Shaquanna NicholsShaquanna Nichols

Unknown (circa 1968)

Current Residence: Unknown

Relatives: Unknown

Children: None

Marital Status: Single

Past Entanglements:
ø Mitchell Desmores (lovers)

Occupation: Owner, Nichols' Beauticon

Represented by:
ø Lauren B. Martin [ Episode 31 - Present ]

About Shaquanna

Independent and self-assured, Shaquanna has had to work hard for everything she has in life. As a result, she harbored a prejudice against the wealthy Pierre family. It was their bankroll that secured a placed for Widlin Pierre as a model for her agency. However, Shaquanna hoped with the help of her star model (Michelle Alvarez) that would be a short-term problem. Unfortunately for her, Michelle had a change of heart, leaving her to resort to other means. Opportunity presented itself when she overheard a conversation between Camille Bellows and Widlin alluding to a secret at West Creek Camp. Shaquanna hired a private investigator, Sandy Reynolds, to dig into Widlin's past. Sandy, however, only managed to tick off the very people trying to keep the secret buried. The first attempt on her life led to the shocking murder of Michelle's husband, Kasey Alvarez. When the circumstances surrounding Kasey's death came to light, Michelle resigned from Nichols' Beauticon, setting off the beginning of a long-standing feud between the two women.

Michelle released a tell-all interview with Past Relations Chronicles that caused many of Shaquanna's high-profile clients to jump ship. To make matters worse, Michelle launched her own rival agency, poaching some of those clients. Thankfully, with the help and determination of her new business partner, Malina Ramirez, Shaquanna found a way to breathe new life in her brand: a rival campaign titled,Liberation. With the debut of the campaign looming, Shaquanna began receiving mysterious phone calls: her father wants her to leave Hallandale and return home. Although she tried to explain that she made a life for herself in Hallandale, her father remained undeterred. After the near miss last year, her father believed it was too risky for their family if she remained in Hallandale.