Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Jennifer:  One of those moments in the past I rather forget. 
Brian:  Obviously that’s change, but I’d appreciate in the future when you have these encounters with the past,  you’d have the decency not to keep me waiting. (~) 
Samantha:  Terror comes to Springfield, Massachusetts as residents become alarmingly sick… 
Earl:  Aw, my head… 
Samantha: (voicing to Romain and Delilah as Evelyn discovers Earl unconscious in his kitchen) Springfield is the source of this epidemic. (~) 
Widlin:  What do you want from me? 
Devon:  Ralph and Akeira-- you can start by telling me how it ended on bad terms. (~) 
Rochelle:  That sounds wonderful-- but I can’t go! 
Liam:  What do you mean, you can’t go? 
Rochelle:  I’m going to find my mother. 
***Widlin:  I don’t see how I can further elaborate on bad terms? 
Devon:  It’s simple, why did my brother and your supposed best friend break up? 
Widlin:  I would imagine they had some sort of falling out like normal couples do, obviously things were to the point of no return. 
Devon:  So you have no idea why they broke up?  I mean, you don’t know of any specific reason why things went awry. 
Widlin:  Like what? 
Devon:  Like the fact that my brother became broke? 
Darron:  I’d be a fool not to insist that you join me. 
Juliet: (flirting deviously) You certainly would be, so are you asking? 
Darron:  Why don’t you sit down and join me for a drink? 
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->) 
Rochelle: (approaches a man in the marketplace) Hi, I was wondering if you could help me.  I’m looking for Rachel Hatcher.  (she takes out a recent photo of her mother from her back pocket) Here’s a picture of her, have you seen her? 
(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts: Preston Powers Mansion ->) 
Jennifer:  Well, that pretty much sums it up and Brian completely got the wrong idea. 
Dylan:  Maybe you should ask yourself what bothered him more? 
Jennifer:  What is that supposed to mean? 
Dylan:  Is Brian still upset with you for standing him up or for kissing another man? 
Jennifer: (scoffs) You and Garrett, you both just never quit.  How many times do we have to tell you both that we are just friends, I mean, such relationships do exist. 
Dylan:  All I’m saying is that when Brian saw you kissing Romeo, maybe it opened his eyes to what he’s been missing and now things are a little hot for him. 
Brian: (making his way down the last step) What’s going on down here? 
(<- Springfield Lakes Resort ->) 
Evelin: (checks for a pulse once more and then runs to the phone) ”Yes, I need an ambulance now.  We’re at Springfield Lakes Resort, my friend’s barely breathing and I’m not sure what to do.” (she flips her hair across her head quite anxiously, awaiting consensus from the dispatcher) 
*Theme Song*
Dylan:  Nothing much! (feeling tension between Jennifer and Brian’s distant stares, he takes a look at his watch) Oh boy, look at the time, I have a meeting with my brother.  I’ll see you both later.  (he smiles and quickly vacates) 
Jennifer: (grins) I sure know how to clear a room. 
Brian: (blank expression) What’s going on with you and Dylan? 
Jennifer:  I guess we’re sort of clearing the air. 
Brian:  That’s weird; I could have sworn you were talking about me. 
Jennifer:  Well, he notice some tension between us-- 
Brian: (interceding) and so you’re confiding in Dylan now? 
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->) 
Man:  Of course I’ve seen her; she’s quite a regular around here.  I couldn’t forget a face like hers even if I tried. 
Rochelle:  Do you know where I can find her? 
Man:  Depends on why you’re looking for her-- she’s not in any trouble with the law, is she? 
Rochelle:  No, but it is a personal matter and I really do need to find her. 
Man:  Well, I just may know someone who could help you, I will be right back. 
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->) 
Widlin:  I’m not sure where you’re going with this. 
Devon:  You sure?  Akeira didn’t have a problem learning she wasn’t going to be riding the gravy chain. 
Widlin:  Are you suggesting that Akeira was after your brother for his money? 
Devon:  Is that shock or a performance you’ve been rehearsing because I happen to know she wasn’t the only one. 
Widlin:  My friendship with your brother was genuine. 
Devon:  Is that why he found out you both were using him for his money because that’s what happened. 
***Evelin: (flying through the hospital doors with her coat and making her way over to the reception desk within seconds) Hi, excuse me.  My friend Earl Pryce was just admitted here, he was barely breathing. 
Erick:  Are you a friend of the family? 
Evelin:  A close family friend-- (catching the look on his face) Look, I just want to know if he’s all right. 
Samantha:  (walking up behind Evelin) It’s all right Erick, I’ll handle it from here. 
Evelin:  (turning her attention to Samantha) Samantha, what’s going on? 
Samantha:  I need to know if Earl’s been outside of Hallandale in the past several months. (a baffled Evelin lets out an exasperated sigh) 
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->) 
Widlin:  I don’t know where you’re getting your information from-- 
Devon:  From my brother, in a series of letters that he addressed to me, but never mailed out.  So stop while you’re ahead. 
Widlin:  Well, your brother was misguided because none of that is true and it is certainly not what happened. 
Devon:  Then why don’t you tell me and stop playing these games. 
Widlin:  That seems to be your speed, not mine.  You lured me over here so you can hit me with this and see my reaction. 
Devon:  Guess what?  You’re absolutely right and your reaction yet again was to lie.  Now I’m sick of maneuvering the truth out of you, I want to know what went down between you, Akeira and my brother and I want to know it now. (his fierce eyes leaves Widlin speechless) 
Darron:  So what brings you to these parts? 
Juliet:  What makes you think I’m not from here? 
Darron: (he voices as Juliet takes a sip of her drink) Well, I have lived in Hallandale for quite awhile, if you were here, we would have crossed paths long before today. 
Juliet:  Maybe, but you’re right, I came here with my ex- fiancée about a year ago. 
Darron:  How unfortunate for him. 
Juliet:  For both of us, I think.  The relationship just ended on a point where I didn’t know who he was, if I could ever trust him again or if we could even part as friends. 
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->) 
Jennifer:  Well, you’re the one that’s been urging me to give Dylan another chance. 
Brian:  Yeah, but I think the problems between us should be discussed among you and me. 
Jennifer:  Perhaps if you weren’t busy giving me the silent treatment, we could have discussed things. 
Brian:  Maybe I just needed some time to vent. 
Jennifer:  It’s been three days and you’re venting over something that did not happen.  I did not stand you up, hence my presence at the club, to be with Romeo. 
Brian:  Well, you definitely didn’t look in any hurry to join me when I found you both.  But I guess the point of that meeting was already answered when I saw you both.  He’s the reason you left the club early the night before and he’s the reason you were out all night. 
***Jennifer:  You’re right, he is the reason I left the club early that night and I was planning to tell you all about it the next day before you caught me…and…Romeo… 
Brian: (noticing her struggling with the words) …Kissing, yes I do recall. 
Jennifer:  Is it me or do you seem a little upset about that? 
Brian: (conviction in his tone) You bet I am. 
Jennifer:  I don’t understand why you are upset about my kissing Romeo? 
Brian:  You haven’t figured it out yet.  (moments pause) It’s because-- 
Romeo: (waltzing in) Jennifer, you ready to hit the town?  (Brian is agitated by his face; turning back to a speechless Jennifer)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->) 
Rochelle: (noticing the man she was talking to earlier walking out from the back room) Hey, you said that you knew of someone who could help me.  (the man gestures her to turn to her left) 
Rachel: (she speaks to a stunned Rochelle) Rochelle? 
Rochelle: (soft-spoken) Mother! 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Evelin:  What does Earl’s travel plans have to do with anything? 
Samantha:  It would help in eliminating any dark alternatives about what is happening to him. 
Evelin:  Dark alternatives? 
Samantha:  Has Earl been in Springfield in the past several months? 
Evelin:  Well, he has family there; he makes a point to visit there at least twice a month.  Why?  What’s going on? 
Samantha:  I don’t want to alarm you, but it is very possible that Earl has been exposed to a very deadly chemical.  (Evelin’s expression becomes horrifying) 
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->) 
Darron:  So you’re telling me the only reason you came to Hallandale was to help your fiancé in the pursuit of his brother’s killer.  Well, now that you are a free agent, what are you doing to occupy your time? 
Juliet:  Well, I’m on the hospital board at Mercy Hospital and I’m also working as a staff writer for Showtime Limits. 
Darron:  Oh, for Kyle Sharrington, how is that going? 
Juliet:  Hmm…it’s a different speed than I’m use to.  I guess it’s more like something to pass the time. 
Darron:  There are many ways to pass the time, don’t make pointless distractions one of them. 
Widlin: (distressed) Yes. 
Devon:  Yes to what? 
Widlin:  Ralph and Akeira broke up because she found out he was broke, but she told him it was because she didn’t love him anymore. (Devon looks on in disgust) 
***Jennifer:  What are you doing here?  (outraged, she steps in front of Brian) 
Brian:  He’s obviously here to see you, so I’ll give you both some time alone.  (he darts off proceeding towards the exit as Jennifer shouts out his name, but is unsuccessful at stopping him as the door slams) 
Jennifer:  Brian, Brian!  (she then turns away from the door, gripping her hair as she faces Romeo, who is now sitting on the couch) 
Romeo:  Was it something I said? 
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->) 
Rachel: (holding her hands out) Well, aren’t you going to give me a hug? 
Rochelle:  Yeah.  (hugs her briefly and then pulls away) I just can’t believe it is you in the flesh, still the same. 
Rachel:  Well, you’re definitely more beautiful than the last time I saw you. 
Rochelle:  It’s been quite awhile…how many years has it been?  Three…Seven…Ten. 
Rachel:  I was really hoping you got past that. 
Rochelle:  It’s kind of hard to get past your mother leaving you behind for no apparent reason. 
Rachel:  Is that why you’re here, to tell me how bitter you are-- 
Rochelle:  I am here for answers and you’re going to start giving them to me. 
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->) 
Widlin: (informing Devon about Akeira and Ralph) Ralph was in despair and could not figure out what it was he had done to make Akeira not love him anymore and came to me for answers and so I told him the truth, that Akeira only wanted him for his money and when that was gone, so was she.  He stormed out and I guess confronted Akeira because he later confronted me, accusing me of using him for his money, which was ridiculous.  I told him that I was his friend and that I would like him with or without money.
Devon:  and what happened next? 
Widlin: (widening her eyes) He just wouldn’t listen, he was so angry. 
Devon:  What are you saying? 
Widlin:  (horrifying Devon with her accusation) He got violent, he became violent towards me. 
Jennifer:  What is it that you want? 
Romeo:  You!  Hopefully, right in bed next to me. (~) 
Anton:  There’s something I haven’t told you and its something you need to know. (~) 
Rochelle:  So Leonard Stone is not my brother, is that what you’re saying? (~) 
Widlin:  Your brother tried to rape me.
Click here for Episode 266