The Premiere of "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Lacreasha: (walking diligently into his room) Thank you for agreeing to see me.
Leonard: Why don’t you just get to the point of your visit?
Lacreasha: Relax. You don’t have to be so brash.
Leonard: I’m just not in the mood for pleasantries. You and I both know that you can’t stand me.
Lacreasha: Look, I might not approve of your relationship with Rochelle, but that has nothing to do with my personal feelings toward you. In fact, I was hoping that I could finally show you how I really feel.
Leonard: (baffled, but the red flag in his head soon goes up) How you really feel? What are you up to— why are you unbuttoning your blouse?
Lacreasha: You’re right, why don’t you do the honors?

Jessica: (her feet continue to clash along the flat surface as the taunting questions run through her mind. Unable to stand any longer, she finally takes a seat, but the questions don’t leave her mind) Oh, how do I tell him? How will he react? Are we ready for this? (the questions continue until finally, the front door of her opens, followed by the sound of her husband’s voice)
William: Hey Jess, I’m home!
Jessica: Good, I’ve been dying to tell you the good news.
William: What’s going on?

Leonard: What did you just say?
Lacreasha: (she grabs his hand and place it inches away from her breast) Don’t play dumb with me; I know you can’t get enough of the female body, and here I am, willing and able.
Leonard: (pulling his hand away) I am not about to sleep with you now that things are finally back on track with me and Rochelle.
Lacreasha: Honestly, how long do you think you can remain faithful?

Crystal: Taneia, what are you doing?
Taneia: What does it look like? I’m on a break.
Crystal: You’ve been on break all morning! There are customers waiting to be served.
Taneia: You’re here, why don’t you do it!

William: What is the big secret that couldn’t wait until I finished working?
Jessica: You might want to sit down; this may come as a shock.
William: (lowering his body down on the couch a few inches from hers) All right, I’m sitting. What is it you want to say?
Jessica: I’m pregnant!

Rochelle: (near door) Oh Leonard! We can finally start over and be happy with no one or anything standing in our way.
Leonard: I love Rochelle. I am not going to hurt her that way again.
Lacreasha: (holding open her unbuttoned blouse for him) Come on, don’t you like what you see?
Leonard: That is beside the point. We are not going to happen. (he starts to walk away, but before he can, Lacreasha shoves him toward the bed, causing him to land flat on his back)
Lacreasha: (towering over him) Oh really!

Crystal: Get off your ass and serve the customers.
Taneia: Who do you think you are talking to?
Crystal: From what I can see, you’re the only bum here.
Taneia: It’s no wonder you’re still single. No one wants to be with a bossy bitch.

William: (moving away from the couch as he tries to overcome the shock) Are you sure?
Jessica: Yes, the doctor verified everything this morning. We’re going to have a baby.
William: A baby? That’s impossible. There is no way— unless the baby is not mine.

Leonard: Get off me!
Lacreasha: Come on, you know I’m exactly where you want me.
Leonard: I’m not giving you what you want!
Lacreasha: You’re right. This is your dream come true.
Rochelle: (she gasps upon entering the room, where she finds Lacreasha forcing Leonard into a liplock) Get your ass off my man!

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