Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Lacreasha: I dont think anyone would be stupid enough to break into my home. (~)
Sandy: Have you forgotten about the plan, you had better start thinking fast about what you have to lose. (~)
Jessica: I need your help!
Shanna: My help quota has just ran out. (~)
Alexander: There is something I've been meaning to tell you.
Widlin: You're seeing someone, who is it?

(Monte Carlos)
Alex: I am glad you could make it.
Woman: You know I can not stay away from you for too long.
Alex: That's the problem, my daughter is starting to notice that I am coming home later than usual.
Woman: Than maybe it is time me and your daughter got acquainted.
Alex: I just think maybe I should tell her about you before I just unleash her onto you.
Woman: Are you afraid of what your daughter will think seeing you with me?

Jessica: I cannot believe that you are being selfish. I am asking for your help here, I think my life may be in danger.
Shanna: You know what, your life is always in danger. So here you come expecting us to risk ours to save yours and I'm sick of it.

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Man: (dialing phone number) It appears that the women we were discussing has been snooping where her nose doesn't belong again.
Women: I thought your men were supposed to be getting a hand on this Brett. What is going on in that town?
Brett: My men have made sure that no one talks.
Women: That is not good enough, I want Sandy Reynolds dead!

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

***Alex: Of course I am not afraid of what she'll think about you. You are a beautiful woman and she will see what I see.
Woman: Oh, I do not know what I did to deserve a man of your standards.
Alex: I have not been able to move on since my late wife Sasha, and you're the first woman in a long time that has made my life worth something. Aside from my daughter, life was just a meaningless pit for me.

Robin: Hey Samantha, what are you doing here?
Samantha: Life has been calling my name, I know I have been absent for a long time, but you said my job would always be here.
Robin: It is, but why are you deciding to come back now?
Samantha: I have to get off from under the roof of my brother as soon as possible or I will go crazy.
Royce: So you want out?

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Mitchell: You sure took your sweet time coming in.
Sandy: I had to make sure she was gone before I came in. She was already suspicious of me last night.
Mitchell: Her suspicions haven't calmed down yet, she may be starting to catch on to what we are doing, which is why we better be careful.
Sandy: Fine, but if you notice the dress I have on, then you would know the last thing I came here to do is talk.
Mitchell: (kisses and caresses her) Believe me, I have been dying in this marriage and I can't think of anyone else but you.
(walks off to the bedroom and close the door behind)

***Lacreasha: I always carried this bitter resentment towards Leonard, which people could use as a motive for me wanting to see him dead.
Aubrey: Let me guess, something change and you saw him in a new light.
Lacreasha: No, me and Leonard may have slept together, but it was never mutually satisfying.
Aubrey: So in other words, you were sleeping with Leonard for other purposes?
Man: Are you suggesting she was sleeping with him in order to keep him quiet?
Aubrey: Maybe.  I just find it a little bit weird that she is sleeping with a man that was her best friend's boyfriend, someone she also despised.

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Michelle: I told you this was going to be just amazing.
Kasey: You were right.  I mean, look at the waves crashing against the ocean. It gives me an idea. I am going to check with the coast guard.
Michelle: Okay.
Kasey: I won't be long.
Michelle: Widlin, are you all right?
Widlin: No, I have a feeling that coming here was a big mistake!
Shaquanna: (thinking) You have no idea, you spoiled little bitch. (smiles at Widlin)

Jessica: So you're feelings finally come out!
Shanna: I guess you have that power over people. If you can get yourself into trouble, then I am sure you will claw your way up just fine.
Jessica: I can't believe that we were ever friends.
Shanna: Thats because we werent, I was just your quickest way to staying afloat.
Ben: That is enough, I have heard it all and it making me very upset.

***Ben: I do not know where any of this garbage is coming from, but it will not be used in my cottage. So if you both had anymore to say to each other, feel free to take it outside.
Jessica: Looks like your husband is getting upset with you, or maybe thats the idea.
Shanna: What are you babbling about now?
Jessica: Does your heart still beat for your true love, Terrell Bryce.

Samantha: What do you think? Everywhere I go, you are even getting into fights with my fiancé or someone else.
Royce: Don't you think you are exaggerating a bit?
Samantha: It doesn't matter.  I mean, Brock and I are getting married soon.  So it would have only been a matter of time before I moved out.
Royce: How soon is soon?
Samantha: The day after tomorrow, we are going to the justice of the peace to be declared husband and wife.
Robin: Congratulations!
Samantha: Thank you!
Royce: Save the best wishes, there will be no wedding.

Women: I don't know if I want that kind of credit.
Alex: Come on, you deserve it. Akeira, you have changed my life, I could never be happier without you in it.
Akeira: Before you go on, there is something you need to know. There is a part of my life that I have been keeping secret, but I think you may be the first guy who can accept what I'm about to show you.

Lacreasha: Me and Leonard had a very complicated relationship.
Aubrey: Yeah, and how much of this does your friend here know about it?
Man: I am not answering any questions without a lawyer.
Aubrey: Wise choice, well Lacreasha thanks for being cooperative and I will be in touch.
Lacreasha: Okay. (closes the door behind her) You are close to ruining everything.
Man: Everything will be ruined if you do not get Leonard's file and destroy it.

***Lacreasha: I almost forgot about that envelope, its in my safe.
Rochelle: Damn, I have better find a way out of here now. Who in the world is that guy she is with? I know I recognize the voice, I just cannot figure out where.
Lacreasha: Oh my god, someones been in my safe and the folder is gone.
Man: What? You mean to tell me someone broke into your safe.

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Michelle: Why would it be a mistake about coming here?
Widlin: Doesn't this trip seem a bit out of the ordinary to you.
Michelle: A little I guess, I never known Shaqanna to spend this much money for a fashion shoot.
Widlin: That is my point, there is something not right here!

Brett: I did not agree to kill someone.
Women: Than maybe you need to think about the cash involve here for a job well done.
Brett: I don't care how much cash is involved. Our contract is null and void.
Women: No, he did not hang up on me. Thats all right, I guess I will have the pleasure of taking care of Ms. Reynolds.

Sherri: Mitchell, I'm home!
Sandy: Oh my god, what are we going to do?
Mitchell: Grab your clothes and hide in the bathroom.
Sherri: Hey honey, what took you so long to answer me?

***Mitchell: Sorry, I was just resting.
Sherri: That's fine, I guess I will go and take a shower.
Mitchell: No! I mean no, why dont you come get your fine little self next to me.
Sherri: You are something else, wanting to make love to me every second of the day.
Mitchell: It is not my fault I cant get enough of you.
Sherri: (giggling) Oh you are just. . . ow!
Mitchell: What is it?
Sherri: My back scratched against something. Its an earring, but its not mine! Whose earring is this, Mitchell?

Kasey: Sorry I took so long, but guess what?
Michelle: What?
Kasey: I checked with the coast guard and he is going to give us a arrange for us to view this whole entire island.
Michelle: Oh my god! That is amazing, I can't wait.

Alex: So this is your place, very nice!
Akeira: Well, Ive had some factors that helped me to realize that I need to be on the top.
Alex: What do you mean?
Akeira: There is someone I would like you to meet.
Alex: Well, who is this big guy.
Akeira: This big guy is my son, Rocky.

Shanna: Terrell is ancient history and is none of your business.
Ben: Who is Terrell?
Jessica: My, my! You didn't tell your husband about your ex- husband, you would think you'd have something to hide.
Shanna: You are trying to cause trouble here and I am not about to let you get away with it.

Romain: Hey Robin, what's going on with those two?
Robin: It seems Royce objects to his sister marrying Brock.
Romain: Oh, brother/sister rivalry.  Do I have any messages?
Robin: One actually, they left this number.
Romain: All right, Let's see what this is about?

Samantha: What do you mean there will be no wedding, it is out of your hands.
Royce: You and Brock will not make it to the alter, you can bet your life on it.

Romain: What? How can this happen, she was being guarded. Okay, if you say so.
Robin: What happened?
Romain: Laura escaped from the van on her transfer from the mental institution.

Lacreasha: I can't believe this.
Man: I will check with the desk clerk to see if he has seen anyone suspicious lurking around.
Lacreasha: Damn it, who could have taken it?
Rochelle: I did!
Lacreasha: (gasps) How much did you read?
Rochelle: Not enough to know what you were afraid of.
Man: He did not see anything.
Rochelle: Its you!

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