Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Sandy: So what is it that you want me to do to this Widlin Pierre?

Shaquanna: She is publicly humiliated, the sooner I will be rid of her. (~)

William: What's with the bags, are you going somewhere? (~)

Romain: because there are innocent people still here who don't deserve this. Put down the detonator.

Laura: No, I have a score to settle.

***(couple hours after midnight)

Taneia: I can not believe that woman had us all nearly blown up.

Darron: Correction, she did take two lives.

Taneia: There is no way that Crystal died in that explosion, I refuse to believe it. She had to much to live for, she's hanging on somewhere.  Let's just hope the officials find her before it is too late.

Kasey: So this is the crime scene. Why are we doing this so early in the morning?

Officer #1: because we have a better chance of spotting the bodies now than we do in broad daylight with people out and about.

Kasey: Who are we looking for?

Laura: I can tell you that.

Officer #1: You are to get off these premises, I thought she was sent to the police station.

Kasey: This is the woman responsible for all this chaos.

Samantha: If you cannot be reasonable when it comes to that night, then maybe we shouldn't bring it up.

Brock: That is what I have been telling you from the beginning.

Samantha: I'm still interested in one thing.  Why did you decide that you were still in love with me and to give me another chance?

Jessica: These bags are most of my things, and I'm leaving this ridiculous excuse of a marriage.

William: I can not let you walk out that door!

Jessica: I'm afraid you no longer have a choice.

(theme music begins and ends)

***Greg: (sensing tension) Why don't I go make sure you have all the things you need before we leave.

Jessica: Well, you succeeded in scaring him out of the room.

William: Oh, Im so sorry. The last thing I wanted to do is hurt your new love interest feelings.

Jessica: Greg is my doctor and a very good friend. I do not have time for these petty arguments.

William: There is still much to discuss.

Jessica: What more do we need to say to each other before "its over" sinks through your head?

Kasey: This is Agent Alvarez and I have a woman who needs to be remove immediately.

Laura: You can not hurt me, no one can because I was not in my right mind when I committed these acts.

Kasey: That's why I had you checked into a mental asylum so you can get all better.

Laura: No, this is not supposed to happen this way.

Kasey: But I'm afraid it is.

Darron: Why don't you stop pretending now? There is no audience, so you can stop the deep passionate concern for Crystal's safety.

Taneia: I am concerned about her safety.

Darron: We both know this is the break you've been waiting for. Now that Crystal is dead, you are free to run this company any way you like.

***Taneia: I am not about to stick around and hear this from you. You can lock up the place, I will be back.

Darron: It is 4 o'clock in the morning.

Taneia: Fine, I will go and see what they found on the news. Maybe there is more insight on the explosion.

Brock: The reason I felt I should forget about that night was because I could not stop thinking about you. Samantha, even though I called off our engagement, I never stopped loving you because you were the only one who allowed me to be loved. You showed me what real love is and that it was possible.

Samantha: Brock . . .

Brock: I love you with all my heart and soul, so much that I think this is the perfect time to ask you something.

William: because love like ours doesn't die without a reason.

Jessica: You want a reason, its because you did not have enough faith in me. You didn't trust me enough to give me the benefit of doubt. That is why our marriage ended.

William: You have everything all figured out?

Jessica: There is nothing more to discussed unless you have got the divorce papers signed and ready to be delivered.

***(door bell rings)

Widlin: (opens door) What are you doing here, don't you have to keep up appearances with your husband?

Camille: My husband trusts me completely, besides its time I collect for keeping quiet about your secret.

Widlin: What are you talking about?

Camille: It's time for you to pay for my silence.

Kasey: Oh, look at what I found.

Officer #1: Two bodies, we better call the survivors up to see if the recognize the two bodies.

Kasey: Right now, we need to head them over to the Leysdale Hospital, I can not believe they survived this long.

Samantha: Wait, don't say anything else.

Brock: but . . .

Samantha: I need you to know my feelings for you before you go on any longer.

Brock: Well, don't leave me in suspense.

Samantha: The truth is that I love you but I can not be with you.

***William: I'm sorry, but I'm not signing the papers.

Jessica: What?

William: You heard me.  There is no way I'm letting you out of this marriage.

Widlin: Pay for your silence, have you lost your mind?

Camille: No, I've realized that I have the dirt on one of the members of the richest families in this town, I want apart of that wealth.

Widlin: Haven't you ruin my life enough, now you want my money. Why can't you just leave me alone?

Camille: I see your face on the magazine of every Nichols Beauticon cover and I think what is the point. All the work you do is useless because you are rich.

Widlin: I do what I feel is right and no matter how rich I am, I would like to be apart of the real world.

Camille: You will if anyone ever found out the truth about what happened at West Creek.

Widlin: No one can know about that night.

(dish falls over)

Widlin: Oh my god, Who's there?

***Brock: Why don't you stop listening to your head and listen to your heart. My heart is telling me "will you marry me?"

Brock: So, will you be my wife?

Samantha: I don't know what to say.

Brock: Listen to your heart because that is where the true answer lies, in your heart!

Widlin: someone was here, what if thanks to you they over heard my secret.

Camille: You are just being paranoid.

Widlin: No, I can sense it deep in my soul, someone was here.

(phone rings)

Taneia: Hello! Oh my god, do you know who they are?  There being sent to Leysdale Hospital?  Okay, thank you very much, Bye!

Darron: What happened?

Taneia: I just heard from the FBI that two bodies were found a couple acres from the accident.

Darron: Crystal?


Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Off. Capitulous: Someone in this room knows exactly what happened, more importantly one of you murdered Leonard Stone. (~)

William: I will never sign those papers.

Jessica: Then I will make sure you regret it.

Click here for the next episode!