Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø While enjoying a private dance with Darron, Juliet was offended when Widlin cut in and proceeded to dance with Darron.  Before she could retaliate, Romain scooped in and whisked Juliet away for a dance.  However, the damage had been done in Juliet's eyes, so when the opportunity presented itself to set the record straight with her boyfriend's former flame, Juliet took charge.  (~)

ø Andrew informed Shanna that his feelings for her go deeper than friendship and gratitude.  The two-time widow, however, was adamant that he forget the kiss ever happen.  (~)

ø Kyle intercepted an argument between his father and Akeira over baby Roy.  As he reasoned with Akeira that allowing Alexander to see his son for one minute couldn't hurt, Kyle was surprise to see a softer and more paternal side to his father -- a side his fiancee, Lacreasha, refused to believe existed.

***The still night air stings of fragile convictions and memories as Alexander Pierre calls after his son in an attempt to stop his descent from the park.  When Kyle turns back, he sees a two-faced man staring back at him.  Over the years, he had acquired a mutual disdain for his father, one spurred by his father's neglect and apathy toward him.  For the last three months, however, he has not been able to channel his disdain for his father.  Instead, he saw shades of a man that he never knew existed, especially tonight.

Alexander:  I just want to thank you.

"Don't," Kyle responds back instinctively.  He wanted to pull away, and remind himself that this was the man that drove him and his mother out of town.  Alexander, however, disregards what he perceives to be his son's modesty over what he accomplished tonight, and moves in closer to his Kyle.  He knew he had to make it clear to his son just how much tonight meant to him.

Alexander:  You allowed me to see my son.  It's the first moment that I've had with him since he's been born.  I can't begin to tell you how much that means to me.
Kyle:  I have a pretty good idea.  After all, I was standing right here when you made your case to Akeira-- (the tension in his body continues its course, his eyes never waivering from his father)  how adamant you were that she wouldn't cut you out of your son's life.  Nevermind the son that you already neglected.  I mean, where was your fatherly obligations then?

Alexander couldn't believe how quickly the conversation had reverted back to his past sins.  He knew he screwed things up royally, but he honestly thought they shared a moment tonight.

Alexander:  The situation was completely different back then.  You weren't planned, and breaking that news to my wife --  (he pauses, looking for any indication that his son understands the gravity the situation he was in.  Kyle, however, remains detached; so much so that it might seem someone were pulling the strings)  I mean, just imagine, telling your wife that not only were you cheating on her, but you knocked up your mistress.  My marriage couldn't survive that.  I had to give you up. 
Kyle:  Oh come on, don't insult my intelligence.  (His blood boils at the inference that his birth was an inconvenience for the Pierre's)  Your wife died over a decade ago.  You're Alexander frickin' Pierre-- if you wanted to keep me, you would have fought for me the way you did for Roy tonight.
Alexander:  I made mistakes, and I would like nothing more than to fix them.
Kyle:  I don't think you can.  And I don't think you can color over the issue with empty words, either.

(<- Outside of Shanna's Art Studio ->)
After he nearly slipped earlier about what he really thought of her second-rate marriage to Ben, Andrew Stokes realized he needs to choose his words carefully if doesn't want to risk alienating his brother's widow anymore than he already has.  After all, his whole plan rests on her trusting him implicitly.

Andrew:   I know that you're still in love with your husband, and it is not my intention to tread on that.  I just wanted to explain why I did what I did.
Shanna:  (she snaps, swiftly turning to face him)  Well, you have.  And I think it's best we forget it ever happened.
Andrew:  And can you-- forget what happened between us?
Shanna:  I already have.

Her eyes lock intensely on him, but there's a cloud of doubt brewing behind them that she feels gives itself away the longer their eyes connect.  She decidedly moves to grab her blank canvases, but Andrew quickly follows behind her.  He knows if he can crack through her protestations of love for Ben Hemmings, he may have a chance of exacting the perfect revenge against his brother's killer.

Shanna:  So if there is nothing else--
Andrew:  Why are you being so dismissive? 
Shanna:  Because I don't want to be here Andrew.  I don't want to be around you. 

When their eyes connect this time, he can see the frustration that commands her voice.  While he remains perfectly wounded on the outside, inside he is relishing every moment.

(<- Rendezvous Shack ->)
Darron and Romain make their way through the crowded restaurant, circling around several tables on their way to rejoin the girls.  It's not until they reach their table that they realize Sandy Reynolds is now stting alone.
Darron:  Where's Juliet?
Sandy:  She-- had to run to the lady's room.

Sandy tries to assure herself that he only asked where Juliet had went off too, not who or what prompted her to run off.  After all, why sell her friend down the river if Widlin and Juliet could come to some sort of peaceful agreement on their own?  She smiles lightly at Romain as he settles down on the seat next to her;  she then casually glances toward the women's restroom sign.  Inside the lady's room, Juliet has just advised Widlin to back off of Darron.

Widlin:  Who do you think you're talking to?
Juliet:  You're the only one standing here.
Widlin:  My relationship with Darron is none of your damn business.

Widlin proceeds to walk pass her ex's new girlfriend, but Juliet has other plans, taking a step away from the stall she recently departed and narrowly grabbing hold of one of Widlin's delicate wrists.  The result is a swift re-meeting of the other's face.

Juliet:  You see, that's where you're wrong.  (Widlin yanks her wrist from Juliet's surprisingly tight grip.  She then massages it for a few seconds as Juliet continues to yammer on)  You have no relationship with Darron.  He's with me, and if you think that's going to change, then you're in for a huge disappointment.
Widlin:  I think you're the one in for a disappointment.  You clearly don't understand my relationship with Darron or you wouldn't be pulling this stunt.
Juliet:  I'm pulling the stunt?!  (Juliet is literally taken aback by Widlin's Pierre gall)  This coming from the woman who inserted her bony ass in between me and Darron tonight?  You wanted to deliver me a message tonight, and I got it loud and clear.

She knew Widlin took great joy in pushing her aside on that dance floor, as well as dancing with Darron while she watched from the sidelines.  Even the words Widlin used, "Don't worry, I'll give him back" suggested that the jilted ex- believed Darron was some arbitrary object that she could borrow at a moment's notice. 

Juliet:  So now I'm going to make it perfectly clear why Darron Wolek will never be yours again.

Mysteries of Our Lives Title Card

Knowing she had Widlin's full and undivided attention, Juliet casually strolls around the rich socialite, viewing herself in the same full scale mirror that Widlin had been occupying.  The mirror was like her portal; it captures the very moment that Widlin turns to face it.  She sees the way Widlin's eyes lock on her, curious to hear Juliet elaborate on her ambitious objective, and Juliet is more than happy to put her out of her misery.

Juliet:  You see, Darron and I have a connection.  We've both been burned by people we thought we could trust...

The words deliver its intended effect;  Widlin briefly relives images of the pain and devastation on Darron's face when he realized that she, of all people, did not trust that he loved her for who she was, and not her money.  The night she chose her father and his money over Darron still remains her biggest regret to this day.

Juliet:  ...We're both attractive, passionate, strong-minded individuals who know how to have good time, and gawd, when we're together -- there's an undeniable intensity that no one could mistake.
Widlin:  Don't kid yourself.
Juliet(turning away from the mirror, she faces Widlin dead on)  He's moved on, and just because you refuse to see that doesn't make it any less true.
Widlin:  You're right about one thing.  I hurt Darron when I betrayed his trust, and I regret that decision every day.
Juliet:  You should.  Darron's a good man, and you had your chance.  I'm not going to stand by and allow you to worm your way back into his life.
Widlin:  Darron is my friend.  I don't need to worm myself into his life.  I don't need your permission to have a relationship with him-- I mean, who the hell do you think you are? 
Juliet:  I'm the woman that will be leaving here in Darron's arm tonight.
Widlin:  But can you keep him?  After all, there is no ring on your finger.  Has Darron even professed his love for you yet?

Juliet tries her best to cover, but the answer is written all over her face and Widlin can see it.  Truth be told, Juliet herself hasn't even said those three little words yet.

Widlin:  Any two people can have sex, it takes real emotion to make love.  I mean, if we're both being honest, you're just the latest notch on his belt, his re-bound from me.

Juliet slaps her swiftly across the face, sending Widlin tumbling a few steps back toward the restroom counter.  But Widlin recovers quickly, and happily reciprocates the action.  Before the woman know it, it's all out war as Juliet goes in with the mindset that only one of them will be left standing.

(<- Outside of Shanna's Art Studio ->)
Andrew:  I understand that you're grieving, and that you didn't expect me to profess my love for you, but don't think that any of this has been easy for me.  I didn't choose to have these feelings for you, believe me.  This was not a part of my plan.
Shanna:  I know, Andrew.  (It pains her to acknowledge that he's as innocent as she is in all of this)  But what you've told me tonight, it changes everything.  I can't -- I can't lean on you for support, and if I were, my god... (She turns away, heightening her reluctance)
Andrew:  What?  Are you afraid that you might realize there is life after Ben?
Shanna:  Oh, I know there is.  I'm living through that torture each and every day.  But Ben is the love of my life, and I have to believe that will get me through the rocky road ahead.  A road that I will have to travel alone.
Andrew:  You don't have too.  You choose to.
Shanna:  It's not your job to look after me, and for months, that's what you've done-- lived and breathed in my shadow.  It's time you started living your own life.
Andrew:  But that's just it.  This is where I want to be.
Shanna:  You're not my husband.  I will never feel anything more for you than friendship and gratitude.
Andrew:  Feelings change.  (He knew that more than anyone) 
Shanna:  You don't understand.  I've only been involved with two men in my life-- both whom I married.  With Terrell, I was this clueless child who believed her parents could do no wrong, and my marriage was short-lived because of it.  Then Ben came along, and something clicked.  It wasn't long before I realized he was the man I was meant to spend the rest of my life with.
Andrew:  But he's dead.
Shanna:  Not in my heart.  Ben will always be alive in my heart, and the sooner you understand that, the better off we will all be.

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Alexander:  Where is all this coming from?  I thought we were making inroads tonight.
Kyle:  I related to your situation, but the man I saw tonight is not the man that I know.  Watching you with Roy, I was envious and angry at the same time.  I mean, do you know how much it hurts to know that your own father never wanted you? 
Alexander:  Giving you up was never about you.
Kyle:  How can you say that?  Of course, it was about me.  The holidays, school functions, puberty, my first date, my first engagement--  (his eyes widened, noting that his father was there for his second engagement)  they were all about me, and you weren't there.
Alexander:  What do you want me to say?  I was a lousy father.
Kyle:  That's just it.  You weren't a lousy father because you never were one-- not to me.  (Kyle turns back, his eyes landing on the park's exit sign)
Alexander:  That's why I so desperately want to be apart of Roy's life.  I don't want to make the same mistakes again.
Kyle:  Well, its like you said:  the circumstances are lot different now than they were then.  You're not married, and you didn't have an affair with someone outside your race, so you won't have to worry about having another mix-breed for a son.
Alexander:  Contrary to what you might believe, it was never about the color of your skin.

Kyle found that extremely difficult to believe, so much so that he needed to be facing his father when Alexander tried to justify his reasons for referring to his own son as a cracker.

Kyle:  So you just called me all those words for sport?
Alexander:  I used them so you would keep your distance.  I knew if you hated me and everything I represented, then it would be easier to stay out of each other lives.

There is no words to describe the level of shock and awe that is written on his son's face.  Kyle doesn't even know how to dignify such lunacy with a response.  His approaching, fiancee, however, has no problems finding the appropriate words as she comes blazing through the park.

Lacreasha:  Then why don't you make it even easier:  turn your sorry ass around and keep on walking.

***Alexander:  Oh for godskakes.  This conversation has nothing to do with you, so back off! 
The inflection in his father's voice, and the steady pace of Alexander's steps toward his fiancee prompts Kyle to jump in front of the two.
Kyle:  No, you back off!
Lacreasha:  It's okay, Kyle. 

She continues to allow her fiance's body to shield her from Alexander.  This is the man that Kyle needed to see and heed. 

Lacreasha:  I was wondering when his real face would unmask itself.  And I was all prepared to step aside-- really, I was.  (She stresses to Kyle before returning her focus to his father)  That was until he started spewing that garbage about how everything he ever said was an attempt to push you away.  Really, Alexander?  You used racial epithets against your own son and you think you were protecting him?  That they had nothing to do with hate?  You really are unbelievable.
Alexander:  (addressing her formally comes with a great deal of restraint)  Well, forgive me Ms. Dupree, I guess we all can't be as perfect as you.  But then you're not perfect, are you?  We have all made mistakes, but how can we move on if there is always someone there forcing us to relive the past? 

Lacreasha scoffs, turning away, not because she believes he is spewing more BS, but because she would hate for him to see her actually relating to what he is saying.  The fact that Rochelle Desmores could not stop reliving the past was the reason they were never ever able to repair their friendship.  The hatred had become common place in their everyday existence, much like with Kyle and Alexander.

Alexander:  I know that I caused you a great deal of pain son, but all I can do is try and right that wrong.
Kyle:  How?  How do you fix what's broken?
Alexander:  I-- I don't know.  One step at a time, I suppose.  I think the important thing is building back trust.
Kyle:  Trust?  There are very few people that I do trust, and they would all say I was a fool to believe anything that comes out of your mouth.
Alexander:  But would they be right?  You're a journalist like me; now we may have different tactics, but the one thing we have in common is our desire for the cold hard facts.  It's nothing if we can't hear or see it for ourselves.  So give me a chance to prove my case.

Kyle stares back at him, but his mouth doesn't move.  He wonders if he can really refuse in that moment, as the temptation to say yes battles to come out of him.  Lacreasha looks on anxiously, fearing she is about to watch her fiance cross the tracks of a speeding train.

(<- Rendezvous Shack ->)
The start of Karaoke hour has managed to successfully detract Sandy Reynolds mind, as well as Darron and Romain from the still vacant seat of Juliet Staggerfield.  Unfortunately, it hasn't been one of the most pleasant distractions, and the latest contestant is quickly grating on Sandy's nerves with his rendition of Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back.

Sandy:  I don't know how much more of this I can take.
Romain:  He's only on the first chorus.
Karoake Contestant:  (painfully enunciating each lyric)  "Go ahead, be gone with it.  Let me see what you're working with.  Go ahead, be gone with it.  Look at those hips..."
Sandy:  Oh no, no.  (She scoots out from her seat)  I'm going in.
Romain:  Wait, what?  (He smirks, as she makes a beeline for the stage)
Karoake Contestant:  "I’m bringing sexy back. Them other fuckers don’t know how to act..." 

Sandy storms the stage, grabbing the microphone from him.
Sandy:  Cut!
Karaoake Contestant:  Hey, I wasn't done.
Sandy:  Oh, I think you are.  What do you think, audience?  (Mass cheer erupts as Sandy signals for the DJ to cut the instrumentals)  Look at that, a standing ovation.

The man sneers at her before retreating back into the audience, toward what appears to be a group of obnxious drinking buddies.  Sandy reasons it must have been a bet gone bad.  Of course, now she had the chore of entertaining this audience with a decent set of vocals and a powerful song, two things she wasn't 100% sure she could pull off.

Darron:  That Sandy, she's something else.
Romain:  Yeah, she is.

Romain watches her, clueless to the fact that he is completely enamored.  Sandy, meanwhile, rules out Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears as soon as their names pop on the prompter;  Toni Braxton, Tupac, Evanescene -- hmm... her eyes stopped and she signals for the DJ to start the instrumentals for that one.

Sandy:  Good evening, everyone.  I hope you're an Evanescence fan because that's what I will be singing tonight.  And no, it's not My Immortal.

The crowd laughs as the instrumentals to Missing begin.  Romain notes the sad melody, and realizes that her selection was probably Mitchell-inspired.  If he had any doubt, the rawness of her angst as she settles in front of the stage is far too palpable for just the purpose of performing this song.  Sandy kneels her head expertedly before the crowd as if these lyrics were her own.

Sandy:  "Please, please forgive me."  (She looks up at the audience, placing her hand on her heart and then throwing it out at the audience)  But I won't be home again.  Maybe somedaayy... you'll look up and barely conscious..."  (She flutters her eyes, arching her head slightly) "'ll say to no one, isn't something missing?"

The crowd cheers as a light smile encroaches Sandy's face before she continues.  Romain lightly bobs his head to Sandy's tune as Darron quickly realizes that Juliet has not returned from the restroom.

Meanwhile, Juliet scrapples to her feet as pulls Widlin up by her extensions, tossing her forcibly against the restroom counter.  Widlin spends several minutes trying to get an advantage over her surprisingly strong adversary when she manages to feel out one of her elbows, using it to sock Juliet in the abdomen.  The force of the blow sends the damsel tumbling back and Widlin wastes no time steadying to her feet, before lunging a good hook toward Juliet.  "You're not going to keep me from Darron."  Juliet recovers from the power of Widlin's third blow, screaming as she lunges toward Widlin, claws out as she digs into the woman's neck.  Widlin screams as Juliet nails her so deeply that blood could be drawn any second.  Widlin tries to claw her away from the bitch's grip as her back presses onto the bathroom counter, but all she can hear is one of the sinks still running.  "Get off me, you bitch."

Juliet:  "Darron is mine.  Get that through your head, and this will be over."
Widlin: "He's not a pair of shoes!"

Widlin gets out in an exasperated grunt as she finally pries Juliet's hands from her neck and reciprocates the favor.  Juliet grunts, sliding her feet across the space where Widlin stands, which causes the socialite to lose her grip and bearing as she collides to the ground.

Sandy:  "...And if I bleed, I'll bleed, knowing you don't care.  And if I sleep just to dream of you; I'll wake without you there,   Isn't something missing?   Isn't something?
Romain:  (breaking his eyes from Sandy for the first time in about five minutes, he notices that Darron's eyes are scoping the room sporadically)  Hey, everything alright?
Darron:  I'm just wondering what's keeping Juliet.  She should have been back by now.

Widlin lies sprawled out on the floor, with Juliet towering over her.  Widlin's hands and legs are binded by the weight of Juliet's body.  Juliet contemplates delivering one more knock out punch, but she can see that she's tired out her opponent.  Truth be told, she was physically exhausted as well.  She begrudgingly stands, allowing the circulation to flow back to several parts of Widlin's body.  But it takes Widlin a few seconds to stand.  Juliet, meanwhile, gets a look at herself in the mirror and realizes there is no way she is going to be able to hide this incident from Darron and the others.  Her perfectly groomed hair is now ruined, even a brush couldn't fix it at this point; her dress was no longer in the mint condition it arrived; her face and neck was red with bruises from where Widlin slapped and then tried to strangle her; there were even a few small cuts on her arm.

Widlin:  We look ridiculous.

She announces as she gets a glimpse of her own reflection in the mirror.  Juliet sadly found herself unable to argue with her, at least about the state of their appearance.

Juliet:  You had it coming.  And for the record, I'm not just Darron's rebound girl.
Widlin:  Then why did it hurt so much? 

She poses the question to Juliet, still feeling the slight sting of Juliet's first blow as she turns away from the sink and mirror, and heads for the exit.  Juliet sneers at the woman as she leaves, wondering what it was Widlin was trying to imply.

***Andrew walks into Shanna's dark, abandon studio, wrapping his head around the mess that was tonight.  He can't pinpoint when his plans for revenge became so muddled by his adolescent desires.  After all, that's what they had to be.  "With Terrell, I was this clueless child who believed her parents could do no wrong, and my marriage was short-lived because of it.  Then Ben came along, and something clicked."  He could hear Shanna's voice rationalizing to him.  His brother was nothing more than a mere stop to Ben, she said.  His death an unforseen event that paved the way for her to be with what -- some low IQ mechanic that fixed junk cars for a living.  Terrell, on the otherhand, was an upstanding detective that fought for the rights of people; he died trying to bring down the corruption of New Orleans.  Corruption headed by that bitch's parents.

The words screamed in Andrew's head as his hand swung across the plastered canvas of Ben on the stand.  Something about the shrine just set him off.  The fact that she could pour so much soul into his death, and do nothing for his brother's.  No, she just ran away and forgot -- wanted to forget it all.  She just pretended he didn't even exist.  His fists clenched, he grabs a canvas from the floor, breaking it in half underneath his bare palms.  It isn't enough though, so he grabs another, and then another.   Before he knows it, he is trashing the place he had put so much heart and labor into.  Shanna Hemmings didn't deserve to paint her heartache away, not under his domain.  If she wants her precious Ben, he was going to make sure he gave her a one-ticket there.  It was time to take the gloves off.

(<- Rendezvous Shack ->)
Sandy:  So what did you think, boys?
Romain:  You were awesome.

"Darron," she calls out to him, noticing his eyes are not on her.  Little does Sandy realize that he has just spotted Widlin Pierre looking like she'd been hit by a truck.

"Excuse me!" Darron removes himself from the table to race across the restaurant as Widlin nears the exit of the establishment.  "Widlin!"  He calls out to her, hoping to stop her before she gets any closer to the exit.  Recognizing his voice anywhere, Widlin turns back immediately, giving her former boyfriend quite the eyeful as he takes in the state of her appearance.

Darron:  What the hell happen?

Widlin could see the concern and curiosity on his face, and is about to give him an answer when she spies Juliet stepping out of the woman's quarters, and decides it's not her place.

Widlin:  Why don't you ask your girlfriend?

Darron is stumped by the side swipe as Widlin turns around, and heads toward the door.  As he turns back toward Romain and Sandy, his eyes then meet Juliet's over the corner.  She's in a similar state as Widlin, only a lot more covered up.  Romain and Sandy's eyes follow Darron as he walks over to Juliet.

Darron:  What's going on?
Juliet:  Well, I think it's pretty obvious Darron.  (Her tone comes off more aggressive than she intends)  Widlin and I had it out, and hopefully next time, she'll think twice before she tries to come between me and you again.

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Kyle:  Although I might need to have my head examine, you're right.  I need to see this through.  So yes, I will do lunch with you.
Alexander:  Great.  (Lacreasha makes it evident that she's heard everything as she steps back behind her fiance, glaring at Alexander)  I can call you tomorrow, and we can discuss the details.
Kyle:  Alright.
Alexander:  Thank you.  You won't regret this.
Kyle:  I hope not.
Alexander:  I'll leave you two alone then.  Good night.
Lacreasha:  Good night.  (The words come swift, almost as if she were saying good riddance)
Kyle:  Good night.

He expresses lightly as Lacreasha makes her way in front of Kyle.  At the same time, she is able to ensure that Alexander is indeed making tracks from the park, and not lurking behind some tree.  Once sees him walking through the gate, she avert her eyes back to Kyle, who speaks before she can say a word. 

Kyle:  I know, I've completely lost it.  Tonight, I saw--  I just think if--
Lacreasha:  You have to explore all avenues.  I understand.

Lacreasha's calm and collected attitude surprises her fiance to an extent.  However, when she moves into hug him -- their heads lying on each other's respective shoulders -- he feels a little more at ease with her response.  Lacreasha just wishes that choosing to remain positive about this situation would shake the nagging feeling down in the pit of her stomach.

**Darron is still wrapping his head around the fact that his girlfriend and ex- just spent the last 10 minutes or so duking it out in the bathroom over him as he and Juliet make their way outside the Rendezvous Shack to talk in private.  He stands with his body intimately close to hers, their eyes focused on one another as tries to assure his girlfriend that she has no reason to be adversarial toward Widlin.

Darron:  Widlin is not a threat to our relationship, but she is someone I care a great deal about.
Juliet:  And she's using that to her advantage.  Tonight was a shining example.
Darron:  Why are you assuming the worse of her?  Is this about your conversation with Akeira because nothing that woman says can be taken as gospel. 
Juliet:  I have eyes, Darron.  I saw the two of you tonight.  Nothing speaks greater volumes than body language, and Widlin Pierre's couldn't be any more clearer.
Darron:  And mine?
Juliet:  You didn't push her away.
Darron:  I'm not in love with Widlin.  (He pauses, trying to get any indication that she actually believes what he is saying to her)  Yes, we share the same regrets about where our relationship went wrong, but I happen to care very much about the woman standing in front of me right now.
Juliet:  And I care about you, a lot.  (She reciprocates his smile, locking her hands in his)  I feel like we're moving toward something really solid here, and I don't want anything or anyone to ruin that.
Darron:  No one will, not if I have anything to say about it.

(<- The Pierre Estate ->)
After the long day he's had, Alexander Pierre pours himself a nice stiff drink in his vodka glass.  Just as the glass comes within inches of his lips, his daughter comes storming in.  Alexander turns and spies Widlin about to slither up the stairs.
Alexander:  Not going to say a simple hello to your father?  (She turns quickly to say hello, but it was all the time he needed to see what was really going on)  Whoa!  What happened to you?
Widlin:  (sighs)  I had a minor altercation.
Alexander:  Minor?  Look at the state of you.  That's a designer dress.
Widlin:  Yes, and it can be replaced.  (she says, leaning against the stair wall as it was very likely she wouldn't be going anywhere now that her father was slowly closing in on her)
Alexander:  That's beside the point.  I can not believe you would engage this way in public.
Widlin:  No one saw a thing.  So you can relax. 
Alexander:  Good.  I don't need that bitch Akeira somehow twisting your public brawl to her advantage.
Widlin:  She still refuses to let you see Roy?
Alexander:  She's trying, but I'm not giving up.  Kyle actually convinced her to let me see him tonight.
Widlin:  Kyle?

She knew her father was trying to build bridges with her brother again, but she hardly expected to hear anytime soon that Kyle was making allowances for their father.  That's quite a feat.

Alexander:  Yeah.  I might be making inroads with him.
Widlin:  That's good.  I just hope you don't blow it.
Alexander:  How could I do that?
Widlin:  By simply being you.
Alexander:  That's a nice vote of confidence.
Widlin:  I'm just saying you have this unshakeable habit of butting into your children's lives, and if you do that with Kyle, he could be gone before he got settled.

Alexander realized he wasn't home free yet with his son, especially with Kyle's fiancee butting her nose in every chance she gets.  However, the fact that Kyle agreed to give him a chance to prove himself is certainly a step a right direction.  If things continued this way, there was no way a judge could deny that the Pierre Estate was the perfect place for young Roy Desmores to be.

(<- Guittierrez Home ->)
Shalia Guittierrez is feeling unmistakenly restless as her husband lies next to her, apparently sound asleep.  She hears the sound of her cell phone vibrating against the nighstand, and turns over to get it before it disrupts Derek's sleep.  When she sees the name staring at her on the caller ID, she hesitates on whether to reject the call or face it head on.  As much as she didn't want to deal with the likes of Andrew Stokes, she figured it was best to answer his call and get it over with.

Shalia:  What?  (She stressed in a light whisper)
Andrew:  "Sorry if I'm disturbing you."
Shalia:  (she could tell by the inflection in his voice that he wasn't)  What do you want, Andrew?
Andrew:  "To see you at 6 am sharp tomorrow morning."
Shalia:  You can't be serious? 

She unintentionally raises her voice, taken aback by the nerve of his request.  Then her heart nearly skips a beat when her husband tosses over to the other side, swapping his hand across his pillow and thankfully not around the spot next to him.  Realizing this was a far risky conversation to have next to her husband, Shalia walks over to the adjoining restroom door, standing in the archway so she can continue to keep a mindful eye on Derek.

Shalia:  I thought I made it clear to you the day of Ben's service that I'm done with you.  I want no further involvement in whatever sick plans you have for Shanna.
Andrew:  "You're already involved, or have you forgotten the real reason you came to be Mrs. Derek Guittierrez."
Shalia:  (her frustration prompts her to raise her voice once again)  What is this about?
Andrew:  "Payback.  So tomorrow, the abandon labyrinth, be there."

Before Shalia could protest any further, she hears the phone receiver click over.  Clearly there was nothing else further to discuss.  Whether she liked it or not, she would have to meet with Andrew tomorrow and see his plans through.

Click here for Episode 320