things you can’t put behind you no matter how hard you try, like your lock-jimmying skills and I need you to use those to get me inside that apartment.  Now, I wouldn’t be asking this favor, especially from you, if it wasn’t a matter of life and death.  So I am begging you, will you please help me? 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Crystal:  Yes, I’m-- 
Enrique:  Wait, just hear me out before you make a definite answer because from what I hear, your ex-husband and current lover have quite a past all leading back to you. 
Crystal:  Well, my current lover as you so put it has already argued this point. 
Enrique:  Enlighten me, after all, there’s no harm in rehashing it again.  Back then, you were living in Chicago married to Javier, but you were working for Billy at his new company.  I guess history seems to be repeating itself in a way.  (Crystal not amused by the statement) Unfortunately, the lines of business and personal got crossed and you ended up sleeping with the father of the child you were going to adopt. 
Crystal:  Boy, people sure love to gossip about someone else’s life. 
Enrique:  Once Javier learned of this infidelity, he went bonkers trying to kill Billy, unfortunately Billy’s pregnant wife stepped in the way and a tragedy occurred as she fell to her death.  Javier divorced you and you left town to escape the memories.  I guess Javier regretted the decision because years later, around the same time as Billy as a matter of fact, he came back ready to re-claim your heart.  Unfortunately, it seems you have chosen Billy, leaving Javier out in the cold. 
Crystal:  Sounds like you have already considered this possibility. 
Enrique:  and you still believe there is no possible way?  Think about it, how much rejection can a man take before he’s had enough. 
(<- Hallandale Courthouse ->) 
Malina:  Why would Kavina risk prosecution for a crime that she did not commit and don’t tell me its because she’s protecting someone because from what I gather, she doesn’t have many friends left in this town. 
Anton:  That doesn’t matter, Kavina always puts everyone else’s feelings ahead of her own, it’s just the kind of person she is. 
Malina:  Well, even I can be considerate, but I would not take the fall for a crime that someone else committed and if he or she were a real friend, they wouldn’t let me. 
Anton:  So you’re telling me if your child were facing jail time, you wouldn’t throw your life away for his or hers? 
Malina:  That is a completely different situation. 
Anton:  Not for Kavina, she is protecting someone she loves more than her own life. 
Malina:  Or maybe she killed a man and you cannot accept that. 
***Garrett:  (grabbing drink) Thank you, bartender.  (turning back to Romeo) You’re wasting your time.  I don’t talk to strangers. 
Romeo:  Strange, I don’t feel that we’re strangers at all, in fact, I feel like I have known you forever. 
Garrett:  That’s only because my pathetic ex-boyfriend filled you in on all the details.  The fact of the matter is I know absolutely nothing about you and frankly, I’d prefer to keep it that way. 
Alfonso:  Why don’t you take a look around, Mindy?  We are basically running this company and it was okay for a while, but this is not the job I signed on for. 
Mindy:  Well, if all you needed was a break, then you should have told me so I would have known to hire some extra staff. 
Alfonso:  (offending Mindy at first) What I need is a reprieve.  Now, I feel for Crystal and Billy’s situation, but that doesn’t mean that my life should be put on hold. 
Mindy:  Well, Billy is improving; he should be out of the hospital any day now. 
Alfonso:  It’s not even about that.  I came here for behind the scenes work, not bartending and serving customers. 
Mindy:  This isn’t exactly what I had in mind either, but I am sticking around because my aspirations are here.  Maybe the problem is yours are not. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Bella:  Where are you going? 
Billy:  To get some answers, once and for all. 
Bella:  Answers about what? 
Billy:  What do you think, mother?  I am going to find out who was responsible for me being in that hospital bed. 
Bella:  Isn’t that a little dangerous considering the condition you’re in? 
Billy:  I feel almost as good as new, but it’s more dangerous if I continue to let my shooter roam the streets.  (storming out, leaving his mother in a lurch) 
(<- Evercrest Gardens Palace ->) 
Darron:  All right, we will need these if we are going to get through this without getting arrested. 
Rochelle:  (attempting to hug him) Oh, thank you! 
Darron:  Don’t thank me yet because I have a few guidelines. 
Rochelle:  Such as? 
Darron:  Well, One… you are not to enter the apartment at any time. 
Rochelle:  What, how are we supposed to get the folder? 
Darron:  Easy, you communicate its location on the walkie-talkie.  (Rochelle sighs, jerking her head back)  Okay, two… keep on the lookout so if your friends show up, I can evacuate the apartment in time and three… don’t ever contact me for something like this again!  (Rochelle not amused by his sarcasm)  Are we clear? 
Rochelle:  Yes! Just hurry up and get that door open so I can get those papers before Lacreasha ever knows what hit her. 
***Dana:  (walking off the elevator of the second floor) The day has finally come after all this madness to tell Crystal everything we found out in the Palisades. 
Matthew:  Well, I don’t know her really well, but from what I gather, she has a strong supernatural belief.  If anything, this may finally give her the answers she’s been waiting for. 
Dana:  Yeah, well maybe it will also give me some insight into this strange feeling I’m having. 
Matthew:  What do you mean? 
Dana:  I can’t explain it, but it seems to be getting more intense by the hour. 
Matthew:  Well, in this town, I think I am past the point of being surprised! 
Delilah:  Why don’t you explain why you are giving me the cold shoulder?  I understand you were upset when I made those assumptions about your life, but that was over a month ago. 
Erick:  I am well aware of how long ago it was, but as you can see, this is not the time to be airing out our dirty linen. 
Delilah:  and this is not the place where we should let tension affect our work and keep us from maintaining a professional relationship. 
Erick:  You’re right, let’s keep a professional relationship.  From now on, we are colleagues and nothing else.  If that’s all, you have a good day. 
Delilah:  I guess you will have to practice some more, removing that hostile tone from your voice. 
Erick:  (straining a smile) I hope you have a nice day! 
Delilah:  Someone must have really hurt you. 
Erick:  (becoming annoyed) You want to be my friend, then stop analyzing me and snooping into my private life because it is none of your business.  (realizing how serious he is, Delilah backs down and leaves, Erick then sighs and goes back to work) 
Crystal:  Oh Bella, I had no idea you were here! 
Bella:  Yeah, I was just checking on my son. 
Crystal:  Well, where is he, then?  (Bella unsure how to respond) Did he have some last minute tests? 
Bella:  No, actually he went out. 
Crystal:  I just came from down stairs.  The nurses said nothing about him being release. 
Bella:  That’s because he wasn’t. 
(<- Crystal’s Fantasy & Associates ->) 
Jennifer:  Well, I guess this place is just not popular in my mind. 
Brian:  What do you mean? 
Jennifer:  Well, this is where I went after our disagreement and received that weird note from Garrett. 
Romeo:  Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are when your eyes light up?  It has that unique little spark when you’re trying to convince yourself of something you don’t want. 
Garrett:  What do you want? 
Romeo:  This, for us to share a little dialogue. 
Garrett:  Why don’t you share with me who you are? 
Romeo:  I told you, all in due time, besides I wouldn’t want to deprive a certain someone of the pleasure. 
Garrett:  (scoffs as she turns and spots Brian and Jennifer) There’s Jennifer-- (Romeo face turns as white as a ghost) Hey Jennifer, Brian! 
Jennifer:  (spotting her and coming over) Hey, what are you doing here? 
Garrett:  I was just talking to that guy that gave you the note.  (turning around only to realize he’s gone)  That’s weird.  He’s gone!  (Jennifer becomes equally baffled) 
***Billy:  (enters the room and begins shinning his miniature flashlight) Okay, let’s see what kind of evidence you got lying around here Javier and if it’s connected to my shooting, I’ll find it. 
Crystal:  (walking back up from the right) What do you mean he wasn’t released, then where is he? 
Bella:  I don’t know, he didn’t say, all he said was he had to get some answers. 
Crystal:  (sighs) Of course, he’s going after Javier. 
Bella:  Why is he going after Javier? 
Crystal:  I don’t have time to explain that, I have to put a stop to this crusade. 
Dana:  (stopping her at the entrance) Crystal. 
Crystal:  Dana, Matthew!  Is there a reason you stop by? 
Dana:  Yes, there is something we have been meaning to tell you. 
Crystal:  Well, can it wait?  I was actually on my way out. 
Matthew:  No, I’m afraid it can’t, we have been waiting for months. 
Dana:  (clocks strikes 6pm) He’s right, its happening, its coming and you have to know the truth and you have to know it now.  (Crystal becomes disturbed by Dana’s frantic message) 
Billy:  (looking around) What the hell is this?  (awe-stricken)…god… it was Javier!  (breathes in deeply as his expression changes to anger) 
Brian:  Who’s this mysterious man you’re talking about and what about this note? 
Jennifer:  Well, I can’t be sure about this man, but the note said something about the past coming to life.  I don’t know it was weird. 
Garrett:  As for our mysterious stranger, he’s definitely intriguing. 
Jennifer:  Well, what does this intriguing man want? 
Garrett:  I don’t know, but he’s definitely anxious to see someone. 
Anton:  Rochelle fed me a similar line the last time I thought something strange was going on and I dropped it, but I am not doing that this time because I have my reporter instincts and it tells me that there is more to this story. 
Malina:  and suppose you’re right?  That would mean that an innocent woman is on trial for a crime that she did not commit and that the real killer is still out there. 
Anton:  Yeah, well the jury seems to be buying Kavina’s plea that she committed the murder under duress.  So maybe it turned out this way because Leonard’s killer wasn’t meant to be punished. 
Malina:  and who are we to decide that?  Who are we to decide that a man should not get justice for his murder, no matter your feelings for him, how can that be right? 
Darron:  Okay, I cracked the safe open.  Now what am I looking for? 
Rochelle:  A manilla folder probably marked confidential, it has birth records in it. 
Darron:  (after a couple of minutes) I got it! 
Rochelle:  (breathes deeply and becomes exhilarant) It’s over Lacreasha! 
*Stay in Tuned for Scenes*
Robin:  I can’t be pregnant, I can’t! (~) 
Matthew:  You have special powers. (~) 
Lacreasha:  What the hell are you doing here or don’t I already know the answer to that? (~) 
Bailiff:  We have reached a verdict regarding the defendant, Kavina Shah. 

Click here for Episode 248