Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø Jennifer told Romeo that she would give their relationship another go.  However, only on the condition that they establish some boundaries, including not having anymore instances of their "PDAs" showcased at the mansion.  Although she maintained it was because she didn't want their relationship under constant scrutiny by her roommates (Dylan and Brian), Romeo secretly wondered if Jennifer was more concerned about Brian becoming aware that they were romantically involved again. (~)

ø Dana, wrought with guilt for forseeing Samantha's death, refused Chief Resident Delacroix' request to have her brother sign Samantha's release papers, instructing the Chief Resident to intrude on her brother's time of grief if he must.  Chief Delacroix maintained that he wasn't trying to be heartless, but he had a job to do and was trying to do it as quick and painlessly as possible for everyone.  Clearly frustrated, Dana informed the Chief Resident he was eight hours too late. (~)

ø After returning his father's engagement gifts, Kyle and Lacreasha learned that Malina Ramirez was involved in a shooting at the Hallandale Weston Hotel.

***It was now half past ten in the morning, but getting out of bed was the last thing on Darron Wolek and Juliet Staggerfield's mind.  As she laid with her head firm against his chest on his bed, she watched as his eyes just sort of fixated on the ceiling above.  She suspected he was thinking about something and she was rather curious as to what it might be.  Did he regret taking her back to his place?  Were things moving too fast?  Perhaps, but Juliet felt such a connection with him that it seemed as though things were progressing as nature intended.  Still, she continued to wonder: maybe he was thinking about the other women he'd been with and making comparisons in his head?  Juliet quickly shrugged the last alternative off as it seem uncharacteristic of the man she gotten to know.  However, Darron was thinking about another woman... sort of.  As he felt himself laying in his bed with this beautiful woman at his side, he thought of the last time he was this content... Widlin Pierre.  Boy, was that a surprise?  After the way that relationship derailed, he was determined never to get that seriously involved again.  Then Juliet snuck up on him, and if he had any hope of keeping the relationship strictly platonic, he surely blew that when he took her back to his room.  But feeling her silk skin against his, and taking in her fresh bodily odor, he found it hard to regret such a decision.  He finally shifted his eyes away from the ceiling to see that she was awake.  "Morning," he said.  She rejoiced the same, lifting her head slightly and kissing him on the lips.  Darron chuckled as he caught sight of the morning sun shining through his curtains.  "What time do you think it is?" he asked.  Juliet looked around his room for the first time and realize there was no clock.  "Umm... I have no idea, but I would wager I'm calling out today," she chuckled.

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort: Anton & Malina's Apartment ->)
Anton: (taking a seat next to her on the couch upon returning from the kitchen) Here's your coffee.
Malina:  Thanks. (She took the mug with her uninjured arm, taking a sip before placing it on the table) Shouldn't you be at work this morning?
Anton:  Well, I couldn't really leave for work with my girl being all sore.
Malina:  I'm fine. (She remarked, even though she still felt slight pangs from when the bullet entered her arm) The doctors said I should be all healed in a day or two.
Anton:  I just hate to think what would have happened if that bullet didn't just graze you.  (The mention caused Malina to shift uncomfortably as the doorbell to their apartment ringed) I wonder who that is.
Malina:  Probably your search party. (She joked as Anton moved from the couch and over to the door.  When he opened it to find Lacreasha and Kyle's faces looking back at him, he wondered if Malina was right)
Anton:  Kyle, Lacreasha.  (he exclaimed as he open the door) What brings you by?
Lacreasha:  We heard about what happened at the Hallandale Weston.
Anton:  Is it in the papers already?
Lacreasha: (thinking back to the sight of Alexander's dummy newspaper copy) It will be soon.
Kyle:  So how about a basket of fruit to calm your nerves? (He plastered a smile on his face while holding the basket of fruit in his hands.  Anton glanced at it with no particular interest)
Anton:  Come on in. (Malina arched her neck back to see Lacreasha and Kyle heading into their apartment while Anton directed them to take a seat.  Lacreasha took a seat in the armchair while Kyle joined her near the edge, figuring Anton would more than likely sit down next to Malina)
Malina:  This is a surprise. 
Anton: (regaining his seat next to Malina) They heard about what happened at the Hallandale Weston.
Malina:  It's in the papers already? (Kyle, Lacreasha and Anton laughed) What?

(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Darron and Juliet weren't the only ones having a late morning as Dylan McCloud finally managed to stumbled out of bed and down the stairs to attack another grueling shift at Mercy Hospital.  As he reached the end of the staircase, the doorbell sounded, reverting his attention away from the kitchen, where he had hoped to grab something quick to eat before heading out the door.  As he lifted both of his legs over the two steps before the door, he was face to face with a delivery man who handed him three envelopes before wishing him a good day.  Dylan took the envelopes and headed back inside the mansion, shutting the door behind him.  As he looked over them, he realized there was one addressed to him, another to Jennifer, and the last to Brian.  Curiosity getting the best of him, he opened the envelope addressed to him while placing the other two on the living room table.  The contents revealed an invitation to "CF&A Second Annual Masquerade Gala."
Dylan: (opening the folded stationary, he read the contents inscribed) "CF & A cordially invites you to its 2nd Annual Masquerade Gala.  Come wearing your sexiest masked wear as we take you on a night of mystery.  Bring a friend, bring a date, bring the whole family... we don't mind, the more the merrier.  Just make sure you're there... this Saturday @ 5 P.M." (Dylan felt himself lightly groan as there was no way he was up for a gala, surrounded by all the happy couples when his love life, not to mention sex life, was pretty much non-existence) Great.
Jennifer: (peering over his shoulder as she made her way down the stairs) What ya got?
Dylan:  (not hearing her come down the stairs or sneak up on him, he found himself taking a step back as he turned around toward the sound of her voice) Invitation to a masquerade party. (turning back toward the table and handing her the envelope with her name on it) I imagine these other two envelopes are invitations for you and Brian.  Here.
Jennifer:  Thanks. (she opened the envelope and it was indeed an invitation, which made her feel a little special being specifically picked out among all the people in Hallandale. She wondered who else she knew received invites and would be there. Sadly, that wasn't a very long list.) Wow, a masquerade.  This sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun.  When is it?
Dylan:  (he said as her eyes caught the day and time at the closing of the invite) The day after tomorrow.
Jennifer:  This Saturday... That only leaves me today and tomorrow to get a costume.
Dylan:  Hey, if push comes to shove, just stick with the mask you're already wearing.
Jennifer:  (she grinned, trying to stifle her laughter) Very funny.  I hope you're not planning to wear yours to the party because frankly I'm growing tired of it.
Dylan: (he gave her a slight grin, which she returned proudly until hearing his resulting statement) Fortunately for you, I've resolve not to go.

(<- Lesydale Hospital ->)
As Brock returned to the floor marred with memories of his wife's passing, he felt a turn in his stomach that couldn't be alleviated.  The air was no longer fresh as it was when he was standing along the Hallandle Pier, feeling the water trinkle between his toes as he imagined Samantha at his side, daring him to jump in.  Or perhaps it was a manifestation of his subconscious in the form of Samantha daring him to do it as the water looked so inviting, so peaceful that Brock wanted to take a dip inside.  Now he was back on the second floor of Lesydale Hospital, taking in the smell of vomit and last night's disposed dinner that had traveled through the hall. Life didn't seem hopeful in that moment, but instead, confined to one drafty area.  He wondered how other wives and husbands before him were able to do it: to just let go and say good-bye.  To put a final bookmark on a chapter that you thought would be never-ending.  It seemed incomprehensible, but having worked in a hospital, he knew that the doctors were probably ready to move Samantha to the hospital morgue, where she could be cleaned and examined.  He was sure there would be plenty of papers for him to sign as he got closer to his wife's room and caught sight of Matthew and Dana to his right.  He could hear little snippets of their conversation as he neared:
Matthew:  Hey... (he grabbed her hand and forced her to look him in the eye) You are not responsible for Samantha's death, okay?
Dana:  It doesn't change the way I feel when I see Samantha lying in that hospital bed never to awake again, or last night, when my brother stood right there... (she pointed outward to the spot a few inches from where she and Matthew where sitting) ...curled up in a ball and crying for hours after the doctors came out here and told him she was dead.
Matthew:  Dana, there is nothing you could have done to prevent it.  We are not God.
Dana:  But we knew Matthew.  We knew-- I knew that Samantha was going to die.
Brock:  What did you just say? (Brock knew he had to be hearing things, his sister wasn't just telling her boyfriend that she saw his wife's death coming, was she?)
Dana:  Brock?! (her focus shifted completely to his brown somber eyes) I didn't realize you were here.
Brock:  I can see that. You were knee-deep in conversation with your co- conspirator about my wife. (he approached her more closely, his words causing Matthew to want to sink into his own skin) About her death.
Dana:  I can explain why...
Brock:  Yes, explain to me how you sat back in Samantha's room supporting us all the while telling yourself she would die? (Dana stood appalled as Brock jumped to the most ill-conceived conclusion he could think of from her statement)



Dana:  That's not how it happened.  In fact, I kept hoping against hope that Samantha would pull through, even though deep down I knew.
Brock:  Deep down she was already dead to you?
Dana: If I could change what the cards told us, what Crystal's premonition predicted, I would.
Brock: (completely blind sided by her remark) Cards? Premonition? What are you talking about?
Matthew: (drawing from Brock's confusion that he must have misinterpreted what he heard) Crystal's premontion and Dana's tarot reading were how we tied everything together.  Dana didn't choose to believe Samantha was going to die, her tarot readings led her to that conclusion.
Brock:  You expect me to believe a bunch of stupid cards told you my wife was going to be killed?
Dana:  There not stupid, and no, I don't expect you to believe, Brock.  Why should now be any different? (Brock has never been a believer in her connection with the universe via her tarot cards, and Dana didn't want her brother putting all the weight of his wife's death on her tarot cards)
Brock: So what? You want to say I told you so?
Dana:  Of course not. (appalled he would even say that) This is not something I'm thrilled about.  The love of your life is dead.  I would never take joy in that.
Brock:  But you're quick to say you saw it all coming, Dana. (he echoes her name forcibly as his voice breaks.  His proceeding statement only matches his note of frustration and anger that even with his wife's recent passing, he's being drawn into Dana's tarot reading drama) That we're all casual bystanders of a future that only you can see.

(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer: (taken aback by his decision not to attend) What?  Why aren't you going?
Dylan: (placing the invitation on the table) A masked party is not my idea of fun. (he said before heading toward the kitchen, Jennifer followed behind him as he looked in the fridge for something editable to eat)
Jennifer:  Non-sense. (She found it inconceivable that the man that bought this abandon old mansion wasn't intrigued by this gala invitation) You love this kind of stuff.  What's the real reason?
Dylan: (grabbing an orange from the fridge, he closed the door only to be blocked by Jennifer's body in his way) Okay, parties like these generally serve no purpose without a date, and last I check, I am undeniably single.  (Dylan certainly had no interest in being a third wheel or worse, a wall flower.  Perhaps if Brian were here, it wouldn't be so bad, but then considering Jennifer would most likely invite Romeo along since the renewal of their relationship, that would be awkward, not to mention Dylan couldn't stomach the guy much himself)
Jennifer:  Because you're all work and no play since Garrett left you. (A trip that Jennifer definitely wasn't interested in going down again, although Dylan probably didn't need to be reminded of how he blew the best relationship he ever had) You just need to get out there again.  You're a hot guy, can't be that hard?
Dylan:  Never thought I would hear you say that.
Jennifer:  Just speaking the truth.  I mean, I wouldn't personally date you, but I'm sure we could find some gorgeous thing willing.
Dylan: (his eyes nearly jumped out of their socket at the prospect) We?
Jennifer:  Yeah, I could use a new fall project.
Dylan: (glancing at his watch) Find another one. I gotta get to work.  (Before she knew it, he was flying right past her that all she could was let out a deep sigh at the sadness of it all)

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Lacreasha:  (Anton handed Lacreasha a glass of lemonade as Kyle pulled up a chair next to her) Thanks. (As Anton reclaimed his spot next to Malina, Lacreasha inquired about the shooting) So what exactly happened at the Hallandale Weston and how did you get caught in the middle?
Malina:  It wasn't by choice.  Shaquanna and I were actually trying to get out of the building when Seth, the shooter, caught us.  Shaquanna tried to convince him we were just leaving when we ran into him, but he didn't buy it.  Things just escalated from there, so when the bullets started flying, it was quick.
Lacreasha:  That had to be pretty scary.  Thank god you're okay.
Malina:  Yeah, someone was looking out for me that day. (Only she didn't mean someone in the spiritual sense)
Kyle: (he couldn't help but asked given the news journalist in him...) So what was this guy - Seth - motive in all of this?
Malina:  Are you asking as a friend, or as a rival for PRC?
Kyle:  I only approve and edit the final copy.  I don't write it... on a daily basis, anyway.  Besides, Leigh's working on that story.
Malina:  Well, he kept stressing that he wanted the truth, and subsequently, his job back.  However, as the situation progressed, it just seemed as if he was content with making the queen suffer.  To be humiliated like he was.
Kyle:  Well, now he's probably behind bars where he belongs.
Malina: (she shifted in her seat as a result of her conflicting feelings on the matter) Maybe? Maybe not.
Anton: (he questioned how Malina could be speculating whether or not this man should be behind bars, especially after nearly shooting her and several other people) Maybe?
Malina: (she sympathized with Seth's plight that night, even though she didn't necessarily approve of his actions, she knew what it was like to be booted out of job because of something someone else did) It's just the situation is not as cut and dry as it may seem.
Anton:  The man could have killed you.  (It sounded pretty cut and dry to Anton) I hope they throw the book at him.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
She may have nearly lost her life yesterday, but Garrettlyn Michaels was embarking on today like any other day as she approached the mini food station and ordered a plain wheat bagel with a medium cup of orange juice to go.  Since her modeling career took off, she has been a little weary of what she eats since weight and image can make or break you.  Fortunately, she's never really been one to gorge on carbs and sweets.  She handed the clerk her credit card to process her order and the clerk returned it within a minute, handing it over along with Garrett's breakfast on the go.  Garrett thanked the lady before turning and avoiding smacking right into him by an inch.  Fortunately, her orange juice had a lid on it and stayed contained.  But then it was back to him.  They still lived in the same town, but after months of not running into each other, this was a surprise.
Garrett:  Hi. (she said as if she was talking to a virtual stanger, but it was the first and most natural thing to come to her mind)
Dylan:  Hi. (he responded, matching her tone of awkwardness) So... how have you been?
Garrett:  Good. I'm modeling for Nichols' Beauticon now.  You?
Dylan: (he smiled) Well, I'm not modeling, but I've been okay. (Garrett returned his smile)
Garrett: That's good.  (Then there was a moment of quiet, neither knew what really to say next, and so Garrett just resolved to go on her merry way) Well, I have to get going, but I'll see you around.  (It sounded much better than saying "It was nice to see you" or "I hope to see you again" when she wasn't sure she really felt like either)
Dylan:  Alright.  Have a good one. (He let her step by and as she made her way pass him and down the sidewalk, he looked back for a second as she continued along the pavement toward the garage, the sun hitting her face and the breeze taking her hair back.  It was a moment of nostalgia, but he quickly knocked himself out of it and proceeded toward the mini station)

***Romeo: (coming down the two steps into the mansion as she closed the door behind) I didn't expect an invite over to the humble abode so soon, especially after I arrived late to dinner last night.
Jennifer:  Well, I figure I would give you the opportunity to make it up to me. (She said as she glided down after him.  Even though she couldn't really blame him for getting stuck in an elevator and then walking right into a hostage situation)
Romeo:  What cockamamie plan have you hatched in that head of yours now?
Jennifer:  What are you doing this Saturday @ 5pm?
Romeo: (he answered cautiously) I believe my calendar's clear. Why?
Jennifer: (she moved past him over toward the living room table, pulling her invitation to the gala off of it, and waving it up in the air as she turned back around) I've been cordially invited to a masquerade gala. (She felt like royalty just saying it) I would like for you to accompany me.
Romeo:  I would be honored.
Jennifer:  I thought you might.
Romeo:  Of course. (he pulled her in closer to him) What better opportunity to show everyone you're with me now? (he said with a devil's grin before leaning in to kiss her)

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Juliet: (pulling herself up a 1/4 of the way from Darron's bed, her back and neck bridge by the pillow that sat firm against the bed post, she kept herself warm under his cotton sheets while admiring some of Darron's decor.  He had posters of TuPac and R. Kelly strategically placed around the room.  There was also a big trophy on his side dresser that read "First Place Regional Conference Champion - 1992."  She wondered what the story behind that was: could it have been something he stole or hocked during his days as a con-artist?  She doubted it, but she did wonder if he had a stashed pile of loot somewhere from those days that the authorities never found.  Before she could allow her mind to take her to who knows where else, Darron returned with two envelopes in his hand) Delivery?
Darron:  Yeah.  We've been specifically picked out.
Juliet:  We?  How did they know I was here?
Darron:  I guess we haven't been as discreet about our relationship as we hoped.
Juliet:  Well, what is it?
Darron:  I don't know.  Let's see.  (he opened the envelope with his name on it)  Ah. (Juliet looked at him inquisitevely as he continue to glance over the stationary)  It's an invite to Crystal's annual gala, only this year their going with a masquerade theme.
Juliet:  I don't believe I've met Crystal, have I?
Darron:  No... (he said as he walked closer to his bed)  But I might have mentioned your name to her in passing.
Juliet:  Hmmm... so you've been talking about me?  All good things I hope.
Darron:  (he grinned devishly as he made his remark, prompting her to throw one of his pillows at him...)  But after last night, I think I might have forgotten a few things.  (he retaliated by pulling at the sheets as she laughed amusingly, trying to keep her body concealed.  After three or four tugs, she simply stop fighting, although he didn't know until the sheets came flying along with him across the room.  Once he was able to gain his footing, he saw that Juliet was practically glowing)
Juliet:  Now what are you going to do?

Kyle and Lacreasha saw themselves to the door as Malina followed slightly behind them, allowing them both to hug her good-bye.
Lacreasha:  (while Lacreasha finished up her good-byes, Kyle held the door open)  You take care, okay?
Malina:  The same to both of you.  Thanks for the fruits.  (They both smiled before Kyle allowed his fiancée to take the lead, causing them to nearly bump into a delivery guy headed straight in their direction)
Lacreasha:  Ooh, sorry. (taking a step back a few inches from Malina and Anton's doorway)
Kyle:  Yeah, we almost didn't see you.
Delivery Man:  That's alright. (recognizing his face from the papers) You're Kyle Pierre, aren't you? (flipping through his portfolio of envelopes he tried to deliver earlier)
Kyle: (giving the guy a questioning gaze as he corrected the surname) Kyle Sharrington, but who wants to know?
Delivery Man:  This is for you. (he handed him the envelope, taking out two others) and you wouldn't happen to be Lacreasha Dupree? (recognizing her vaguely from the story on her engagement to Kyle)
Lacreasha:  Yes I would. (she said with a smile, still curious about the envelope he handed to her and another he proceeded to hand to Malina)
Delivery Man:  Then you must be Malina.  (he took out a fourth envelope)  I was told there would be an Anton McCloud here as well.
Malina:  Yes.  He and I live together.  What is this all about? (she asked as he handed her the envelope addressed to Anton)
Delivery Man:  All I can say is Saturday, be there.  Details enclosed.  Have a great day. (and in a blink of an eye, he vanished down the hall)
Lacreasha:  Okay, that was strange. (She said looking out at the empty halls while Kyle and Malina opened their envelopes.  It took Malina slightly longer because of the soreness in her arm)
Malina:  Oh.  So it looks like there will be a ball this year?
Lacreasha:  What is it?  (she proceeded to open her envelope)
Kyle:  An invite to CF & A's Second Annual Masquerade Gala.  This Saturday @ 5pm.
Lacreasha:  (glancing at her invite, the masked woman and man immediately drawing her in) Hmm... this could be fun.  Although I vaguely remember the first one.  (Malina, however, remembered last year's Gala all to well.  That was when things changed between her and Widlin Pierre.  They have never been able to get back the friendship they once had before that event.  It's hard for Malina to even recall the last time she saw or even thought of Widlin.  Their lives just seem so disconnected now)
Malina:  Well, the first year, Anton and I went for our very first date.  (Although now that she thought about that one positive memory, she recalled having to deal with Rochelle as a third wheel that night.  So Anton and her never really had much of date.  Of course, maybe that was all apart of his plan of getting her to agree to another)
Lacreasha:  Then you two have to go.  It would be like not celebrating your anniversary.
Malina:  It does sound tempting.  Are you two planning to go? (They both answered simultaneously with opposite answers, a "yes" from Lacreasha and a "no" from Kyle)
Lacreasha:  You don't want to go?
Kyle:  Honey, you know I don't like these sort of things. Being forced into a room where I have to mingle with people I might not even know or like.
Lacreasha:  We can stick close to Malina and Anton, then.  Maybe we can even convince Leigh and Kelley to tag along and make it a Showtime Limits affair.
Kyle:  Ugh, I don't know.  (he said, making a light grunt at the ceiling)
Lacreasha:  Come on... (she tugged at his shirt)  It'll be fun.  You know you want to.
Kyle:  Actually, I really don't.  (he said with a slight smile) But since it will only be one night, I will do it...  (Lacreasha jumped and kissed him, already visualizing their costumes, but Kyle wasn't finished as she soon realized upon releasing his lips)  I will do it on two conditions:  1) Malina and Anton must come... (Lacreasha looked to Malina)
Malina:  I'll do my best to convince him, but I don't see why not.
Kyle:  and 2) The moment things get out of control, I have permission to vacate.
Lacreasha:  Hey, I will personally leave with you.
Kyle:  Alright.  I guess we're going to the gala then.  Heaven help us.


It was complete silence once again on the second floor as Dana found herself peaking inside Samantha's room window as her brother sat at his wife's side, a clipboard on his lap, overlooking the forms that Dr. Delacroix left with his sister for him to sign.  If Brock had any doubts, signing over authorization for Samantha's vital organs to be donated sure cured them quick.  Brock knew Samantha would want her organs to go to someone who needed them, so he initialed where required and looked back up at her with a smile as if hoping somehow she would smile back to confirm her approval.  Unfortunately, it never came.  Her body just stood there on the bed, stagnant to sound, light and the life around her.  As Dana watched her brother remaining strong in the presence of his dead wife, she recalled his bitter announcement from earlier and how she tried to explain that it was never her attention to make his wife's death about her connection to the universe, only he didn't seem to hear her completely.  Of course, it didn't help that Dr. Delacroix barged in on them and informed Brock that his staff needed to move the body within the hour.  Brock was visibally and verbally shock that Dana finally [with reluctance] handed him the forms, informing him that Dr. Delacroix dropped them off earlier.  Brock couldn't believe it.  Leysdale was just forging ahead with their usual business despite the fact that Samantha died performing a service for their hospital.  It burned him inside, but he tried to rein in his anger while requesting some time alone with his wife before they took her away.  Matthew watched Dana from afar and wanted to give her some space following her altercation with her brother, but at that the same time, he was feeling compel to walk up to her and take her in his arms.  He was about to when he felt the vibration of his cell.
Matthew:  Hello?  (he answered, curious as to who would be calling him.  The voice on the other end apologized for the call, telling him that she tried Dana first, but was unable to get through.  She really didn't expect Matthew to pick up had her suspicions been true about his brother.  It was Crystal, who was relieved when Matthew told her that Earl was stable from what they hoped was the antidote.
Crystal:  "That's good.  It must have been a flute."
Matthew:  What do you mean?
Crystal:  "Well, the strangest thing happened to me last night with Mindy and Billy.  I was-- I like became possessed or something, and I started saying death was going to come to Hallandale.  It was really freaky and considering my premonition before about Leysdale, I just-- (she stopped herself from making the conversation anymore gloomy by switching to a more upbeat tone)  Well, I was wrong."  (A long silence befell the conversation that when nearly a minute passed, Crystal wondered if anyone was still on the other line) "Matthew?"
Matthew:  (snapping from his zone, he begin to contemplate whether he should let Crystal in on the news.  Little did he know that she was already getting suspicious)  I'm here.
Crystal:  "Is everything alright?"  (the phone was silent again as Matthew glanced over at Dana, who was still stoic against Samantha's hospital room window.  Crystal, however, could still hear Matthew's labored breaths and knew he was still on the line, just not answering, which worried her) "Matthew?"
Matthew:  Samantha died last night.
Crystal:  (nearly choking on her next breath, it took her a moment to get some words out)  "Oh my god.  Everyone must be a wreck."
Matthew:  It's what you can expect.  (he looked up from his cell to see Brock coming out of Samantha's room) I have to go.
Crystal:  "Of course.  Please give everyone my regards."
Matthew:  I will.  Later. (he pocketed his cell and then watched as Dr. Delacroix and his team swept in to move Samantha from the room)

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Anton:  (finally finishing his call, he came out of the room to find Malina sitting in the living room alone)  Where is Kyle and Lacreasha?
Malina:  They had to leave.  (she returned her gaze to her shopping magazine)
Anton: (making his way over to her side)  I'm sorry if I snapped earlier.
Malina:  It's okay.  (She had pushed it out her mind as soon as it happened. After all, she understood where Anton was coming from)
Anton:  I just hate that man for putting you in that situation.
Malina:  Well, it's done now and now we can focus on exciting things.  (she handed him the envelope the delivery man dropped off earlier)
Anton:  What's this?
Malina:  Well, unless someone's playing a joke on us, it should be your invitation.  (Anton opened the envelope, and quickly saw Malina was right as he slipped the stationary out of its confinement)
Anton:  A Masquerade Gala?
Malina:  Yep. I think we should go.
Anton:  Sounds cool, mysterious... a chance to mingle with people I haven't seen in ages.
Malina:  (she smiled to herself as she thought of Kyle's completely opposite response) I guess that means you're in?
Anton:  I wouldn't miss it.

(<- Gardens Ridges Park ->)
Upon leaving Dylan at the mini food mart, Garrett was unable to deny what a lovely day she had woken up too.  The sun wasn't blazing hot as it usually was and there was a nice gentle breeze every minute or so to keep one relatively comfortable sitting outdoors.  So she decided last minute she would enjoy her late breakfast on a park bench in the middle of Garden Ridges Park.  Once she finished eating, she took out her mail, including an envelope a delivery man handed her on the way out of her house this morning, and started flipping through them.  The first two were bills, the third was a pre-approval notice for a MasterCard, the fourth was a trial membership offer to a Rewards Company, the fifth and six were more bills, and the last was the mysterious plain envelope.  She couldn't tell what it was from the front: it only had her name on it.  So she opened it with rabid curiosity and discovered a thin piece of stationary inside.
Garrett:  (taking out the stationary, she scrolled through the invite) "CF & A cordially invites you to its 2nd Annual Masquerade Gala.  Come wearing your sexiest masked wear as we take you on a night of mystery.  Bring a friend, bring a date, bring the whole family... we don't mind, the more the merrier. Just make sure you're there... this Saturday @ 5 P.M."  (Garrett was mildly intrigued, but thought it was such short notice: less than two days to prepare for probably the most exciting event of this year.  She needed a plan... Hell, she needed a date.  If Nichols' Beauticon signature model was to make an appearance, she certainly couldn't come empty handed, even if she was supposed to be the idea of the liberated woman.  She needed a worthy guy on her hand, but who...  She tapped her finger contemplatively on the invitation for a minute or two, and then a possible choice came to her.  She grabbed her cell phone from her purse, and proceeded to dial his number.  There were two rings before he finally picked up with a hello) "Hey stranger, what are you up to?" (The man on the line responded "Chilling before me and the crew head to the Redhawks game")  "Ooh, sounds fun.  But listen, there's a masquerade happening on Saturday and I need a date."  (The caller asked with a hint of surprise in his voice, "Are you asking me out?"  Garrett had to admit, it did feel weird for her to be asking him.  However, he was one of her closest male friends and she believed they would have a good time.  Plus, it felt like eons since she last saw him, so this was a great opportunity for them to reconnect, and get him out of hiding)  Friends can go to these things without there needn't to be label affixed on it.  (The caller agreed, but it wasn't the date that was bothering him... "I don't know. I would still have to pick out a costume and...)  Stop trying to fudge your way out of this.  You can't hide in seclusion forever.  (A long pause proceeded before the caller finally answered, "I have to go.  I'll call you back."  Before Garrett could let out another word, her ears were greeted with a dial tone, a sign her called had obviously been disconnected)

***The moment appear to move slowly for Brock as the two doctors wheeled his wife out on a gurney from the hospital room that she called home for the last day of her life on Earth.  As they started to pass him, Brock motioned for them to stop while he gave his wife one more kiss good-bye before backing away and watching her be wheeled out of his life.  Dana took that moment to move in closer to her brother, but Brock moved forward slightly at the outreach of her hand toward his shoulder.  Whether it was intentional or unintentional wasn't clear in that moment.  Dana, however, took it as intentional and backed away slightly, only to be greeted by Matthew's own hand of comfort.  Hmm... so life sucked right now, but maybe it would get better.

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Darron and Juliet were horseplaying and giggling in his kingsize bed when her cell phone began to ring.  With resistance, Juliet whisked herself away from Darron, bringing a sheet along to dissuade any improper ideas from her playmate.  Too late, Darron was already warmed up and he wanted to show Juliet just how insatiable she was.  As she located her cell phone on the floor tangled with the rest of her clothes, she answered her call just as Darron jumped her from behind.  Her surprise was clearly communicated to Kyle Sharrington, who had called out her name on the other end of the receiver. She then whispered to Darron to calm down, it was her boss.
Juliet:  Kyle, hi.
Kyle:  "Hi, are you okay?"
Juliet:  "Yeah, I'm fine.  I just nearly tripped trying to get my phone.  What's up?" (Darron nibbled on her ear as she waited, Juliet couldn't help but be aroused by the touch of his lips against her ear, so much that it made it hard for her to tune into her boss at all times)
Kyle:  "Well, you haven't been into the office yet, and I was wondering what the status of your story was."
Juliet:  Yeah, umm... (Darron had moved his session to the arch of Juliet's neck that she began to lose her train of thought) Sorry, I'm just waiting on one quote.  (she elbowed Darron to stop this time) The story will be on your desk by 5pm.  Is there anything else I can do for you?
Kyle:  "No.  I'm just anxious to see the story.  I'll see you soon."
Juliet:  Soon. (she smiled) Talk to you later. (she quickly shut her cell phone and turned to find Darron clutching over)
Darron: (he attempted to stand, taking a breath as the sting bounced off his abdomen) Oh!  That's quite some elbow you deliver. (he worked his way to the left end of his bed, Juliet followed behind)
Juliet:  Sorry, as good as that felt, I had to make to you stop. (Darron let his body drop to the bed as she neared closer) How about I give you a massage to make it all better? (Darron signaled with his left hand for her to come closer since he coudn't bear to lift his head from where he was resting.  As she got closer, he motioned for her to lean her face in toward him.  As she did, he lifted his body up slightly so that he was able to whisper an alternate request into her ear.  Juliet smiled once he pulled away and gave her a casual blink)  I guess that classifies as somewhat of a massage.  (she moved over to the other side of his bed, dropping the sheet covering her naked frame before crawling under his comforter and pulling her body closer to his)  Alright, I haven't done this in a while, so don't rate me too harshly.

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
As Garrett rose from her park bench, she heard excited laughter coming her way.  What was worse is that she recognized who it was coming from -- Romeo Sullivan and Jennifer Everestt.  She plastered a smile on her face as they neared even though she was still puzzled by the abrupt end of her phone call earlier.  Jennifer was suggesting that Romeo dress up as her Peter Pan for the Masquerade, but he wasn't feeling very akin to wearing green tights.  Jennifer tried to convince him that he would be a very sexy looking Peter Pan, but Romeo resolved that he and she both knew that he was too equipped to be running around in tights.  Nothing against Peter Pan, but he was just a little kid.  Jennifer realized he had a point, it might be a little elementary for a party of this caliber.  As she started to contemplate further ideas, her eyes darted forward, probably at the same time as Romeo's to notice Garrett paused in their walkway.
Garrett:  Hi guys.  (she groaned to herself at the phoniness of her response)
Romeo:  (it was a little awkward for him to be seeing her so soon after the Weston Hotel incident)  Hey.
Jennifer:  Hi, it's been a while.
Garrett:  I know.  I've been busy with modeling, but I guess my past is catching up to me.  I ran into Dylan earlier.
Jennifer:  Hmm... how was that?
Garrett:  Umm... a little awkward...  ("Sort of like this situation right now," she thought)  But I suppose that's expected after all that went down.
Jennifer:  Yeah.  (changing gears in the topic)  So, did you receive an invite to the Masquerade Gala?
Garrett:  (she waves the stationary in front of Jenni and Romeo) This?
Jennifer:  So you're going?  (Romeo's interest seemed to peak at that point)
Garrett:  The verdict is still -- (Garrett's cell phone suddenly made two beep sounds) Excuse me.  (she pulled out her cell phone and saw that she received one text message.  Accepting permission to view, the following message displayed on her LCD display: "Count me in., Bri."  Garrett smiled as she tucked away her cell)
Jennifer:  Good news? (Both she and Romeo saw her practically spontaneously combust with glow)
Garrett:  Yeah, it looks like I'm going to the gala.

Garrett, Romeo, Dana, and Anton

- Malina wants answers from Shaquanna;
- Romain and Sandy comisserate over their exes;
- Leigh pays Seth Stapleton a visit;
- Shaquanna receives a chilling warning!



Click here for Episode 303