Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation 
Robin:  Try to understand, I was distraught.  I didn't want this baby and I lied to you about being pregnant.  You would have caught on as soon as I started showing unless... (she pauses with a look of remorse in her eyes) 
Jay:  My god! (~) 
Mindy:  If all you needed was a break... 
Alfonso:  What I need is a reprieve.  Now, I feel for Crystal and Billy’s situation, but that doesn't mean that my life should be put on hold.  (~) 
Danielle: Have you been waiting for me in here, never mind, get out of my way. 
Vanessa: Not so fast little girl! (blocking the way) 
Danielle: (backing up) Get your hand out of my face! 
Vanessa: ...Don't get any ideas about Lucien, he's mine! (~) 
Widlin:  He just ripped my blouse and said, ‘You think you can turn me on and walk away, I don’t think so.’  At that moment, I was so frightened and just wanted him to stop, to stop him-- 
Devon:  (makes an outburst) Shut up!  I can’t listen to anymore of this. (~) 
Brian: (absorbing the words too himself) I have feelings for Jennifer.  My god, I'm in love with Jennifer.  (he then looks onto Garrett, meanwhile passion ignites between Jennifer and Romeo) 
***Brock: (walking with Jay through Mercy Hospital) So how's Robin and the baby? 
Jay:  Great, although Robin's been a little depressed lately.  I'm not too sure as of why. 
Brock:  Well, things are okay between the two of you, aren't they? 
Jay:  Yeah, things are a lot better.  We've cleared the air on some issues and in a couple of months, we're expecting our first baby boy or girl.  We couldn't ask for a better new beginning. 
(<- Sky Lansing Condos ->) 
Robin:  (walking anxiously around, rubbing her stomach in a soothing way) Well, there's no mistaking your presence inside me now, oh little one.  To think a few weeks ago-- (pausing, as she recounts a moment in time) "I want an abortion." (she immediately shakes off the moment as her eyes tense) How could I have been so desperate?
(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->) 
Mindy: (Alfonso approaches and taps on the bar as she places some things under it) Well, you just show up anytime you want these days, don't you? 
Alfonso:  Please, let's not turn this into another argument.  I'm here because there is something I would like you to know before I share it with everyone else. 
Mindy: (hint of sarcasm) Well, it's nice to see I rate above everyone else, but as you can see, I do take my job seriously and I have work to do. 
Alfonso:  There is no one here. 
Mindy:  That doesn't mean there isn't work to be done.  Maybe if you stuck around consistently, you would know the meaning of a real job. 
Alfonso:  There is a reason I haven't been around.  I've got a new job. 
Mindy:  Well, hopefully you will show more commitment to that job than you did this one. (Mindy prepares to walk away, but is stopped by his word) 
Alfonso:  It's in Seattle. 
Mindy:  I beg your pardon? 
Alfonso:  My new job is in Seattle, which means I'm leaving Hallandale. 
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions International ->) 
Reporter:  I can hardly believe this is your first modeling gig. 
Danielle:  Yeah, my sister recruited me into her company and she and her photographer liked what they saw. 
Reporter: (gazing at some of Danielle's individual photos) I can see why, these shots are phenomenal.  It's almost as if you're a season-- 
Lucien: (finishing the reporter's sentence) Season pro?  I think Danielle was destined for the runway. 
Danielle: (grins at Lucien, then turns to the reporter) Lucien is just being kind. 
Reporter:  Kind doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong and I must say the chemistry between you both, even off-camera is magnetic and that is a rare steal.  Care to share your secret?  (Danielle smiles to Lucien) 
Lucien:  I don't know if there's really any secret to great chemistry, but I guess to match well with someone, there has to be some magnitude of trust. 
Danielle:  I think Lucien is absolutely right. 
(<- Past Relations Chronicles ->) 
Alexander: (inquiring over the phone) What's the status on locating Akeira Smith Santana? 
Elianna: (walking into his office as he awaits consensus) Mr. Pierre-- 
Alexander: (looking up, placing his hand over the phone) Not now Elianna. 
Elianna:  But your-- 
Alexander:  This is an important call, whatever the problem is can wait.  (directing his attention back to his call) 
Widlin: (waltzing in) I didn't realize I was an inconvenience, father. (Elianna departs as Alexander realizes his daughter's presence and concludes his call) 
Alexander:  Peters, we'll be in touch. (directing his attention to Widlin) I thought you left town. 
Widlin:  You sound disappointed to see me. 
Alexander:  Of course I'm happy to see you.  It's just that the last we talk, you were adamant about needing time away to reprocess things. 
Widlin:  Well, plans change.  In fact, a lot has changed.  I haven't felt freer in months, unfortunately, life as I know it will soon be over. 
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->) 
Jennifer: (standing near the entrance of the mansion along the staircase railing, she recalls the moments leading to her kiss with Romeo.  She tilts her head down shutting her eyes briefly in disbelief, then reopening as she tilts her head back up)  My god! (she remarks as the door bell rings and then proceeds to answer) 
Romeo: Good morning! (proceeding inside near the spot Jennifer was originally standing as she closes the door) At least, I hope it is for you as well, I know I'm quite liberated.  You were wonderful last night. 
Jennifer: (stumbling over the words) Last night, well, it was quite unexpected. 
Romeo:  Unexpected things happen when you let your defenses down. 
Jennifer:  Don't remind me!  Whatever it was-- what happened last night cannot happen again.  (Brian stumbles onto the two as Jennifer finishes her declaration)
*Theme Song*
Mindy:  I must be hearing things. 
Alfonso:  It really was an offer I couldn't refuse. (Mindy is unable to do anything but scoff in offense) You can fake some enthusiasm, you know? 
Mindy:  Enthusiasm?  Do you recall the reason I joined this company in the first place?  This was supposed to be a new and exciting opportunity, in which we were suppose to embark on together. 
Alfonso:  and if you recall, this new and exciting opportunity came up when I was still reeling from yet another breakup with Widlin.  Perhaps my involvement in this partnership was purely a means of a distraction. 
Mindy:  You don't hold anything back, do you? 
Alfonso:  I'm just being honest because I am your friend and I wish that you as my friend would be happy that I'm getting this opportunity.  I mean, this is my chance for something more. 
Mindy: (agitated) The infamous more.  Well, if you expect more from me, you can forget it.  You see, as a friend, you're right, I should congratulate you, but I don't see any friends here.  (she concludes disappointedly before darting off) 
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions International ->) 
Danielle: (shaking the reporter's hand as Lucien signals thanks with a smile) Thanks for the interview. 
Reporter:  No, thank you. (turning back) I'm sorry, but if I could have just one more shot of the two of you for the archives? 
Danielle: (looking inquisitively to him) Lucien? 
Lucien:  Where do you want us? 
Reporter:  If you could turn 90 degrees inward to one another, so your eyes meet and pay attention to each other, not the camera?  (Danielle and Lucien turn in close proximity of one another, their bodies just inches away from one another) Perfect! (she takes the picture and puts away her camera) That will be all! 
Danielle:  (Reporter's words finally registering, she immediately turns to the reporter) I'll show you out! 
Lucien:  (notices Danielle approaching him after a few minutes) So what did you think of the interview? 
Danielle:  I think it went smoothly.  I guess I won't have much more thought until the story comes out. 
Lucien:  Well, how about in the mean time, we celebrate? 
Danielle:  What exactly do you have in mind? 
(<- Past Relations Chronicle ->) 
Alexander:  I'm not sure I'm following you. 
Widlin:  Of course not.  The lies are over, the past has come to surface, father. 
Alexander:  Past?  What past? 
Widlin:  My past.  West Creek Camp, Ralph Lynchetterette, his murder.  Devon knows the truth about what I did to his brother and it won't be long before he turns me in. 
Alexander:  Whatever evidence this Devon fellow has found, I'm sure is circumstantial and if not, have no doubt I'll make it disappear or make him disappear. (Widlin looks on speechlessly) Don't worry, you won't have to spend one minute behind bars. 
Widlin:  (finally speaking) Oh would you stop calculating your next move for one second.  I committed a crime and now it's time for me to accept the consequences.  There is no evidence, I confessed and you can't argue the truth when it comes right from the murderer's mouth. 
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->) 
Romeo:  (Brian backs out the way he came as Romeo finally speaks) Are you telling me a hot night like last night cannot happen again? 
Jennifer:  That is what I said, minus the modifiers. 
Romeo:  I thought we were reconnecting again. 
Jennifer:  Last night was a lapse in judgment, it won't happen again. 
Romeo:  Lapse in-- (Jennifer attempts to turn away, but Romeo forces her to face him) No, don't you turn away from me, not until you give me the real reason for this insanity. 
***Jennifer:  I have given you the real reason, now I'm sorry if you don't like the answer. 
Romeo:  I don't like lies. 
Jennifer: (narrowing her eyebrow) Really, because you've told quite a few whoppers in your day. 
Romeo:  So that's what this is about, you're punishing me for the past? 
Jennifer:  I'm just pointing out that you have no right to lecture anyone on lies. 
Romeo:  I wasn't trying to, so why are deliberately trying to turn this into a conflict? 
Jennifer:  I don't need to cause any problems, there is always going to be some kind of conflict between us.  We have a history, we share a past and you know all my weaknesses. 
Romeo: (smugly) Yes I do.  I also know that last night was no lapse in judgment.  So you tell yourself what makes you feel better, now that I had you, I'm not giving up. 
(<- Past Relations Chronicles ->) 
Alexander: (disbelief in his tone) You confessed? 
Widlin:  It was the only way for the lies to finally come to an end.  Whatever punishment I must suffer will be better than the misery that I have suffered through for the past thirteen years. 
Alexander:  Even death?  Will death be better? (Widlin turns to her father, not amused by the inquiry) You have no idea what you have done. 
Widlin: (conviction in her tone) I know what I have done.  I've accepted that there must be consequences for my actions. 
Alexander:  It was an accident. 
Widlin:  One that I kept quiet about, it might as well had been murder. 
Alexander:  and that's how the authorities are going to see it, a chance to bring down one of the almighty Pierre's. 
Widlin:  Then I must deserve it because none of this would be an issue if I had confessed the moment I learned Ralph was dead.  Camille would not have been able to blackmail me, Akeira would have never been in our lives, my relationship with Alfonso wouldn't have ended so badly and my friendship with Malina wouldn't be in such dire straits.  This is the toll that these lies have taken on my life, father. 
(<- Mercy Hospital ->) 
Brock: (proceeding to take a seat outside in the courtyard, Jay a few steps behind) So what do you think could be the cause of Robin's despair? 
Jay:  I don't know.  She's been like this, well, since she confessed about trying to have an abortion. 
Brock:  You don't think she still wants to get rid of the child? 
Jay:  No, I mean, she's very excited about having our child despite her initial reaction.  I just think she's still frightened by the thought of giving labor. 
Brock:  I can understand, labor can be very intensive, even to watch.  It's a very courageous thing for a women to go through, but are you sure that's all there is? 
Jay:  Well, like I said earlier, I'm really not sure why Robin is acting the way she is. 
(<- Sky Lansing Condos ->) 
Jay: (Robin paces the floor, leading to her bedroom window, where she is soon distracted by the sound of Jay's voice) "You tried to kill our baby.  How can I possibly understand?" (the ringing of the phone ends the recount) 
Robin: (walks over and picks up the phone) Hello!  Delilah, isn't this a weird hour to be calling? 
Delilah: (sitting in Leysdale Hospital' lounge) I'm actually on break, I'm just calling to see how you're doing.  It's been practically forever since we last spoke. 
Robin:  Yeah, well, I've been busy being pregnant. 
Delilah:  Yeah, I heard.  So how are things? 
Robin:  Fine, I'm just absorbing the coming of motherhood, it's very tiring, you know?  So I think I'm going to take a nap, so we'll talk later. 
Delilah:  Sure, later.  (phone becomes silent) Bye. 
Robin:  Bye! (Robin quickly hangs up and looks up for a moment) Maybe some sleep will do me good. 
Delilah:  (still holding her cell, she then punches in a number after a moment of contemplation) Jay, hi.  It's Delilah, I think your brain is working overtime, everything seems to be fine. 
***Vanessa: (waltzing into the studio) Lucien, you're still here. 
Lucien:  Vanessa, what are you doing here so late? 
Vanessa:  I was actually looking for you.  I figured you may need a reprieve after your interview, so I was going to invite you for dinner. 
Lucien: (unable to speak) Oh-- 
Danielle: (voicing as she turns around the corner, spotting Vanessa) Lucien, I'm ready!  Vanessa? 
Vanessa:  Ready for what? 
Lucien:  Yeah, I already made plans with Danielle to go to Monte Carlos. 
Vanessa:  (unable to speak) Oh! 
Lucien:  But you're welcome to join us. 
Vanessa:  No, that's all right, you and Danielle have a great time. 
Lucien:  Rain check? 
Vanessa:  Sure, it's no big deal. (Lucien not entirely convinced) Go.  (Lucien then ushers Danielle along and follows behind her) Damn, you must have enjoyed that Danielle, but don't you worry-- (slamming her fist down on a picture of Danielle, which lies on the table in front of Vanessa) Because you've interfered for the last time. 
(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->) 
Crystal: (waltzes in her club smiling along with Billy as he hits the light switch) Alfonso, what are you doing here in the dark?
Alfonso:  I was hoping Mindy would be back. 
Crystal:  Well, where is she, I thought she was tending bar? 
Alfonso:  I sort of  said some things that caused her to run off. 
Billy:  What things? 
Alfonso:  I guess you both should know, since by some miracle, I've managed to keep my job here. 
Crystal:  About your job-- 
Alfonso:  Could you hold that thought, because what I have to say may just make matters easier. 
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->) 
Jennifer: (she makes a sigh of relief as Nia makes her way inside) Oh, I'm glad you could make it. 
Nia:  Well, we're friends, you know I'm here whenever you need me.  What's going on? 
Jennifer:  Romeo Sullivan is in Hallandale. 
Nia:  My god, that's a way from Richmond Valleys. 
Jennifer:  That's not all.  I had sex with him last night. (Nia is stunned by the revelation) Yeah, I cannot believe it myself.  How could I be with someone I detest? 
Nia:  Well, if you're doing the hmm-humph, then obviously you have some mix feelings and who can blame you, Romeo is-- 
Jennifer:  Nia!  I don't need justification-- 
Nia:  Then tell me I'm wrong, tell me you have absolutely no feelings whatsoever for him. 
***Elianna:  Alexander, there's a call for you on line one. 
Alexander:  Tell them I stepped out of my office. 
Elianna:  Is there something wrong? 
Alexander:  I just have more important things to deal with, like my daughter.  She's in trouble and I'm not sure what I can do to help her. 
Elianna:  Usually all someone needs is an open ear and someone who loves them.  I better go and take care of this caller. (she leaves his office, giving Alex sometime to absorb the advice) 
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions International ->) 
Vanessa: (holding a photo of Danielle) Look at you, with that crooked smile, the same smile you gave me tonight as if we were friends.  We're not friends, you little twit.  I warned you about getting in my way, but you wouldn't listen. (dropping her picture into the trash bin on the floor, then lighting a match and throwing it inside) Now its ashes Danielle, its ashes for you.  (the fire intensifies as does the ominous glow in her eyes) 
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->) 
Jennifer:  You know I can't say that. 
Nia:  Of course you can't.  If you didn't have feelings for Romeo, you would have never slept with him. 
Jennifer:  That doesn't mean I love him. 
Nia:  No, it does not.  But you need to know what these feelings are because if you don't, these are the feelings that are going to get you into a whole lot of trouble. 
(<- Mercy Hospital ->) 
Jay:  That was Delilah's call I missed.  She had spoken with Robin and said everything seemed fine. 
Brock:  You don't sound convince. 
Jay:  I don't know, how much can you really get from a phone call? 
(<- Sky Lansing Condos ->) 
Robin: (sleeping comfortably as she begins to toss back and forth as she dreams) "I can't believe he's six already." 
Jay:  "Yeah, he's grown right before our eyes." 
Robin: (their son comes walking through the door and Robin walks up to give him a hug) "Hey sweetie--" (her voice trails off as her passes her open arms and runs to Jay) 
Jay:  "Hey Tiger, what's up?" 
Child:  "Did Mom try to abort me?" 
Jay:  "Son, where did you hear this?" 
Child:  "The kids at school told me that she tried to have an abortion, to kill me while I was still inside her. (Robin covers her mouth in horror of the words) But it isn't true?" 
Jay:  "Tiger, your mother loves you." 
Child:  "So she wanted to have me in her life always, she didn't try to kill me?  Right?  She didn't want me dead?"  (Jay is unable to respond to all the questions) 
Robin:  "Sweetie, it was a long time ago." 
Child:  "So it's true, you didn't want me?  You tried to kill me?  You tried to kill your own son?" 
Robin:  "Sweetie, no!" 
Child:  "Get away from me." (her son backs away) Get away from me, you tried to kill me, you killer, you killer, killer... (his words echoes as Robin gasps, awakening from the horrid dream in a cold sweat) 
(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Widlin:  (as she looks up at the sky, a hand touches her shoulder from behind, causing her to gasp and turn quickly) Devon! 

Derek:  Why do I get the feeling you've been avoiding me? (~) 
Brian:  I needed some advice and you were the only one I could think of. (~) 
Devon:  (shocking Widlin) I've decided not to press charges.
Click here for Episode 271