Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Anton: I'm trying to get to the bottom of what has been going on.
Rochelle: Get off my back! (~)
William: If I am miserable, I will make sure you are down there with me. (~)
Kasey: If it is legal, then why can't you tell me what it is. (~)
Widlin: No one is out there!

***Malina: Hey, Its good to see you.
Anton: Yeah, it feels like we haven't had a good conversation since that party.
Malina: Well, we really haven't unless you count those short dates that usually end with you going off at the last minute.
Anton: Things have been hectic at the office and have not been getting any better.
Malina: So none of those brush-offs had to do with Rochelle Desmores?

Kasey: If it will have this serious of an impact, then you should tell me. No, you need to tell me.
Michelle: I dont know if I can.
Kasey: All you have to do is continue moving your mouth and let the words come out.
Michelle: It just not that easy. Look, we can talk about this when we have more time, right now we better hurry or we are going to miss our flight.
Kasey: I think the flight can wait, isnt our marriage more important?

Lacreasha: I cannot believe you are still complaining about the food here.
Man: I was nearly poisoned by them oysters.
Lacreasha: I think oysters are the least of our worries, we cannot keep running from what is happening in Hallandale.
Man: We're not, we are here for your sisters funeral.
Lacreasha: Which is over and has been for weeks now. I do not appreciate you using her as an excuse to lay low.
Man: You want to be arrested, by all means, you go back to Hallandale.
Kavina: Have you seen this woman, it is very important!

Rochelle: What are you doing here?
Aubrey: My morning has been quite busy, but my day is not quite complete without seeing your lovely face.
Rochelle: Really!
Aubrey: No, I am here because the forensic report came back on the gun and you won't believe what I found.

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

***Anton: Why would you say that?
Malina: because it seems every time I turn around, you are with Rochelle. I know you told me nothing was going on, but all those late hours, I have to wonder.
Anton: You are the second person to suggest that my feelings are more than just strictly platonic for Rochelle.
Malina: Only you know the answer, but you didnt answer my question?

Jessica: How dare you threaten me like that.
William: Oh, its not a threat honey. I will drag you through divorce courts for years with every single legal maneuver I can think of.
Jessica: What have I done to you to deserve this?
William: Spare me the victim act because it is getting old. You disappear for weeks, with not as much as a phone call to where you are.
Jessica: I was being rehabilitated and if you remember, we were not exactly speaking to each other. The problem is that you want to blame someone for our failed marriage. I think its time you take a great good look at yourself.

Rochelle: You have me in suspense, what did you find?
Aubrey: Nothing, the gun had been wiped clean.
Rochelle: Tough break!
Aubrey: That's all you have to say. I wonder who fingerprints would have showed up on there if the gun was not wiped clean.
Rochelle: How about you remember that you are in my home, and you can take your trash out the door.

***Aubrey: The last thing I want to do is offend you, but I will be paying more attention to your physical activities.
Rochelle: What is that supposed to mean?
Aubrey: It means that I am a very determined woman who knows something is up. I have not once labeled a case unsolved, and I do not plan on starting now.
Rochelle: (sarcastically) I am just overjoyed for you! Now, if you dont mind, there are matters that I need to intend to, so I will see you out.
Aubrey: Okay, I will find out whatever it is you are hiding and who did kill Leonard Stone, you bet your life on it.

Michelle: Of course our marriage is important to me, but you don't want to be the reason I lose my job.
Kasey: I guess not, but we will talk about this.
Michelle: Okay, Let's hurry up! The plane leaves in 20 minutes.
Kasey: We better go then!

Lacreasha: There is no way I can be arrested because I did not kill Leonard.
Man: Then who did?
Lacreasha: If it was not me or you, then it had to be someone else.
Man: I can't think of anyone else who would have motive to kill that scumbag.
Lacreasha: Maybe there is someone, someone he has hurt time and time again.
Both: Rochelle!

Anton: I am not in love with Rochelle!
Malina: Okay, don't get all bent out of shape.
Anton: I just, I dont want to talk about Rochelle. Let's talk about you, what has been going on with you?
Malina: I have been just fine, now that all the bad people are being punished.
Anton: What do you mean?
Malina: I had no choice, I couldnt stand by and let Camille manipulate Mark. So I told him everything that has been going on with his wife.

***Anton: You invaded the sacrilege of a marriage.
Malina: No, I simply opened Mark eyes to the deceit that his wife has been feeding him for months.
Anton: Do you know what the marriage vows say "Let no man or woman put asunder."
Malina: That is not what I did. (leaves rustles) Did you hear that?
Anton: No, it was probably your imagination. If that is not what you did, then tell me why you decided to tell Mark the truth?

William: I want you out of my house now!
Jessica: Oh, this house is much as mine as it is yours. I am not going anywhere.
William: Fine, you stay here! That way I can watch every day how you slowly diminish into nothing.
Jessica: I am going to the hospital to see if there is any hope of me saving my career.
William: Yeah, or maybe its the comfort of your doctor friend you seek.

Kavina: Okay, this is the address, now lets wait and see what happens.
Lacreasha: No, Rochelle couldn't have done it. Its not in her holier than thou nature.
Man: There is one downside to Leonard being killed, we will never see the shock on his face if he ever found out the secret you were keeping.
Lacreasha: Damn, I almost forgot about that. I left the papers in my apartment, if anyone found those, it could be use against me.

***Man: How can you be so stupid to leave valuable information like that locked in your apartment.
Lacreasha: Well, we didnt exactly leave under the best circumstances. The papers were just not on my mind.
Man: Well, you better hope that no one finds those papers, especially Rochelle!
Lacreasha: All right! We need to stop by the hotel and then we are leaving for Hallandale.

Rochelle: There's got to be something in here.  I think its time I've done some of my own research into Leonard's past. Hell, what's the odds of Lacreasha coming back home today?

Shaquanna: It is about time, Michelle. You almost missed the plane.
Michelle: I know, I had some last minute reservations to make. Where's Widlin?
Shaquanna: She's getting her ticket, and better hurry up!
Flight Assistant: Last calls for gate 5 going to Coral Springs.
Widlin: Hey, I got my ticket.
Shaquanna: No time, we have a plane to catch.

Malina: I told the truth because I did not want to see what was happening to Widlin happen to Mark.
Anton: You sure about that?
Malina: Yes, what other reason could I have?
Anton: revenge maybe?
Malina: Revenge! (bushes move) OK, now I know someone's there!

***Jessica: If it is, you drove me to it?
William: If you think I will allow you to sleep around while you are still married to me, you just try me.
Jessica: (sarcastically) I am really scared! (walks towards the door)
William: (grabs her arm and begins to grasp slowly) You had better watch out, you have no idea what I am capable of.
Jessica: Let go! You are hurting my arm!
William: You ever even as much as think of sleeping with another guy and that won't be all that is hurting. (storms out of the apartment)
Jessica: Oh my god, what is happening to my life?

Anton: Where did it come from?
Malina: It was in the bushes!
Anton: Well, there is no one there. I told you were just imagining the sounds.
Malina: No, there he is.
Anton: (grabs him) Okay, what kinds of games are you playing?

Lacreasha: Okay, lets get our things and be on our way.
Man: Way ahead of you!
Lacreasha: Lets catch that next plane out of here.
Kavina: (comes from behind the corner) Oh my god, I can't believe it.  So that is her mystery man.

Rochelle: Come on Lacreasha, where are you hiding the dirt? I know that you have to have some information on Leonard, because you said you keep files on everyone you know. Wait a minute, the only place she would hide this kind of information is in her safe. Maybe I will finally find out why she has been trying to keep us apart!

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