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Season Recaps

Chapter 4: Winter of Forbidden Ecstasy

"Winter of Forbidden Ecstasy" explored the impact of emotional intoxication far the residents of Hallandale would go when consumed with love, fear and/or hatred. Central to the arc was Matthew Pryce and Dana Lombard discovery of the book of Special Souls, a detailed account of their special gifts, their families' role and an index of previous trinities. The discovery was an important one for Matt, who spent most of his life feeling like the crazy brother. Now as it turned out, his gift was the very thing that connected him and his father. Matt eagerly shared the news with his brother (Earl Pryce), only to learn Earl knew all about their father's interest in the paranormal, and willfully kept that info to himself. Naturally, Matt felt betrayed, even more so after Earl refused to open up about how their father's gift led to his untimely demise. Unable to fathom or forgive his brother for continuing to withhold information about their father, Matt washed his hands of him. Earl tried to mend fences with Dana's help, but he only alienated his brother further. Hopeful that some distance would do them good, Earl left Hallandale to visit his son.

Javier Sanchez (represented by Bronson Picket)
Crystal had a double dose of the past when her former boss and lover (Billy Clyde), and her ex- husband, Javier (Bronson Picket, pictured) showed up in Hallandale. Javier hoped that he could win back Crystal's heart and love, but the presence of Billy--the man responsible for their marriage imploding in the first place--made it impossible for him to even get to first base.

Meanwhile, Matt and Dana re-focused their energy on telling Crystal Perez about the Book of Special Souls. Due to the attempted assassination of Crystal's boyfriend, Billy Clyde, months prior, they postponed their news. Unfortunately, their timing proved no better the second time around. Convinced Javier Sanchez (Crystal's ex- husband) shot him in a jealous rage, Billy the fled hospital in search of proof. When Crystal learned from his mother that Billy discharged himself from the hospital, she feared he was going after Javier. Although anxious to head him off at the pass, her plans were thwarted when Matt and Dana insisted on telling her about what they discovered in the Palisades. Despite her own experience with the extraordinary, Crystal found the idea of her visions being linked to a divine trinity that involved Matt and Dana hard to swallow. Furthermore, knowing the public scrutiny her mother endured because of her gift, Crystal never wanted to inherit it, and was thrilled when her visions stopped coming after the Blanchencore Hospital' explosion. Matt and Dana continued to press about the importance of her gift, convincing her that channeling it would aid in her search for Billy. Grudgingly, she channeled her powers with a degree of success. Her visions led them to Crescent Manor, but Crystal opted to go up to Javier's room alone. When she arrived, she was disgusted and sadden to overhear Javier admit to Billy that he was the shooter. Unable to reconcile with his guilt and letting down Crystal, a shame-ridden Javier walked out onto the balcony of his apartment. He expressed one last wish for forgiveness before jumping to his death.

Kavina Shah (represented by Abigail Spencer)
When Leonard Stone turned up dead, the last person anyone suspected was Kavina Shah (Abigail Spencer, pictured), loyal and dutiful confidante to Rochelle, Royce and Kendall. While some residents were able to buy that she was under emotional duress when she shot Leonard, Anton could not shake the feeling that she was shielding the real killer from persecution.

The Leonard Stone murder mystery would also come to a close after sweet and bashful Kavina Shah, unsuccessful in her suicide attempt, went on trial for his murder. While Royce Keller and Kendall Reyes remained faithful supporters, the rest of Hallandale basically turned their backs on her. That was not to say they didn't sympathize or understand what drove her to murder. In fact, even after everything Kavina put her through, Rochelle didn't think a public execution was the answer. Dean Stone, however, was convinced his brother's murderess act maliciously, and wanted no mercy. The fact that Rochelle was whitewashing all she had done became a major point of contention for her and Dean. Meanwhile, the icy wall between her and Lacreasha Dupree started to thaw while collaborating on a news piece starring Kavina. The two fell into a false sense of familiarity, which made Rochelle wander all the more how her former best friend could betray her by sleeping with the man she loved. With things so natural between them after months of hostility, Lacreasha told her the truth: Leonard was Rochelle's half-brother. When the initial shock wore off, Rochelle was livid. More so, she resented Lacreasha for fostering a bridge of hate between her and Leonard. Leonard died knowing she hated him, and she would never be able to fix that. Lacreasha refused to shoulder all the blame, reminding her friend that her mother was the one that had two twins boys in secret. While Rochelle was not ready to absolve her mother, she maintained that Lacreasha found a sense of power from her knowledge, power that allowed her to debase herself so that the truth would stay hidden. Once again, feeling royally inferior to her sanctimonious friend's virtuous ideals, Lacreasha realized there was no moving forward for them. Alas, with the secret of Leonard and Dean's maternity out, she hoped she never had to deal with her again.

Widlin Pierre (represented by Renee Jones)
Free of Akeira and Camille's blackmail, Widlin (Renee Jones, pictured) opened herself up to a romance with former con man Darron Wolek, much to her father's approval. The news mogul issued his daughter an ultimatum: the con man or your inheritance. Widlin refused to make a choice, but promptly tried to hide the relationship from her father. When Darron caught on, he was deeply hurt that she did not trust him and broke up with her.

Following his cross-examination by the state in Kavina's conviction trial, Anton McCloud's doubts about her guilt re-emerged, and rightfully so. In a surprise move by the defense, Widlin Pierre was called to testify. To Kavina's horror, Widlin admitted under oath that she was in Leonard's room just shortly after he was shot. Realizing the implications of her testimony, Kavina staged an attack and managed to wiggle her way out of her lawyer's custody into the woman's restroom, where she cornered an unsuspecting Widlin. After failing to convince the rich socialite not to testify, Kavina begged her not to share what she really saw in Leonard's hotel room. Although not keen to perjure herself, Widlin found it difficult to argue with a woman dead set on paying for her crimes. Unfortunately, backtracking was no easy feat, and Widlin had a difficult time reconstructing the facts to fit Kavina's version of events. During Widlin's testimony, an observant Anton noticed that she was now taking her cues from the defendant, making it clear that something just wasn't right. The news reporter shared his observations with his girlfriend, Malina, including the theory that she was shielding the real killer from justice. Although Malina had a hard time buying his theory, she was more put off by the fact that he was keeping quiet about his suspicions when it meant an innocent woman could be convicted of a crime she didn't commit. Anton maintained, however, that he had no real proof, only gut instinct.

Dr. Romain Chandler (represented by Henry Simmons)
Following a distressing phone call, Romain (Henry Simmons, pictured) flew to North Dakota, where he came face to face with a mysterious man--Dane Castañello. Although not much information was divulged during their brief visit, it was apparent the two shared a history, one Dane had not let go. Romain hoped when he returned to Hallandale, he could put the whole ordeal behind him, but his secrecy regarding the events in North Dakota became a problem for him and Sherri.

Elsewhere in Hallandale, Sherri Reynolds and Dr. Romain Chandler grew closer in the aftermath of her sister's shooting. Sherri came to appreciate him for his honesty and openness, especially after the disaster that was her marriage to Mitchell Desmores. However, when she caught wind of his mysterious trip to North Dakota, she saw him in a different light. Gone was the man that poured his soul to her, and in his place was a man filtering what she knew and didn't know about him. Needless to say, Sherri was not comfortable with the fact that Romain could not--would not--open up to her about what was going on in North Dakota. Romain attempted to smooth things over with dinner at his place, but his efforts were futile. Sherri could not let go the subject, especially after she overheard him fielding yet another call from North Dakota. The situation further escalated after he professed his love for her, and she accused him of using the words to detract her from his big secret. Romain was outraged and asked her to leave. The next morning, Sherri confided in her sister about her disastrous dinner date. Furthermore, she feared her chances for a relationship with Romain were ruined. Sandy had her doubts, and wondered if her sister was not transferring her hang ups over Mitchell's deception to Romain. Sherri maintained that she over the affair, and that trust was the real issue.

Unlike Sherri, dependable Derek Guittierrez took a leap a faith after he fell into bed with--and married--Shalia Mendez. His best friend, Ben Hemmings, however, was unnerved by the woman's sudden appearance after all their trouble with the Mallory mob family and had the woman investigated. When Shalia caught wind of the investigation, she arranged for the power to go out in Derek's building so that she could acquire the damaging file. Although her efforts proved successful, Ben remained very suspicious of his friend's new wife. Meanwhile, his wife, Shanna, had a stranger encounter of her own--an attractive, african-american male in his late 20s, who had been badly beaten a few blocks from her cottage. Ben would be equally dismissive of this strange man, especially after discovering him half-naked with his wife. Although he realized nothing was going on, Ben cautioned her against inviting random strangers into their home.