And Now, "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

***Alexander: Tonight is the night.
Akeira: I finally get to meet your lovely daughter.
Alexander: Yeah, she is supposed to be back from her trip already.  I wonder what is keeping her.

Shanna: I am not dodging the question.  I just refused to feel like I am on the stand being prosecuted.
Ben: That is not how I am trying to make you feel.  You have seen what secrets did to Jessica and William's marriage, do you want the same to come of ours.

Jessica: William! Good, he's not home.
William: Wrong again, Jessica!
Jessica: What are you doing hiding in the dark?
William: What do you think, I have been waiting for you!

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Sherri: I feel so bad for that women who lost her husband, I can't even imagine how she feels.
Mitchell: Yeah, it's heartbreaking.
Sherri: I just can't even imagine what I would do if I ever lost you.
Mitchell: Hmm . . .
Sherri: Is there something wrong?
Mitchell: What, what are you talking about?
Sherri: You have not been listening to a word I have been saying, so what has you so distracted?

(Hallandale, Massachusetts)
Kavina: Whoa! You should see this Rochelle, the skies look like its battling three wars at once.
Rochelle: I would love to, but life as a lawyer is never dull.
Kavina: You need a break, I mean you been working day and night for weeks.
Rochelle: The same can be said about you.  Besides I think it is more safer that I stay here for some reason.

Laura: (in pain) Oh, that bitch! She better run fast because when I get my hands around her neck, it is so over.

(theme song)

***Jessica: What do you mean you have been waiting for me?
William: Exactly what I said, where have you been since last night!
Jessica: Where else? I was here!
William: You lying slut.
Jessica: What?
William: (throws glass) I saw you with Greg Juntas.

Shanna: Of course I do not want that to happen.
Ben: Then start being honest with me.
Shanna: Okay.  What if I did admit to killing my husband, what would you do?
Ben: Is that a confession?
Shanna: Yes, I killed my husband!

Alexander: Its about time you got home.
Widlin: Sorry, I guess you are going to find out sooner or later.  Kasey Alvarez was killed.
Alexander: Oh.  Well, are you all right?
Widlin: I am fine, my husband is not the one that just died. So why were you waiting for me so anxiously, what is going on?

***Kavina: I am not the one that spends all my hours cooped in this office, I mean you spend more time here than Royce and he's the boss.
Rochelle: Well, it isn't like I am the only one who has been staying cooped in their office. That newcomer Mark barely even comes out of his office.
Kavina: Yeah, I always wonder what happened! He always seems so sad when I run into him.
Rochelle: Its a part of human nature, no human being can live without hurting another.

Laura: If I was a desperate fool, which way would I go? Of course, towards the nearest police station.
Taneia: How far can this police station be? I can't sit around here waiting, I have not a minute to waste.

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Mitchell: I guess last night hit me harder than I thought! (door bell rings) I will go see who is at the door.
Sandy: Thank god you are home, we need to talk about what happened on that boat.
Sherri: What could you and my husband have to discuss about what happened on the boat?

***Sandy: Sherri, I did not think you were here.
Sherri: Obviously! So what is going on, what were you hoping for me not to over hear.
Sandy: I was just thinking that with that man's death on that boat, that I could help Mitchell plan some kind of celebration for us surviving something like that. Now that you know, that ruins the whole idea!
Sherri: Well, I didnt mean to ruin the plan and that seems like such a nice idea in theory, but a man died. It seems wrong to celebrate our luck considering the tragedy his death has left on his wife.

Taneia: So tired, I am almost there! (spots Laura on her tail) Oh my god, I am running out of time!
Laura: Well, well, little Ms. Taneia has no idea that she is headed for an end, a dead end.
Taneia: (still running while thinking) "What is going on, this is not how I remember the way to the police station?"
Laura: (jumps in front of her) That's because it is not.
Kyle: What is going on over there?

Rochelle: I think maybe I am going to consider your offer, this office is finally starting to get to me.
Kavina: Go ahead!
Rochelle: Are you sure you arent trying to rush me out so you can be alone with Mark?
Kavina: He's married and I do not trample on borrowed land.
Rochelle: Whatever you say, I will be back.

***Alexander: Well, you know that conversation we were having before you left for Coral Springs.
Widlin: You mean about the new women in your life.
Alexander: Yeah! She is here tonight, the question is are you ready to meet her?
Widlin: Of course, I would love to meet her.
Alexander: Then come this way.  Akeira Santana, meet my daughter Widlin. Widlin, meet Akeira Santana.

Shanna: What's wrong, you haven't said anything?
Ben: What do you want me to say?
Shanna: I guess your reaction speaks louder than anything you can say to me.

Jessica: (talking on phone) Greg, I need your help. Its William, he's coming after me. (cuts the phone cord)
William: Oh Jessica, come out, come out wherever you are. There is no need to be scared, I am not going to hurt you.
Jessica: William, nothing happened between me and Greg. Please just calm down, you are just making things worse for yourself. I am sure that Greg has called the cops by now, and they are on there way over here.
William: Then I just have to make sure (breaks down the door) we're not.

***Ben: I just cannot believe what you are saying.
Shanna: Thats because it is not true Ben, I did not kill my husband.
Ben: Maybe I would feel better if I knew how he died.
Shanna: That may just make things worse.

Widlin: So you're the one that has been taking up my father's time.
Akeira: It was just like magic, I guess.  When we met, sparks flew right away.
Widlin: You sure those sparks weren't dollar signs flashing.
Alexander: Widlin!
Widlin: What are the chances of two people falling in love over a couple chance meetings?  She feels love all right, for the Pierre millions.

Sherri: Well, I don't see anymore reason for you to stay.
Sandy: I do, I can't keep doing this anymore. I cannot keep lying about what is going on?
Sherri: What are you talking about?
Mitchell: I'm sure its nothing serious.
Sandy: Just stop it Mitchell, it's time she hears the truth.

Rochelle: Oh what a night, Kavina was right about the sky. My god it looks so eerie. (a man appears)
Rochelle: (turns around) Hello, is there someone there? Oh, my mind must be playing tricks on me.
(the man walks towards Rochelle)
Rochelle: Now my eyes are playing tricks on me, it can't be. (screams)

Taneia: Get out of my way. (gasps as she comes within near inches of the cliff)
Laura: I guess this is where it ends.
Kyle: Oh my god, that's Taneia.
Taneia: (struggling to get away from the edge) Let go of me, you psycho!
Laura: (rock gives away) Oh no!
Kyle: Taneia!

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