Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Lacreasha: Maybe I should go and leave you two alone.
Rochelle: Oh no. You aren’t going anywhere. (~)
Jessica: No, that’s a lie!
William: Look in the mirror, you are the one who is lying and it is going to stop now! (~)
Crystal: If you keep up this behavior, you’ll be lucky if we have a restaurant to stand in.

<> Taneia: What are you saying?
Crystal: I’m saying that it is time for you to get serious. Now I realize that Kyle’s leaving town has had a huge impact on your life, but you cannot continue to let it affect your performance level. We are running a business and I need a partner that I can depend on.
Taneia: My performance level is fine. Don’t accuse me of not being dedicated to my job.
Crystal: Perhaps if you started acting like it, I wouldn’t have to.

Widlin: (coming up the pathway to the estate) Thanks for dropping me off, Malina.
Malina: No problem. I just can’t believe what an ass your father is being.
Widlin: Tell me about. He thinks that just because I’m still living under his roof that he can dictate how I live my life.
Malina: Maybe that’s the answer.
Widlin: What is?
Malina: Maybe you should move out.

Jessica: I am being honest with you. I don’t know what else I can do or say to convince you.
William: You could take a paternity test after the baby is born. (Jessica gasps)

Lacreasha: (thinking) “Is she on to me?”
Rochelle: I can’t believe how stupid I am. I know exactly what is going on and you are not going to get away with it.

(theme music)

Rochelle: Leonard, could you please leave me and Lacreasha alone?
Leonard: My pleasure. (walks out of the room)
Rochelle: How long have we been friends, Lacreasha?
Lacreasha: Since Middle School-- Nothing happened between me and Leonard.
Rochelle: Oh, I know because this is all a scam. I know Lacreasha. I know!

Widlin: Move out? I couldn’t. I couldn’t abandon my father.
Malina: It’s not your job to take care of him.
Widlin: If I don’t, who will?
Malina: (scoffs) In this town?
Widlin: Exactly. If I were to move out now, he wouldn’t have anyone.
Malina: Whose fault is that?
Widlin: Just because he makes life a little difficult for some people in this town doesn’t mean he deserves to be alone.
Malina: Maybe not, but you do realize that by staying, you will be fueling the very thing you’re trying to prevent.

Taneia: You really have a lot of nerve. Sympathizing with my situation one minute and then tearing me down the next.
Crystal: I’m just trying to explain to you what I’ve been observing over the past several weeks. I know you’re dedicated to this restaurant; I would just like to see that woman come back to surface.

Jessica: I can’t believe you can look me in the face and suggest I take a paternity test.
William: You said you didn’t know what else to do. I’m offering you a solution. When the baby is born and the DNA test proves he is mine, then I will believe you.

Widlin: (descents down the steps into the living area, when suddenly a beam of bright light hits her right in the eyes) Dad, I didn’t realize you were awake.
Alexander: Could you sleep knowing your daughter was off at some unknown destination?
Widlin: I’m sorry I didn’t leave you a note. Perhaps I would have been a little more festive if you hadn’t revoked my driving privileges.
Alexander: Well, at the time, I thought it would put an end to these late night excursions of yours, but obviously, that is not the case.
Widlin: No, it hasn’t. Dad, I realize that you worry about me out there alone in the world, but after 20 plus years of living with you and Mama, I think I’ve learned how to take care of myself. I’m not a little girl, anymore. I’m a woman with a pretty solid support system behind me if I fall.
Alexander: You’re right, honey. Please don’t think I don’t see what a remarkable young lady you have become because I do. You remind me more and more of your mother everyday.
Widlin: Well, Mama was never one to be strong armed, Dad.
Alexander: No, she wasn’t.

Taneia: (talking on the phone) “Yes, can you please tell Earl Pryce that there are some very pressing matters he must attend to in Hallandale if he wants T.E.C.’s to remain standing.”

Jessica: You know what. You can forget it because if you don’t trust me, then there is no reason we should even bother staying married.
William: I couldn’t have said it better myself. I want you to pack your bags. (Jessica looks up in shock that he could take the suggestion so seriously)

Rochelle: Did you really think I was dumb enough to fall for this pathetic, yet disgusting plan of yours? I saw you trying to seduce Leonard and how he blatantly refused. You then tried to tie him down to that bed. Tell me Lacreasha, what kind of a friend does that to someone?
Lacreasha: I was trying to protect you.
Rochelle: Wrong. You were trying to protect yourself and you finally succeeded. You broke up me and Leonard, but you ruined our friendship in the process. (Rochelle then stormed out of the room, leaving a broken Lacreasha in her wake)

Click here for the next episode!