Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Kavina: You will not guess who I ran into on my way over here.

Rochelle: Who? (~)

Man: We must cover up Leonard's death to make it look like an accident. (~)

Officer: Do you recognize this woman?

William: Yes! It's Finola, my ex- wife.

***Lacreasha: (pacing the floor of her apartment) We cannot worry about your secret right now, we have more pressing matters.

Man: Like what?

Lacreasha: (her pacing stops) Like what are we going to do once the cops come knocking down on our doors for attempted murder.

Man: Damn. I didn't think about that.

Lacreasha: Not only can Leonard take your identity in to the opening, but he can put us away in jail for a long, long time.

Rochelle: You saw Jessica Arlington.

Kavina: Why do you seem so shock?

Rochelle: because she has been missing and her husband has been terrorizing my employees. Some even thought that she may have died.

Kavina: Oh no, Jessica is very much alive.

William: (standing in the archway of the door) I knew it, tell me where my wife is.

(theme music)

***Kavina: Well, its nice to see you too.

William: (walking up to her) Sorry, I dont have time for pleasantries. I need to know where my wife is.

Kavina: I saw her with some guy in a city not far from here. It look like she was confined to a wheelchair.

Rochelle: Oh my god!

William: Was she still pregnant?

Kavina: Not from what I can see, she looked as thin as ever.

William: I cant believe this. I am so stupid, of course she is not pregnant, she had an abortion and is living the high life with her secret boyfriend.

Man: I am not about to let some lowly gatekeeper bring me to my knees.

Lacreasha: What are we going to do?

Man: We are going to find the coward and finish him off.

Lacreasha: (she picks up her purse and gears for the door) Let's go!

***Samantha: Whats wrong? You haven't said a word since we left that party.

Royce: I was just thinking how my little sister is growing up and she doesn't need her big brother fighting her battles anymore.

Samantha: That may be true, but it is always good to know you are watching over me. Come on, why dont you show me one of these famous restaurants the brochures brag about.

Royce: Okay, grab your coat. I know just the place.

Kavina: You think Jessica is cheating on you with this guy?

William: I'm not sure of anything any more. Tell me what city this was.

Kavina: It was Springfield if I am not mistaken.

William: Thanks, I have to get there.

Rochelle: Wait, was there a reason you stopped by here?

William: Oh yeah. Have you seen Lacreasha?

Samantha: Monte Carlos.

Royce: Yes, just the place to relieve all that ails you.

Samantha: So what are we standing out here for.

***Samantha: (she admires the decor and atmosphere of the place) I think T.E.CS may have competition, this place is great.

Royce: The truth is that I dont know how long that business is going to last, Im surprise Taneia and Crystal kept it up this long.

Samantha: Well, I can definitely get use to coming here, this place is . . . (her eyes catch sight of someone she wasn't expecting to see)

Royce: What's wrong?

Brock: Well, I guess this is my lucky day.

Rochelle: No I haven't. Why?

William: Well, I just found out that her sister Finola . . .

Rochelle: Oh, how is Finola?  When is she coming down?

William: Im sorry, Rochelle. Finola's dead! (the excitement once present on Rochelle's face fades in an instant)

Lacreasha: Finally, what took you so long.

Man: I had to get this.

Lacreasha: What are you going to do with a bottle of cyanide.

Man: Oh, it seems that Mr. Stone is about to imbibe something very bad.


Coming soon:

Malina: I guess things are over for you and Alfonso. . . Just one question, how long have you two been really going out? (~)

Brock: Do you mind if I have a chat with your sister alone. (~)

William: Jessica, you have betrayed me for the last time and now you will suffer the consequences.

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