Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Spring of Devastation 
Sandy:  "Let's start anew, clean slate and no secrets. Love Sherri"... 
Sherri:  I didn't write you a letter... 
Romain:  Tonight was more than a game and that kiss cinched it, didn't it? 
Sherri: ...the kiss meant nothing! (~) 
Jessica:  I need your help...stopping my ex- husband from going free. 
Royce:  I understand why you're so nervous now and you should be! (~) 
Shanna:  He told you about his travel plans... 
Derek:  He told me he was going away for a while... 
Shanna:  Of course, he would want to keep you in the dark as much as anyone. 
Derek:  What do you mean, "keep me in the dark?" 
Shanna:  Any plans you have for Ben accepting Shalia as part of your life are futile. 
***Sherri treks through Garden Ridges Park, tossing her hair back as she tries to take in some of the fresh air.  Sandy calls out to her and receives a cold sinister look from her sister. 
Sandy: (voices concernly) Sherri, what is it? 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Romain is looking over some case files and gathering them together, stacking them into a pile when he recounts some words said between him and Sherri. 
Sherri:  "There isn't going to be any second chances." 
Romain:  "This isn't about second chances, I just poured my heart out to you"... (shrugs away the thought) I can't do this, I have to forget.  She's a lost cause, a lost cause. 
Samantha: (approaching him as he tries to convince himself) Hey, are you alright? 
Romain:  Yeah, just trying to adjust to some changes. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital: Jessica's Office ->) 
Jessica:  (her eyes searches the page) Attorney A. Ramsey-Lakhan, high profile lawyer, widower of three years.  (she lifts her head away from the screen to consider the thought) Interesting, so Mr. Lakhan has a past.  Well, where is the dirt?  Let's see... ah, case history.  Oh my god, (she mutters as she continues to scroll down the list) Assault and Battery, Criminal negligence, possession of illegal narcotics and the list goes on.  The man is your regular blood thirsty shark.  (she then once again takes her eyes from the screen, debating aloud) Is that what Royce was trying to warn me about? 
A: (he replies, creeping up and startling her) Interesting read. 
Jessica: (gasp) What are you doing here? 
A:  I could ask you the same thing. 
Jessica:  I work here. 
A:  and am I your assignment?  You know, if you wanted to find out about me, you could have asked. 
Jessica:  Would that be during regular office hours or late night swims on Hallandale Pier? 
A:  Whatever suits you or doesn't, would be fine with me. (Jessica scoffs in offense of the remark) 
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->) 
Shalia: (preventing Andrew from leaving as she stands in the doorway) I'm glad I caught you before you left. 
Andrew: (voices as Shalia makes her way inside) What the hell... 
Shalia:  Look, I just got word from Louisiana that Ben was there and he's been snooping around and he found out where I am from.  Now you know if he goes there what else he is bound to stumble onto. 
Andrew:  Look, I have better things to worry about than Ben's itinerary plans, if Mr. Hemmings becomes a problem, have no doubt that he will be taken care of. 
Shalia:  What's happening to you?  You're going soft. 
Andrew:  What did you say? 
Shalia:  The old Andrew would never leave his problems to be cleaned up by someone else, he'd solve them himself. 
Andrew:  You're forgetting one thing, this isn't my problem, it's yours and I think you're the one that's going soft-- for Derek. 
*Theme Song*
Shalia:  I think you're projecting your feelings for Shanna onto my situation.  My feelings for Derek are strictally professional. 
Andrew:  Please, if that were true, then you wouldn't be concern about Ben's digging into your past, that was the original plan, to get Mr. Hemmings so fixated on you that he wouldn't have time for his wife. 
Shalia:  Yeah and it seems to be working out quite wonderful for you. 
Andrew:  and that's the way it is suppose to be going.  Now just because you are starting to feel something more deep-rooted for Mr. Guittierrez doesn't mean I am going to throw away everything I worked so hard for. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital: Jessica's Office ->) 
Jessica:  Do you make a routine out of hitting on the opposition? 
A:  Depends on whose the opposition. 
Jessica:  and if they are buying your charms and I'm obviously not, so get out of my office. 
A:  Are you sure that is what you want, Jessica?  I can call you Jessica? (she gives him an ominous look) I mean, we enjoyed each other's company before we found out our connection. 
Jessica:  You sick bastard.  You knew all along you were representing my ex-husband, you knew who I was and you tried to insinuate yourself into my life. 
A:  Correction, you insinuated yourself into my life.  Regardless, we're going to be seeing a whole lot of each other, so you might as well get use to it.  Who knows, it could be beneficial for us both. 
***Sherri:  Oh, you must be wondering why I am looking as if I could kill you. 
Sandy: (baffled) No!  Although you do seem a little off or something. 
Sherri:  Sistery Deception can do that to you. 
Sandy:  Deception? 
Sherri:  You're wondering what did you do, what did you do to make her so angry.  (Sherri grows impatient of Sandy's silent shock) Come on, I know you're dying to ask. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Romain:  So how are you? 
Samantha:  Well, the epidemic is still charging, seven more lives have been taken and triple the rate have been admitted to this hospital in the last hour.  The symptoms to this thing are progressing and the means of handling it are slim to none because we have no idea what it is we're dealing with. 
Romain:  In other words, your day is shot to hell. 
Samantha: (grins) Yeah, pretty much. 
Jessica:  Do you realize your unethical overtures can have you disbarred? 
A:  Depends on what you call overtures and what I call harmless small talk? 
Jessica:  Small talk?  Why am I not surprise, you have to be pretty unscrupulous to represent a bunch of felons. 
A:  I happen to believe that everyone has a right to representation and second chances. 
Jessica:  (scoffs) Feed it to someone else, I'm not buying your bull.  Second chances are for people who deserve them and William Arlington does not and for people who try to give it to them, they don't deserve it either. 
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->) 
Shalia:  I am not asking you to throw away everything, I am asking you to take care of Ben Hemmings. 
Andrew:  and how am I suppose to do that? 
Shalia:  I don't know, make some phone calls, make sure you know who doesn't talk, do something. 
Andrew:  So you can have more time with the overpumped Mr. Guittierrez? 
Shalia:  That is not-- 
Andrew:  Stop while you're ahead.  You want my help, then you be straight with me. 
Shalia:  Fine, maybe I do feel something for Derek.  He's a nice guy, how can I not? 
Andrew:  and when he discovers how not so nice you are, it is going to be bon voyage.  It is going to happen sooner or later... you really don't think you're going to be able to keep this underwraps? 
Shalia:  No, I am painfully aware of that.  That's why I have to tell Derek myself.  If Derek is going to hear the truth, he's going to hear it from me. 
***Andrew:  I don't think that would be wise. 
Shalia:  Why? 
Andrew:  Because once Derek hears the truth, he will want nothing to do with you and that would defeat your purpose. 
Shalia: (becoming suspicious) and suddenly you care, no I don't think so.  (she then takes a moment to think) Oh I see.  Once Derek knows the truth, he's going to know why I did it.  Then your plans for Mrs. Hemmings will go up in smoke and that is the last thing you want.  You see, we both have a vested interest in keeping Ben from discovering the truth in Coral Springs. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital: Jessica's Office ->) 
A:  Is that little speech suppose to be geared towards me? 
Jessica:  Are you looking for a second chance? 
A:  (abruptly said) No! 
Jessica:  Then you have nothing to worry about.  So why don't you tell me what you are doing here, I know it's not to discuss your character. 
A:  My client has asked that I keep you up-to-date. 
Jessica:  (faint grin) I'm sure he has.  What about? 
A:  He has an appeal coming up next month. 
Jessica:  (astounded) What? 
A:  Looks like William could be out in time for Summer. 
(<- Garden Ridges Park ->) 
Sandy: (backing away somewhat nervously) Okay, you're scaring me. 
Sherri: (moving closer) Good, you should be scared.  How dare you take it upon yourself to play god? 
Sandy:  I have no idea what you are talking about. 
Sherri:  I am talking about last night, the dinner at Monte Carlos.  You know, the one you arranged between me and Romain. 
Sandy:  (becomes alert) You found out. 
Sherri:  Of course I found out.  You and Darron gawking over at us every second to take a look at your masterpiece at work, only it didn't go as well as you planned. 
Sandy:  Is that why you were both acting so weird through the dinner, trying to play with our minds? 
Sherri:  It's the least we could have done, consider yourself lucky.  But thanks to your meddling, things between me and Romain-- 
Sandy:  (interceding) You're blaming me for what happened. 
Sherri:  If you had kept your nose out of where it did not belong, last night would have never happened. 
Sandy:  Well, maybe I was sick of seeing you two so miserable without the other and I thought I could restore the peace. 
Sherri:  Well, next time you feel like helping me, do us both a favor and don't.  (Sandy scoffs as Sherri then marches off) 
***Jessica:  Tell me this is some sick kind of joke? 
A:  I don't know why you're so shock, you knew this was going down, it had to be expected. 
Jessica:  (agitated) You're right.  Next time you have a message for me, you relay it to my lawyer.  Now get the hell out.  (She walks back to her desk as A walks out peacefully, she then picks up the phone and starts punching numbers)  Get me the location of Joy Gannon. 
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->) 
Andrew:  I hope you're not threatening me. 
Shalia:  I wouldn't dare. 
Andrew:  Good, because you will have more than Derek to lose if you think of double crossing me, especially if you know who finds out about your delusions.  So keep your mouth shut. 
Shalia:  You seem to be forgetting your own infatuations. 
Andrew:  Didn't I warn you never to insinuate such a thought again.  To think that I would dare dishonor my brother's name by falling for that trash.  You make no mistake, my goal is the same, to make sure that little bitch get what she's got coming. 
Shalia:  All right, then we both have our reasons for putting the skids to Ben, so I'll leave it to you. 
Andrew:  (after she departs) Of course you will. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital Laboratory ->) 
Delilah:  (Samantha and Romain casually walk in) Hey, where have you both been? 
Samantha:  Oh, Romain decided to take me out for a quick bite. 
Delilah:  Well, while you were both galloping about, I was here analyzing test samples. 
Samantha:  Welcome to our world because if I see another culture slide, I'm liable to scream. 
Delilah:  Well, I may be able to prevent that because I know exactly what might be causing this.  (Samantha's curiosity is peaked by Delilah's declaration as she turns to Romain, whose intrigued as well) 
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->) 
Andrew: (talking on the phone) "What do you mean he found everything?" (moments pause) "Look, I don't care what you do, you make sure Ben Hemmings does not leave Coral Springs dead or alive!  That means keep him there at any means necessary." 
Devon:  I knew we were bound to meet up with one another, but so soon. (~) 
Kyle: Great, you can all congratulate us, we're getting married. (~) 
Brock:  I'd be careful with this one. (~) 
Jacquez:  My contract says no magazines, Danielle and Lucien will have to go at this shoot alone.
Click here for Episode 263