Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Lacreasha: Don’t you like what you see?
Leonard: That’s beside the point. We are not going to happen. (~)
Taneia: It’s no wonder you’re still single. No one wants to be with a bossy bitch. (~)
Jessica: We’re going to have a baby.
William: …there is no way— unless the baby isn’t mine.

<> Jessica: I can’t believe that you think I’m carrying someone else’s baby.
William: Are you? (Jessica gasps in response)

Crystal: If a bitch is someone who would like a little productivity around here, then I guess that’s me— and for the record, I don’t see a ring on your finger, either.
Taneia: That’s because I’m still waiting for the right guy to come along.
Crystal: That’s if you haven’t already scared him away. I mean, you did believe once upon a time that Kyle Pierre was Mr. Right, and we both know he couldn’t get away fast enough.

Lacreasha: (while her eyes meet with Rochelle’s, her body remains sprawled over Leonard’s lap) Rochelle, this isn’t what it looks like.
Rochelle: Really? You aren’t standing half naked over my man? I’m just completely hallucinating.
Lacreasha: (glides off Leonard, giggling nervously) Well…
Leonard: (moving from the bed, he goes up to Rochelle) She’s right. Nothing is going on and I can explain what you just walked in on.
Rochelle: Yes, why don’t you go ahead and tell me why you and my best friend were on this bed half naked!

(theme music)

Leonard: I was not in that bed with Lacreasha half naked. She wanted me to assist her with her blouse and –
Rochelle: What? Thought you would try some mouth to mouth while you were at it? Spare me. I know exactly what is going on here and I’m not the least bit amused.
Leonard: I don’t think you do, not if you believe that I would risk what we have again by sleeping with Lacreasha, of all people. I wouldn’t do that because you are all I want. I love you.
Rochelle: (getting her full of Leonard’s plea) Oh shut up! I don’t want to hear another word from your lying mouth.
Lacreasha: Rochelle--
Rochelle: That goes for you, too!

Jessica: I cannot believe what I’m hearing.
William: That goes both ways.
Jessica: Nothing you can say will change the fact that this baby is yours.
William: How about the fact that I’m sterile.
Jessica: You’re what?

Rochelle: Ugh. (walking away) I cannot even look at the two of you. It makes me sick!
Leonard: (grabbing Rochelle by the arm) I love you and if you would just let me explain?
Rochelle: (pulling away) Get your hand off my arm.
Lacreasha: (thinking) “Yes, its working. She is so upset with him, that soon he will no longer be a problem.”

Taneia: How dare you bring up one of the most painful moments in my life?
Crystal: I thought a refresher course was in order. You really should take a good look at your own life before you start judging someone else’s.
Taneia: Touché, Crystal. I’m going to get back to work.
Crystal: Look around! The customers vacated about 10 minutes ago. Maybe next time you should consider putting their needs ahead of your own.
Taneia: If our customers left here unsatisfied, there is enough blame to around. After all, this is a partnership.
Crystal: Yeah, only when it is convenient for you. However, if you keep up this behavior, you’ll be lucky if we have a restaurant to stand in.

Lacreasha: Maybe I should go and leave you two alone.
Rochelle: Oh no. You aren’t going anywhere.

William: Shocked? Did you really think you could dupe me? I am sterile and there is no way I’m the father of your child.
Jessica: No, that’s a lie!
William: Look in the mirror, you are the one who is lying and it is going to stop now!

Click here for the next episode!