Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Spring of Devastation
Rochelle:  I'm really worried about him.  What? 
Liam:  I'm just surprised...has something changed? (~) 
Crystal:  Javier is dead, you're both thrilled and on top of that, the feds are looking into it as a possible murder. (~) 
Dana:  I keep getting the distinct feeling I knew him. (~) 
Robin: (alarming Samantha) I tried to have an abortion. 
***Matthew: (spying Dana reading the paper) Dana. 
Dana: (turns to him with a smile) Matthew, hi.  What are you doing here? 
Matthew: (as she approaches him) I came to see how you were doing, I know you were perplexed by the whole mystery of Javier Sanchez' death. 
Dana:  Not anymore, for once, it was a beneficial reward to read Alexander Pierre's trashy journalism.  It help me figure out that Javier was the guy I saw the night of Billy's shooting.  (Matthew gasps) If you think that's shocking, you should read Alexander's spin on it. 
(<- Crystal's Fantasy ->) 
Bella:  I'm sorry for interfering with you and Crystal, I just lost it when I heard her slamming into you about what happened to Javier. 
Billy:  I think Crystal is just feeling her emotions, she's mourning and I don't think it helps her to know we're not. 
Bella:  Well, she also understands that there are reasons for that. 
Billy:  I don't think understanding is going to make her pain any less. (becoming depressed) I don't want to talk about this anymore, what brings you here? (Bella breathes in heavily upon hearing the question) 
(<- HatcherKeller & Associates Investigations ->) 
Rochelle: (talking on the phone) Hi, I'm looking for information on Rachel Hatcher. (couple moments pause)  Her latest whereabouts would be great.  (stunned) Hallandale, Massachusetts?  How long ago was this?  About 5 or 6 months ago? 
(<- Monte Carlos ->) 
Sherri:  Wait a minute, if you didn't set this up and I didn't, then who did? 
Romain:  Your guess is as good as mine. 
Sherri: (looking up and catching a full scale view of the restaurant in a nearby mirror)  I don't think guesses are going to be necessary. (showing a disgruntled look on her face) 
Romain: (turns around) What is it?  Oh. 
Sherri:  Looks like our matchmakers decided to watch. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Robin: (staring into nowhere as she relives the last hour) 
Samantha:  "It's important what your husband is going to think and I don't see this one going over smoothly..."
Robin:  "You don't think he's going to be able to forgive me for this, do you?" 
Jay: (interrupting her thoughts)  Robin? (she turns to him) I got your message, what's wrong? 
*Theme Song*
Matthew:  My god, I can't believe this.  This is... 
Dana:  Uncensored, inhumane? 
Matthew:  I guess Alexander Pierre is back. 
Dana:  and with a vengeance. 
Matthew:  Yeah, did you see his article about the model, Danielle Marquez? 
Dana: (scoffs) Don't even get me started on that literary piece of trash.  One day Mr. Pierre is going to get on someone's bad side in a very ugly way. 
Matthew:  In the mean time, I wonder how his latest victims are taking his recent revelation. 
(<- Crystal's Fantasy ->) 
Billy:  This is an outrage.  (reads headline) "Javier Sanchez found dead in vicinity of ex- wife's past and current lover: Murder or Suicide?" 
Bella:  Yes, this Alexander Pierre has a very sick mind, you should read some of the things he has insinuated.  I mean, this man knows how to do his research.  He brings up the death of Angela and how she learned of your affair with Crystal and then reflects it upon Javier's death. 
Billy:  Yeah, well, no one can discredit Alexander for a lack of imagination, but I'm sure most of what he has said is not something Crystal or myself have already considered. 
Bella:  I'm worried about what the feds are going to consider when they read about this. 
Billy:  No manifestation of words is going to convict me because me and Crystal both saw Javier take a swine dive off that building.  Nothing is going to change that. (Crystal peers from the corner, watching peculiarously) 
(<- Monte Carlos ->) 
Sherri:  I'm going to go over and give my sister a piece of my mind. 
Romain: (grabbing her arm to prevent her from moving from the table)  No, Darron and Sandy wanted to play matchmaker, so let's give them something to be proud of.  We were having sort of a good time before we learned we were the subjects of an experiment, so why ruin it? 
Sherri:  When we can have fun doing it. (grins deviously) 
Sandy:  Things appear to have calm down, I was worried there for a second. 
Darron:  and I was sure you should be. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Jay:  So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about? I got the feeling it was urgent. 
Robin:  It is and you should sit down. 
Jay: (taking a seat in a nearby chair) This sounds serious. 
Robin:  and I thought of so many ways on how I was going to tell you, but the easiest way to sum it up is that I have been lying to you. 
***Rochelle:  (still talking on the phone) Well, that was over six months ago and I don't imagine she is still here because I haven't seen or heard from her.  Can you tell me of her current whereabouts?I see, thank you anyway. (slamming down the phone) Damn! 
Liam:  That isn't very courteous of you. 
Rochelle:  Liam, you're here again.  I hope you're not making this a habit. 
Liam:  Well, that all depends on you. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Jay:  Lying? Lying to me about what? 
Robin: (takes a deep breath before continuing) About my pregnancy. 
Jay:  I'm not sure I understand. 
Robin:  I love children, but the whole prospect of having one, giving birth, has always scared me.  Being cut open or enduring the countless hours of watching this life peer out of you just turns me off to the desire to be pregnant.  That's why when I found out I was pregnant, I lied and told you it was a mistake because I didn't want it to be true. 
Jay:  But you are pregnant and your attitude has changed? 
Robin:  Yes, but... 
Jay:  Then I'm happy, we can both be happy knowing there's going to be a little bundle of joy around to help us celebrate our love. 
Robin:  But what you don't know is there might not have been one. (Jay's face goes blank with confusion)
(<- Monte Carlos ->) 
Romain:  You know, I still remember the first time we met in Cypress Palace, spying each other across the room. 
Sherri:  Yeah, I thought you were pretty good looking.  Of course, I was running away from Mitchell and my sister at the time, I needed an escape and I guess you were it. 
Romain:  Well, it didn't remain that for long, somewhere along the line we became something more. 
Sherri:  Life is always full of surprises when you're not looking. 
Romain:  Still, we were together and I know it was as serious for you as it was for me, so why did we give it up? 
***Sherri:  You know why we gave up on each other, I really don't think it needs repeating. 
Romain:  I think you're just using North Dakota as a reason to stay away from me because you're afraid of how I make you feel. 
Sherri:  I think you have a little too much confidence in yourself. 
Romain:  Oh yeah? (he pulls her in closely for a kiss) 
Sandy: (spying the display)  Oh my. 
Sherri: (caught offguard as she releases her lips from his) What was that? 
Romain:  You mean that tingling sensation moving through every inch of your body... I like to call it chemistry. (Sherri scoffs) 
(<- Springfield Lakes Resort ->) 
Dana:  I can't imagine they were thrilled.  Come to think of it, I can't imagine anyone ever smiling after reading the dirt in that rag.  (Matthew smirks) I'm serious, it's a travesty the way Alexander Pierre has used the people in this town for the almighty buck. 
Matthew:  You don't have to convince me, I've been the subject of one or two of those articles. 
Dana:  Then you see why it's wrong. 
Matthew:  Yes, I do.  But unfortunately, that's one of the pitfalls of freedom of speech. 
Dana:  I don't give a damn about freedom of speech, what he is doing is irreprehensible.  He's lighting a fuse to the pain and angst already existing in this world. 
Matthew:  I agree, it is a sad truth, but that is life. 
Dana:  Well, it needs to change. 
Matthew:  Some have tried, but there comes a time when you have to accept that there are some things you cannot change.  People are always going to be out for themselves... (knock on the door intercedes)  Expecting someone? 
Dana:  No. (walks over to the door and opens it) Hi, Can I help you? 
Agent Blaine:  Agent Nich Blaine, you must be Dana Lombard. (he invites himself in as Dana remains at the door quite baffled) 
(<- HatcherKeller & Associates Investigations ->) 
Rochelle:  and how does this all depend on me? 
Liam:  Well, if you're ever home, I wouldn't need to stop by here so often.  I just feel that we're just passing each other by these days. 
Rochelle:  We both have very time consuming careers. 
Liam:  Well, I want to change that, starting tonight.  I was hoping I could sneak you away to dinner. 
Rochelle: (she says joyously) That sounds wonderful... 
Liam: (intercedes) Great, then it's... 
Rochelle:  But I can't go! 
***Liam: (crushed) What do you mean, you can't go? 
Rochelle:  I've already made other plans, my flight leaves in half an hour. 
Liam: (baffled tone) Your flight? 
Rochelle:  I am going to find my mother. 
Liam: (trying to get a grasp on the situation) Your mother, I thought you had no idea where she was. 
Rochelle:  Well, I have a lead and I need to ask her some questions. 
Liam:  Questions about what? 
Rochelle:  Look, I can't get into it, it's very complicated.  All I know is the only way for me to have any peace of mind is to know the truth.  My mother is the only one who can give me that.  I'm sorry, I really have to go. (rushing pass him, but she turns back once she reaches the doorway) Can I have a rain check? 
Liam:  I'll hold you to it. 
Rochelle: (she smiles and then leaves) I bet you will. Bye! 
Sherri:  Chemistry?  Here's your chemistry.  (tosses her drink in his face) What possessed me to come here tonight and give you another chance, I'll never know. (pulling her chair from the table, raising up and storming out on an attentive audience) 
Waiter: (coming over as Romain takes a table cloth to dry his face) Sir, can I get you a towel? 
Romain:  No, just get me the check. 
Sandy: (baffled)  What?  Okay, what just happened? 
Darron:  Total disaster, like I told you. 
Sandy:  No, you saw them tonight, laughing and talking, there was hardly any tension. 
Darron:  Yeah, well, I guess you and Romain both read the signs wrong. 
Sherri: (approaching Romain as he walks out of the restaurant)  Oh Romain, I'm sorry, that was the only thing I could think of for our dramatic conclusion. 
Romain:  That it was, an escape as well. 
Sherri:  Excuse me? 
Romain:  We both know tonight was more than a game and that kiss cinched it, didn't it? 
Jay:  What do you mean, there might not have been one? 
Robin:  Try to understand, I was distraught.  I didn't want this baby and I lied to you about being pregnant.  You would have caught on as soon as I started showing unless... (she pauses with a look of remorse in her eyes) 
Jay:  My god! 
Robin: (voice in despair)  An abortion seemed like the only option. 
Jay:  No!  No... (his eyes becoming watery as he voices in distress) You tried to kill our baby? 
Jay:  I can't understand this, I can't. (~) 
Romain:  I love you and I want us to be together.  So give us another chance. (~) 
Agent Blaine:  I want to know exactly what happened before Javier Sanchez went over that balcony.
Click here for Episode 261