Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Spring of Devastation 
Robin: (Jay's smile fades) I was right, I'm not pregnant. (~) 
Jacquez:  What was that look between you and the blonde? (~) 
Samantha:  Why are you asking me? 
Chief Resident:  because a man is dead... (~) 
Sandy:  I don't think he is going to let some silly blowup keep him away. (~) 
Widlin: (screams, shocking Devon with her words) Ralph, stop! 
***Devon: (overcoming shock) What did you just say? 
Widlin: (nervous expression) Nothing, it wasn't important.  So what am I doing here? 
Devon:  I pulled your car out of a ditch and brought you here to recuperate. 
Widlin:  Was that the only reason? 
Devon:  No, I figured I would finally have the chance to talk to you again about my brother.  Which brings me to my question earlier, I heard you call out my brother's name. 
Widlin:  That's not possible. 
Devon:  You were yelling for him to stop...stop what? 
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->) 
Waiter:  Ma'am, can I get you anything? 
Sandy:  An ice tea would be fine, thank you. 
Sherri:  Sorry, I'm late. 
Sandy:  Actually, you're right on time. 
Sherri:  Is that why you were staring at your watch as I walked up?  So why did you summon me? 
Sandy:  I had a feeling you could use a little sisterly love, so what's going on? 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Romain:  Hey, I just heard. 
Samantha:  Yeah, it was so ghastly.  I mean, he was just so pale.  We had just taken his blood no more than 1/2 an hour ago and now he's... 
Chief Resident:  Dead, is that the word you're searching for?  Tell me, how much of a coincidence is it that you find yet another dead body. 
Samantha:  I don't like what you're suggesting. 
Romain:  I can't say I like the sound of it either, these patients were not killed, certainly not by Samantha. 
Chief Resident:  So you were with Nurse Lombard this whole time? (Romain backs down) That's what I thought. (Romain turns to an amazed Samantha) 
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->) 
Reporter #1: (blocking the entrance) Ms. Marquez, do you care to answer a few questions? 
Danielle: (moving away from the camera) No, I do not... no comment. 
Reporter #2:  How about your response on the allegations of favoritism? (Danielle turns back in dismay) 
Reporter #1:  Is it true you only got the job because of your connections to the owner? 
Danielle:  No, that is not true. 
Reporter #1:  Really, I wonder if all your co-workers would agree. 
Reporter #2:  Lead model is a high position, but you assure us you earned it solely on merit. 
Danielle: (distressed) No Comment, now get out of my way. 
Reporter #3:  I think the public deserves the truth. 
Jacquez:  and this lady deserves some common decency, so get off the premise. 
*Theme Song*
Reporter #1:  We are doing our job and getting to the truth. 
Jacquez:  and you are doing it against her civil liberties.  She said no... no comment, so respect that and get out of her face.  (Danielle is moved by Jacquez's passionate plea) 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Samantha:  That is the second time you have accused me of having something to do with a patient's death. 
Chief Resident:  It is also the second time a patient has died in your presence without alerting the medical staff of his declining status. 
Samantha:  and so that automatically means that I pulled the plug? 
Chief Resident:  You have to admit the circumstances are a bit odd. 
Romain:  No, she doesn't and if you had been on alert around here, you will realize that things haven't exactly been normal around here for a while.  So before you start making assumptions, perhaps you should get the facts. 
Chief Resident:  I'm aware of the allege epidemic going around. 
Romain:  It is not allege, you haven't seen the patients piling in one by one and Samantha's the one who has been here day and night to help these people. 
Chief Resident:  Okay, maybe that's true... 
Romain:  It is true and I am not going to let you blame Samantha because something beyond our control and understanding is happening. 
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->) 
Sherri:  You summoned me to ask how I am doing? 
Sandy:  Okay, maybe I had an ulterior motive. 
Sherri:  There's the sister I know.  What do you want? 
Sandy:  For you to cure my curiosity about how you are doing and then tell me how things are with Romain. 
Sherri: (slight grin) Well, I am doing fine, but as for me and Romain, nothing has change.  In fact, I think it's more clearer now than ever that we're over. 
(<- Northern Heights Resort ->) 
Widlin:  I have no idea what you're talking about. 
Devon:  That seems to be your stance for everything, isn't it? 
Widlin:  People dream two to three times a day and most of them mean nothing, that's probably why I don't know what you're talking about.  I think now it is time to make myself scarce. 
Devon: (Widlyn almost falling trying to get up) Be careful! 
Widlin:  (managing to land on her feet) I'm fine. 
Devon:  Oh, I don't doubt that, you're a resourceful woman.  So what is it that you're running from? 
Widlin:  Excuse me? 
Devon:  I found suitcases in the back seat of your car, obviously you were planning a trip. 
Widlin:  Yeah, well, I needed time away from Hallandale. 
Devon:  Obviously, the stars felt differently and that suits me just fine.  (Widlin jerks her head back a bit nervous) 
(<- Hallandale Bay Medical ->) 
Robin: (observing surroundings upon entering) Oh, what am I doing here?  What am I doing here?  (a couple moments of silence, she then notices a baby poster causing her to touch her stomach) Of course, I lied to my husband about being pregnant and now I have to decide... (looking down at her stomach) What am I going to do about you? 
***Widlin:  How are my travel plans beneficial to you? 
Devon:  Like I said earlier, it gives me the chance to question you about my brother. 
Widlin:  and I recall during a prior questioning telling you I knew nothing about your brother's death. 
Devon:  Well, I have learned through experience that when someone swears up and down that they know nothing, they know something. 
Widlin:  and sometimes knowing nothing means knowing nothing. 
Devon:  and what do dreams mean, Ms. Pierre?  What does dreaming about a dead man mean? 
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->) 
Sandy:  Over? 
Sherri:  Yep, Romain wants nothing to do with me. 
Sandy:  Now, I find that hard to believe, you both... 
Waiter:  Here's that ice tea you ordered? 
Sandy:  Oh, thank you! 
Waiter:  Could I get you or your guest anything else? 
Sherri:  I'll have an english muffin and some coffee. 
Sandy:  No, that's all for me.  (Waiter departs) Now what was I saying... Oh, that you both seem so good together, I can't believe you're going to let a rotten dinner come between you two. 
Sherri:  If only that were all, but I just found that me and Romain have completely different interests. 
Sandy:  What do you mean, interests? 
Sherri:  I need someone who is completely open with me and Romain can't be that person. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Chief Resident:  You're right, Dr. Chandler.  I apologize Nurse Lombard, but in the future Dr. Chandler, I would advise you to remember whose the one in charge...good day! 
Romain:  I can't believe his nerve, as if we don't have enough to worry about without allegations of mercy killings. 
Samantha:  I think he is just concerned with potential lawsuits, especially if the patients continue to die in the same fashion.  
Romain:  He still has no right to blame you, but I think we may have some evidence to reassure the Chief Resident that there is something more sinister at work. 
Samantha:  The blood test.  What if the results matches Mr. Diamond's? 
Romain:  Then we better locate this pathogen and fast. 
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->) 
Jacquez:  Are you all right? 
Danielle:  Yeah, I just need a refresher, a few minutes alone. 
Jacquez:  Sure. 
Lucien:  (witnessing the scene) What's up with Danielle? 
Jacquez:  She was attacked by a mob of reporters. 
Lucien:  Hmm...the price of fame.  I guess he's back to his old tricks again. 
Jacquez:  Who? 
Lucien:  Alexander Pierre and I have a feeling this is just the beginning. 
Vanessa:  (Danielle walking around the corner as Vanessa chats on the phone) I must not be connected to this story in any way, shape or form.  As long as Danielle gets what's coming to her, then I'll be satisfied.  (Danielle stands in awe of hearing the words) 
***Danielle:  My god, it was you. 
Vanessa:  (turning around startled, but tries to repress her anxiety) Excuse me? 
Danielle:  You're the one that went to the press about my working here. 
Vanessa:  I have no idea what you are talking about. 
Danielle:  I overheard you gloating on the phone and it's not like you don't have any motive.  You have wanted me gone ever since I started posing with Lucien, but guess what, I am going to be around, so you might as well get use to it. 
(<- Hallandale Bay Medical ->) 
Robin:  (reading pamphlet) "Expecting Mother's, what it means to be expecting?" (shifting her focus away from the pamphlet) Nothing but trouble.  (she has a flash of thought)
Robin:  "I'm not pregnant.  I can't be pregnant, I took every precaution known to man."
Obstetrician:  "You don't want to be pregnant."  (flash of thought ends)
Robin:  (escaping the thought, her eyes become teary) Why is this happening? 
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->) 
Sandy:  I don't want to hear this. 
Sherri:  Excuse me? 
Sandy:  So Romain has one or two secrets, everyone has a secret in some sense or another. 
Sherri:  You and I both know one secret is enough to make all hell break loose. 
Sandy:  But are you going to let that stop what's real between you and Romain? 
Sherri:  How can I have a relationship with Romain if he can't trust me?  What is love without trust? 
Sandy:  So you admit it? 
Sherri:  Admit what? 
Sandy:  You're in love.  (leaving Sherri speechless) 
(<- Northern Heights Resort ->) 
Widlin:  Why don't you tell me, you sound like you already have your answer. 
Devon:  I just find it a bit odd that someone is dreaming about a man that she hasn't seen or heard from in 13 years or so.  
Widlin:  I already told you earlier that's not possible, I was not dreaming about your brother. 
Devon:  Sure sounded like his name you were yelling from your nightmare and if what I did hear is accurate, it makes me wonder why you are so quick to deny it. 
Widlin:  Why don't you take your analysis elsewhere because it is clear you misinterpreted what I said.  I have already told you I know nothing about your brother's murder. 
Devon:  You're forgetting that you're in my home and second, you're my only available lead and third, I saved your life, you owe me and I intend to collect. 
Widlin:  Just what exactly do you have in mind? 
Devon:  Me and you traveling back 13 years ago and reliving everything that ever happened at that camp concerning yourself and my brother.  (Widlin scoffs in amazement) 
***Robin:  (reading a different pamphlet) "You may feel overwhelmed by pregnancy or that pregnancy is not something you envisioned as part of your life.  The thought of nine months of your body being invaded by another life cannot soothe you and adoption is too long for something you want done right away." 
Nurse:  Ma'am, you have been here awhile, can I help you with something? 
Robin:  Yes, I think I know what I have to do.  (she says with a smile, dropping the pamphlet labeled "Abortion: Terminating your pregnancy") 
Sandy:  Well, it all makes sense now, why you were so upset with Romain for saying he was in love with you.  You didn't know whether or not you could trust those feelings were genuine, especially since you've fallen in love with him yourself.  
Sherri:  What does it matter, love will not change anything, being with Mitchell taught me that.  Sorry! 
Sandy:  No, don't apologize, but don't compare the situations with Romain and Mitchell either because they are not the same.  Romain may be in love with you, but Mitchell was only in love with your money. 
Sherri:  Thanks for the reminder.  (pager beeps) Oh, that's the hospital.  I got to go. 
Sandy:  Okay, I'll see you later.  (Sherri walks off) You're miserable because you know that you and Romain belong together and I'm going to prove that, after all, all you need is a little pushing. 
Widlin:  You're assuming a lot, Mr. Lynchetterette.  One, that I owe you anything and two, that I am in any position to help you. 
Devon:  I know that you are. 
Widlin:  You want to believe that because like you said earlier, I am your only lead around to help you figure out exactly how your brother was killed. 
Devon:  I know how my brother was killed...a blow to the head.  (Widlin turns away) I thought since you were both such good friends, that you'd want to help me find his killer...unless you're covering for them, is that it? 
Widlin:  That's absurd. 
Devon:  Is it or could it be the underlining meaning of your dreams, a guilty conscience because you know something and it's eating away at you.  (Widlin attempts to walk away) I saved your life, so you can at least be honest with me. 
Robin:  I want an abortion. (~)
Beau:  I wish he could believe I want things to be different.
Malina:  (Anton seeing her holding Beau's hand) Give him time. (~)
Widlin:  I have told you everything I know about what happend to Ralph.  I've been honest. (~)
Shanna:  (baffling Derek) He told you about his travel plans, but didn't tell me.
Click here for Episode 257