Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Receptionist:  Samantha. Samantha Lombard?
Dr. Mayfield:  That’s the same woman who called here a few days ago.
Receptionist:  and now she’s here in Springfield. (~)
Alexia:  Hmm... maybe it belongs to your daughter.
Rachel:  Why would you assume that?
Alexia:  Well, your daughter was there earlier today... wasn't she? (~)
Shanna: Really, you scored high in the husband department, Shalia.  Derek is so devoted to you he will believe whatever your conniving lips will tell him, but rest assure, I'm not as gullible. (~)
Romain:  You’re right; it’s Sherri and I who were the couple.  So any problems that exist are solely are own.
Rachel sits down at her kitchen table enjoying the sweet, moist taste of sausage and pancakes wrapped in butter maple syrup. As she prepares for another bite, Rochelle comes strolling into the kitchen.
Rachel: (placing her fork down) Good morning!
Rochelle: Morning. (She says, giving her mother a slight look before heading over to the fridge and taking out a carton of orange juice.  She then takes out a glass from the cabinet and sets it on the countertop in front of her)
Rachel:  I have prepared a nice warm breakfast for us.
Rochelle: (she makes a faint smile) Great! (She then returns her attention back to the countertop as she pours some orange juice into her glass.  While pouring the drink, her mother notices her bare wrist)
Rachel:  Your wrist?
Rochelle: (she directs her attention to her mother once again) What?
Rachel: (moving from the table, she slowly approaches her daughter) Your wrist.  The bracelet your father gave you, what happened to it? (Rochelle remains baffled as she lowers her eyes to her wrist and sees that the bracelet is indeed missing.  She then raises her head up, returning her baffled look toward her mother)
(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts:  Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Derek: (walking into the room, he finds his wife staring aimlessly at the wall.  Walking up to her, he greets her in a soft gentle voice as he wraps his arms around her body) Hey.
Shalia:  Hi. (She says, squeezing his arms tighter around her)
Derek:  Are you all right?
Shalia:  I was just thinking about how lost Shanna must be without her husband.
Derek:  Well, I’m sure it doesn’t help that she blames you for his disappearance.
Shalia: (pulling away from his warm touch, she turns to face him) I understand, she just needs someone to blame right now.  I just wish it didn’t have to be me.
Derek:  Well, soon, Shanna is going to realize that you had nothing to do with Ben’s disappearance.
Shalia:  I hope so! (She responds softly as Derek opens his arms. She slowly walks into them as if it were a fortress that would keep her safe from harm)
(<- Pryce International ->)
Office Ruiz: (he spies Shanna walking into the station) Mrs. Hemmings, what are you doing here?
Shanna: (her eyes lacking any sleep) My husband is still missing.
Officer Ruiz:  and we’re doing everything we can to find him.
Shanna:  Looks to me like you’re sitting on your ass.
Officer Ruiz:  In all respect to your lost--
Shanna: (intercedes) Forget my lost.  How are you going to find my husband when the culprit is still running loose? Why haven’t you people arrested Shalia Mendez Guittierrez?
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana:  So you think Samantha’s M.I.A. status has something to do with Blackadder36.
Brock:  She’s been living and breathing this thing for months. I don’t know how else to explain it. (Dana’s face becomes mystic again) What?
Dana:  Nothing!
Brock:  No, don’t give me that.  That’s the second time you've got that look on your face when I mentioned Samantha’s disappearance.  What is it? (Brock pauses for a moment) Is this another one of those feelings you get?
Dana:  Yeah, and I don’t know what to make of this one, Brock.
(<- Springfield, Massachusetts:  Springfield Medical Hospital ->)
Dr. Mayfield:  Let’s not get hysterical, Mrs. Lombard.
Samantha:  Hysterical? You try watching patient after patient die. Oh wait, you already have. I want the anecdote for Blackadder36.
Dr. Mayfield:  I’m afraid there is no way I can give you that, Mrs. Lombard.
***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Samantha:  Well, if you’re not going to give me what I need, perhaps the authorities will have better luck. (She says calmly, trying to bypass the doctor, who grabs her violently, forcing her to turn back to him)
Dr. Mayfield: (his eyes fierce and unyielding) You’re not going anywhere! (A chill spreads through her body as she looks astonishingly at his arm wrapped tightly around hers)
(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts:  Leysdale Hospital ->)
Brock:  What do you mean, you don’t know what to make of it?
Dana:  I really don’t think this is the time for me to discuss what I’m feeling.
Brock:  If what you’re feeling has to do with my wife, then there is no better time.
Dana:  Well, I’m going to need to perform a tarot reading in order to sort out what all of it means.
Brock:  Then what are you waiting for?  Get the cards! (He urges her, surprising both her and himself)
(<- Rendezvous Shack ->)
Sandy: (waltzes into the club, not noticing Darron and Juliet dancing in the foreground.  She greets the bartender with a faint smile) Hi, cherry coke with a couple olives.
Bartender:  You sure you don’t want something a little stronger?
Sandy:  Don’t tempt me. (Both she and the bartender grin) Maybe on a good day, but right now, I need some time to regroup and I would prefer to have a clear head.
Bartender:  All right, then.  A cherry coke with olives, it is.
Sandy:  Thank you. (She smiles at the bartender before he walks off to the side area to grab the coke.  While she waits for drink, she grabs a couple nuts and starts chewing on them as she tries to brainstorm) The hard part is figuring out what my next move is going to be.
Darron:  I think maybe it is high time you realize that its time for you to stop making moves. (Sandy turns to his sneering face)
***Bartender:  Here’s your cherry coke. (the bartender hands it to her with a smile)
Sandy: (she returns the smile and thanks him. She then rejoins her conversation with Darron) Well, if it isn’t my ex- partner in crime. I would have never figured you for eavesdropping.
Darron: (grins) Well, I couldn’t help but overhear with you talking so loudly to yourself. (Sandy returns the amused grin) I see you’re still trying to fix what’s wrong between Sherri and Romain.
Sandy:  It was a goal I thought we both shared.
Darron:  Once upon a time.
Sandy:  So what’s change?
Darron: (disfavor written over his face) Well, I’ve gotten to know your sister and I’m not so sure she’s what I want for Romain. (Sandy scoffs in shock)
(<- Pryce International ->)
Officer Ruiz: We have no evidence linking Mrs. Guittierrez to your husband’s disappearance, that’s why we have not arrested her yet.
Shanna: (unfolds her arms, unsatisfied with his answer) No evidence?  The woman is the reason my husband left town in the first place.
Officer Ruiz:  and we only have your word to back that up, ma’am?
Shanna: (gritting her teeth) Are you accusing me of lying?
Officer Ruiz:  I’m just taking into account your obvious vendetta against Mrs. Guittierrez and it is even more obvious that you’ll say or do anything to see that she pays for your husband’s disappearance? (Shanna stands in awe of the cop’s remark)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada:  Rachel’s home ->)
Rochelle: (her eyes wide and innocent, she remains nonchalant about the matter) I don’t know, I must have dropped it somewhere.  I’ll have to backtrack my steps later.
Rachel:  There is no need.  One of Alexia’s servants found it near the library entrance last night.
Rochelle:  Well… (Rachel grip on the necklace is firm as Rochelle tries to pry it from her hands) I hoped you thanked her for me.
Rachel:  I’m sure it was no problem. (Turning to Rochelle, who has now taken a seat at the table) You didn’t mention stopping by the library while you were there?
Rochelle: (taking a bite of her muffin) It’s not that big of a deal.
Rachel:  It was a grand view.  You must have some thoughts about the décor.
Rochelle:  I didn’t get to see much of the library. (she says, taking a sip of her orange juice)
Rachel:  So you weren’t there long?
Rochelle: (her suspicions raised) Why don’t you come out and ask what is really on your mind?
Rachel:  I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Rochelle:  The hell you don’t.
(<- Springfield, Massachusetts:  Springfield Medical Hospital ->)
Samantha: (pulling away from his tight grip) Get your hands off me. (She utters as she moves several steps away, turning back to give him the evil eye as he tries to apologize)
Dr. Mayfield:  I’m sorry, Mrs. Lombard.  You just don’t understand the direness of the situation here.
Samantha:  Then why don’t you explain it to me?  Better yet, just hand me the anecdote and spare me the distractions.
Dr. Mayfield:  We cannot give you the anecdote, its physically impossible.
Samantha:  Physically…
Dr. Mayfield:  There is no way you’re going to get your hands on the anecdote for Blackadder36.
Samantha: (her voice broken at first, but regains control) Well, you know what?  I came all this way and I refuse to accept that.  So you’re going to give me some answers, some straight answers, right now!
***Dr. Mayfield:  You want some answers?  The anecdote is in a rare flower called the azalea.
Samantha:  The what?
Dr. Mayfield:  The azalea, a poisonous and deadly flower.
(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts:  Leysdale Hospital ->)
Brock:  So what does it say?
Dana: (she points to the card that says voyager on it) Its the journey card, she’s definitely somewhere.
Brock:  Yeah, a journey where?
Dana:  Be patient and maybe we’ll find out.
Brock:  Well, I’m sorry if I’m a little anxious.  I’m at the end of my rope here and I’m relying on a bunch cards for some answers about my wife.
Dana: (her head rises, stopping her concentration on the cards) Well, if you continue to air such negativity, the cards aren’t going to tell you anything.
Brock:  Fine, I’ll be quiet.
Dana:  Perish the thought. (She grins and Brock returns it faintly. She then turns back to the table and after several seconds, pulls another card. Brock takes a look at the card and immediately makes the connection)
Brock:  The problem!  She is on a journey to find the source of the epidemic, that’s what it means.  We figured out that much, but-- (Dana pulls another card) What’s that?
Dana: (she remains perplexed as she reads the card) A plant?
(<- Pryce International ->)
Shanna:  Regardless of my feelings for Mrs. Guittierrez, the woman is guilty.
Officer Ruiz:  and we have credible sources that can vouch for Mrs. Guittierrez whereabouts during the allotted time period that your husband went missing.
Shanna:  Even if that is true, she could have easily hired someone else to do her handy work.
Officer Ruiz:  We are investigating every avenue to your husband’s disappearance, but perhaps you should consider the possibility that your husband’s disappearance isn’t accidental, that perhaps he does not want to be found.
(<- Rendezvous Shack ->)
Sandy:  How dare you insinuate that my sister is not good enough for Romain?
Darron:  I’m not insinuating a thing. I’m telling you that considering your sister’s baggage, she would be wrong for any man.  The fact of the matter is until she takes a deep look inside herself, she will never be happy with anyone.  And if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll see that I’m right. (He pauses, looking for some sign that his message got across. When he sees that it does, he decides to get while the getting is good) Enjoy the rest of your night. (He waltzes off as Sandy tries hard not to allow his revelation to infest her thoughts)
***Shanna: (approaching him wide a dead calm stance, her voice calm enough to curl the hairs off the back of his neck) Let me tell you something about my husband, Officer Ruiz.  He’s no deserter and he is man enough to stand up to his own problems.  So don’t you ever-- (her voice begins to accelerate as she stops herself, trying to level it back down to a calmer state) One of his problems was Shalia Mendez Guittierrez.  (She notes with emphasis on Shalia's name before darting off casually toward the exit.  The statement causes Officer Ruiz to rethink his outlook on the matter)
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Derek: (turning over as he begins to awake, he notices his wife’s eyes wide open and staring dead ahead at the blank TV screen before her.  He slightly shifts his body up as he talks to her) Have you been awake all this time?
Shalia: (turning her head to him, she moves a strand of hair from her face) I couldn’t sleep.  I kept thinking about everything that went down at the station.
Derek:  Well, don’t take it seriously.  Shanna is angry and frustrated, like we said earlier, she’s striking back at the easiest target, but we both know that you are not responsible for Ben’s disappearance.  Once your alibi is cleared, Shanna will have to accept that too.
Shalia:  It just seems too simple.  Where I came from, things were never that simple.
Derek:  Sometimes it is.  As simple as a kiss. (He leans forward and kisses her, slowly at first, but as she begins to ease into it, he becomes more passionate, grabbing hold of her and bringing her body on top of his as his back presses into the bed)
(<- Springfield, Massachusetts:  Springfield Medical Hospital ->)
Samantha:  If this anecdote is so dangerous and deadly, then how did you get your hands on it?
Dr. Mayfield:  With the help of very careful experts.
Samantha:  Well, why don’t we just get on the phone with one of these experts? (She begins walking in the direction of the nearest payphone, but his statement stops her)
Dr. Mayfield: The flower is only at its full bloom in the Spring.  It is rare you will find one at this point and even rarer that an expert will help you look for it.
Samantha:  Then I will look for it myself.
Dr. Mayfield:  and I would highly advise against that. (Samantha gives him a stern look)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada:  Rachel's home ->)
Rochelle:  You know exactly what I’m referring to.  So why don’t you stop tiptoeing around the subject-- (her voice becomes more domineering) Why don’t you stop being a coward and tell me the truth? Why don’t you stop lying to me? (She shouts erratically, causing Rachel to take a step back)
Rachel:  I’ve been seeing Leo Stone behind your back.  More so, Leo is my husband.
Rochelle: (shaking her head in disbelief) You’re married to Dean’s father? You’re married to that bastard?
Rachel:  He has a name.
Rochelle:  I don’t give a damn what he has, how could you do this to me again? How could you betray me again?

Shanna: Your wife is nothing but a lying bitch.  Now if she is finding it hard to sleep at night, maybe it’s because her crimes are finally starting to get to her. (~)
Garrett:  Well, if isn’t the man of the hour?
Brian:  Don’t you mean the loser of the hour? (~)
Rochelle:  You have lied, you have deceived and you have hurt everyone I ever loved.  Why should I ever trust you again?

Click here for Episode 280