Season 3 Promo

Season Recaps

Chapter 3: Fall of Paranormal

By the end of season two, Matthew Pryce and Dana Lombard had brought down mob queen Denise Sharrington, and in the process, rescue Brett Delgado, Danielle Marquez, and Michelle Alvarez from imminent death. However, they were not as successful in shielding feisty PI Sandy Reynolds from the danger that followed her to Hallandale, MA. Following the fallout of her affair with her sister's husband (Mitchell Desmores), the couple relocated to his hometown to be together. Sandy hoped her luck would change in a new place, despite a fortuneteller's warning that grave danger awaited her near water. She discovered weeks later how right the fortuneteller was when a hired assassin assaulted her in her bathroom. The tenacious PI tried to fight him off, but the gunman shot and left her for dead. Mitchell returned home minutes later to discover the love of his life in a pool of her own blood. Sandy was rushed to Leysdale Hospital, where she slipped into a coma. The next few months, both Mitchell and her sister, Sherri, kept vigil by her side hoping she would recover. During this time, Sherri grew closer to the handsome Dr. Romain Chandler. The two shared stories of his childhood hardships--growing up without parents and being raised by his older brother--and her once stable relationship with her sister. Romain granted her honesty and emotional confidence, two things she desperately needed. Meanwhile, her wounded and comatose sister found herself in an unconscious state of purgatory, where a jury would decide whether she lived or died. It was through the trial that Sandy realized how badly she hurt her sister. Seeking absolution for her sins, Sandy wished things had turned out differently. When she rose from her coma, the PI had no recollection of Mitchell. While the doctors remained optimistic that her memory would return, the odds appeared bleaker and bleaker for Mitchell as she continued to pull away from him.

Akeira Smith Santana (then- represented by Tracey Ross)
Akeira (then- represented by Tracey Ross, pictured) found herself pregnant and alone after Alexander Pierre discovered she was a lying, blackmailing bitch. Meanwhile, unable to reconnect with the love of his life, gilted Mitchell bonded instantly with Akeira over their messed up lives.

Mitchell found a distraction in downtrodden Akeira Smith, whose life imploded after Alexander Pierre learned their relationship was based on a lie. In short, he discovered she had been passing off a sick infant as her son, when her real son was healthy as a clam. When her son caught wind of her schemes, Akeira came clean to Alexander in hopes of redeeming herself in his eyes. Disgusted and betrayed, Alexander tossed her out on the street like garbage. She tried to reconcile with him, but he wouldn't hear it. Her problems multiplied when she discovered she was pregnant with his child. Unsure of what to do, she hid the truth from Alexander. Unfortunately, the night of CF&A's grand opening, Alfonso Morgan slipped to the clueless father-to-be that Akeira was pregnant. In light of her recent lies, Alexander went to Dr. Romain Chandler for confirmation, but Romain cited doctor/patient confidentiality. Not satisfied with his answer, Alexander broke into the doctor's office and apprehended Akeira's medical file. Unfortunately, by the time Alexander received the proof he needed, Akeira had taken off for parts unknown with Mitchell.

Dr. Brock Lombard (represented by Cameron Mathison)
After fighting tooth and nail to win back ex- fiancée, Brock (Cameron Mathison, pictured) finally married Samantha Keller in a small church surrounded by friends and family. Little did he know that a scorned woman from his past would show up in Hallandale to destroy everything he worked so hard for.

Meanwhile, to get a better sense of their psychic/extraordinary capabilities, Dana and Matthew began investigating the mysterious link between their parents. Dana's brother (Brock) and his wife (Samantha) also found themselves in the middle of their own mystery. It started with an anonymous bouquet of flowers, which Brock suspected were sent by Ty Chappell, an old friend of Samantha's. However, Samantha was not convinced he was the sender. Especially when the flowers turned into strange notes and even stranger gifts. The final straw came when a package with two broken halves of a heart arrived at the hospital with a note that read, "this will soon be yours!" It was then Samantha decided to enlist the help of law enforcement, or even better, her brother-in-law (Ralph Lombard) to track down this person. The profile of the mysterious sender would prove most disturbing to Ralph. To clear up his confusion, Ralph invited his sister-in-law and brother to dinner, but the dinner never came to pass. Brock ran into his brother's surprise guest, Leigh Gray, outside the resort and realized his past had come back to haunt him. Before he was able to convince Leigh to remain mum about their one-night stand, Samantha and Ralph found the two of them together. The brunette then revealed what Brock hoped he could keep secret--that she and Brock slept together in Paris. Naturally, his wife was livid, especially after all the grief he put her and Ty through over their non-affair. Disillusioned with her husband, Samantha nursed a grudge for a few days, but made the proactive choice to forgive and forget. To Brock's dismay, Ralph opted to do the same for Leigh around the holidays, although the two never renewed any type of romantic entanglement. Nonetheless, Brock remained vehemently opposed to Leigh having any type of relationship with his brother, especially after she nearly destroyed his marriage. Leigh later became involved with Anton and Dylan McCloud's troubled cousin and fitness instructor, Beau Devereaux.

Dr. Dylan McCloud (represented by Jason-Shane Scott)
Green with envy and desperate to hold on to his girlfriend, Dylan (Jason-Shane Scott, pictured) hired a man to assault Garrett to keep her close to him. When she learned the truth, Garrett was unable to see him the same way again. After weeks of silence and tension, she moved out of the mansion.

Speaking of the young, unpredictable Dylan, he was settling in quite well with his new roommates--Jennifer Everestt and Brian Fieldings--when his girlfriend, Garrett Michaels, arrived in Hallandale. Although she and Dylan appeared to share a strong commitment with one another, his insecurities about a male confidante of Garrett's got the best of him. Determined to stop her from meeting up with this friend, Dylan hired a spineless punk, Frankie Lancaster, to assault her. Fortunately, Dr. Jay Elkasinogen heard the petrified damsel's screams when Frankie accosted her in the hospital parking lot and scared him off. However, the guilt from the attack on Garrett began to eat away at Frankie, so much so that he went to Brian and confessed. Realizing the truth would hold more weight coming from him, Brian asked him to come clean to Garrett and Jenni. Garrett, however, refused to believe a word that came out of her attempted rapist' mouth, until Dylan confirmed the unspeakable truth himself. Understandably crush and violated, she could make no sense of the man she was involved with. To make matters worse, he was so wrapped in his delusion that he convinced himself that everything he had done was to save their relationship. In the end, his actions forced Garrett to move out, ceasing all contact with him.

Lacreasha Dupree (represented by Marisa Ramirez)
Lacreasha (Marisa Ramirez, pictured) had no idea who she was messing with when she decided to give Kavina Shah a taste of her own medicine after discovering the quiet, bashful assistant was moonlighting as a blackmailer. Baffled by the woman's motives, she and Kyle started putting two and two together after discovering video footage placing Kavina at the Hallandale Pier the night of Leonard's murder.

Lastly, Rochelle and Dean continued to map out a list of suspects in his brother's murder case. However, with many of them close friends and colleagues of hers, Rochelle had a difficult time labeling one of them the killer. Meanwhile, Lacreasha Dupree and Kyle Sharrington found themselves inadvertently thrown into the middle of the mystery when they started receiving threatening phone calls concerning their whereabouts the night of Leonard's murder. Considering it had been nearly six months since Leonard was murdered, they were both skeptical of the caller's claims. The caller, however, was very persistent and demanded $5,000 in return for her silence. Unfortunately for the caller, Kyle was unwilling to give into extortion, at least until the blackmailer made it clear she had enough evidence to blow him and his girlfriend out of the water. Lacreasha, fearing jail time, convinced her reluctant boyfriend to pay off the blackmailer. Not long after, Lacreasha acquired proof that Kavina Shah was the anonymous blackmailer. Using the information to her advantage, Lacreasha threatened to report Kavina to the cops unless she helped bring down HatcherKeller & Associates. Kavina, however, refused and retaliated by sending a goon after Lacreasha. When Kyle learned she had been attacked, Lacreasha was forced to admit that she had intersected the file his private investigator dropped off. Now that they knew Kavina was the mysterious caller, new questions arose. What did she want with five grand and how did she know about Kyle's attempt on Leonard's life? The answers came from a second caller, who sent Kyle and Lacreasha video footage placing them and an unidentified female at the Hallandale Pier the night of Leonard's murder. Connecting the pieces, they surmised that the masked woman had to be Kavina. Coincidentally, Rochelle was wrestling with her own suspicions concerning Kavina when she decided to search her friend and colleague's home. To her surprise, she located a secret passage to an abandoned basement. The room lost its appeal when she saw shreds of the same bloody sheets used to frame her lying in a heap on the floor. Weirded out by the discovery, Rochelle decided to take off. Only she was too late, Kavina had her cornered.