Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Danielle: Your boss called today and told me there was a photo shoot scheduled tomorrow near West Creek Camp! (~)
Earl: I think he stays home and think of ways to get me to leave here.
Evelyn: Maybe you should! (~)
Taneia: I guess its hard for you to look in the mirror, seeing that you are the cause of our daughter's death. (~)
Malina: Rationally, my house has been sabotaged.

(Door Bell Rings)
Malina: Anton, What are you doing here?
Anton: Well, I know how afraid you were last night so I decided to come over.  By the way, these are for you.
Malina: Oh, how sweet, thank you!
Anton: Anything that pleases that big heart of yours.
Malina: Someone definitely wasn't looking to do that last night.

Earl: Its nice to see you again, circumstances werent exactly in a favorable setting last meeting. I never did get your name.
Ralph: Ralph Lombard! I am fairly interested in wait your company has to offer.
Earl: That is the attitude I like my employees to have. Well, just feel out this form and state any creditionals you may have.  If everything goes all right in data processing, then you're as good as in.

(The Palisades)
Darron: How dare you bring up our daughters death in front of Crystal?
Taneia: You shouldn't have secrets from those you say you love!
Darron: That has nothing to do with this and you know it.
Taneia: You're right! It is time you face the cold hard facts Darron, Crystal does not want you and she never will.

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

***Darron: What makes you the authority on Crystal?
Taneia: because I know the only person she will love is her ex- husband and their unborn child.
Darron: That is ancient history.
Taneia: No, it is fact because one never forgets their first love.
Darron: Maybe that's why you are so bitter, can't help but keep thinking about the man that got away.

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Widlin: So did you and Kasey enjoy your little romantic boat ride around the island.
Michelle: Oh, it was wonderful! I mean you have just got to see how beautiful it is.
Shaquanna: I guess you both are in luck.
Widlin: What do you mean?
Shaquanna: There is a cruise and you are all invited!

Anton: I guess it's too much to say that you forgot about last night.
Malina: How could I? Somebody broke into my home and sabotaged the place.
Anton: So you have no idea what you are going to do?
Malina: I think it is about time I bring the authorities into this, I do not think it is a coincidence that I have been the victim of these random attacks.

***Anton: You think someone is deliberately trying to scare you?
Malina: Yes, I know it was not just my paranoia.  Someone has been watching me and they have been doing it ominously.
Anton: Who would want to scare you?  I mean, who hates you that much?
Malina: I am completely drawing a blank, I mean its not like everyday I go off making enemies.
Anton: If what you say is true, and you do not know who it is, it could mean trouble.

Evelyn: Earl, busy at work?
Earl: Yeah.  Just trying to finish filing these applications and send these down to data processing.
Evelyn: Well, I was kind of hoping we could talk about what happen the other night.
Earl: You mean at the restaurant, I can't get into that.
Matthew: Why not big brother, you are always preaching about facing your problems. So why don't you start facing your own?

(The Palisades)
Taneia: What happened with Kyle is ancient history, thank you very much.
Darron: I guess it isnt much fun when someone raids on your own personal life.  After all, is it not true that we once upon a time were married?
Taneia: I lost my mind, so forgive me for the fact that you were the only man around.
Darron: I just wondered if maybe you don't want me and Crystal to get together because you have your own plans.

***Taneia: If you are suggesting what I think you are, then you definitely think way to much of yourself than I imagine.
Darron: Admit it, you don't want Crystal in the picture because that would ruin your dream of me and you getting back together.
Taneia: You seem to have forgotten the reason I dumped you in the first place.
Darron: Why was that?
Taneia: Because you were having an affair with another woman.

Earl: I said I did not want to talk about it.
Matthew: Then you should not preach what you obviously do not follow.
Earl: Fine, you want to know why Royce Keller hates me.
Evelyn: If you do not want to say anything, then don't.
Earl: No, I will tell you the truth right now.

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Michelle: Oh my god, I can't believe this! Wait till I tell Kasey about this.
Widlin: Yeah, I'm going to call Malina and see if she would like to join us.
Shaquanna: I'm afraid I can't let you do that!

***Widlin: Why not?
Shaquanna: Coral Springs is so far from Massachusetts, it is not even funny.
Widlin: I think I know that!
Shaquanna: You may want to watch your tone with me?
Widlin: Really, I will talk to you anyway I please?
Shaquanna: Not if you want to keep your job, so why dont you pack the attitude and find some respect!

Earl: Its hard to believe, but at one time me and Royce were great friends.  Unfortunately, something got in the middle of that friendship and nothing was ever the same again.
Matthew: What happened?
Earl: I warned you not to fight this but you want the truth, so I will tell you. Our mother had an affair with Royce's father.
Evelyn: Thats all?
Earl: No, when Royce mother found out, she killed herself and his world went down from there.
Evelyn: So he blames you for his mothers suicide?!
Matthew: That doesn't make any sense!
Earl: That's because he doesn't think his mother committed suicide.  He thinks our mother murdered her.

Anton: I think you need to think clearly of anyone who may being holding a grudge against you.
Malina: Why?
Anton: It seems that this person is trying to send you a message, and the next time it may just be delivered.

***Malina: Are you saying you think I am in danger?
Anton: I would just go to the cops immediately and have this thing checked out.
Malina: How about now?
Anton: Okay, lets go! From there I can go to the office.
(Coming from the hall) Voice: They must never get to that police station!

Darron:  I never realized that upset you.
Taneia: Of course it did.  You slept with Carmen, a woman you shared a history and a child with.
Darron: But we were always together for the thrill.
Taneia:  Maybe, but when I got pregnant, I thought that things would change.  I mean, I could see you were getting use to the idea and when you found out it was a girl, you immediately called her our little Taja.  Then before I knew it, you were with Carmen again.
Darron: It wasn't planned, and if I knew the danger it would have placed on our daughter, I would have never allowed you to find us like that.
Taneia: Well, its over.  Taja's dead, but you still have your son.  So why haven't you made him apart of your life?
Darron: I just can't, things are too complicated.
Taneia: Well, if you're content with that decision, I won't argue with you.  We have been through too much together, so why don't we try to get along, Darron, for real?
Darron: Fine.  Let's go find Crystal!

Earl: So when the suspicions of murder came up, there was a trial where I testified too that my mother couldn't have done it because she was with me.
Evelyn: So they let her off and Royce never forgave you for that?
Earl: Exactly!
Matthew: This is just all too unbelievable! How did she kill herself?
Earl: (echoes) She shot herself in the head!
Matthew: (yells in agony) So much confusion, and pain. Its a disaster at sea and theres more to come!

Taneia: Have you seen the patient in Room 6, Crystal Perez?
Nurse: It doesn't appear that she is scheduled for any testing.
Taneia: Well, she is not in her room.
(TV telecasting, in other news, former Doctor at Blanchencore Hospital has escaped custody on her to being transferred to a mental health clinic. Laura Sedwick is considered armed and dangerous)
Darron: She is no where in the hospital!
Taneia: Where in the world can she be?

Laura: Crystal, I hope you like these settings, it will be the last surroundings you see ever again. (laughs viciously)

Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Lacreasha: What are you doing here?
Rochelle: I'm here to bring an all new fun to your life. (~)
Mitchell: I am not having an affair! (~)
William: You may be able to run, but you sure as hell can't hide from me.

Click here for the next episode!