Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Jessica: I am being honest with you. I don’t know what else I can do or say to convince you.
William: You could take a paternity test. (~)
Widlin: Move out? I couldn’t. I couldn’t abandon my father.
Malina: … You do realize that by staying, you will be fueling the very thing you’re trying to prevent. (~)
Rochelle: I saw you trying to seduce Leonard and how he blatantly refused. You then tried to tie him down to that bed…
Lacreasha: I was trying to protect you.
Rochelle: You were trying to protect yourself.

<> (Morning shines through out Hallandale)
Lacreasha: Good, you’re here.
Man: What do you want?
Lacreasha: It’s about Rochelle and Leonard.
Man: Oh, what now?
Lacreasha: I need your help. It seems I might have to go to even more desperate measures to break those two up.

Malina: You seem extra cheery this morning.
Widlin: Let’s just say I think I finally made a breakthrough with my father.
Malina: How did you manage that?
Widlin: Well, I could say that I simply reasserted my womanhood, but I think I might have had a little extra help from above. (she looks up toward the sky with a feeling of melancholy)

Jessica: You expect me to move out… in my condition?
William: Yeah. Why don’t you go and shack up with your lover.
Jessica: I can’t believe you are being this cruel to me.
William: You deserve every minute of it.

(theme music)

Leonard: Rochelle, wait up. We need to talk.
Rochelle: I have nothing to say to you.
Leonard: Lacreasha was the one trying to seduce me, not the other way around.
Rochelle: That may be so, but what if I hadn’t walked in when I did? Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me that you wouldn’t have succumbed to her advances?

Man: Are you sure your plan didn’t work?
Lacreasha: Even if it did, it won’t be long before Leonard manages to charm Rochelle right back into his arms.
Man: I’m curious. Why is it that you are so opposed to Leonard being with Rochelle?

Leonard: The fact is I love you. Nothing and no one can change that.
Rochelle: I’m sorry. I just can’t seem to care anymore.

Jessica: I can’t believe I didn’t realize to this very moment how little you actually trust me.
William: This has nothing to do with not trusting you, but the truth.
Jessica: I am telling you the truth!
William: (grunts) If I hear that lie again, so help me— I want you out!

Lacreasha: It’s a secret I must take to the grave. Telling anyone would be like opening up Pandora’s Box and this secret is way too explosive.
Man: Sounds like a shocker.
Lacreasha: Believe me, if Rochelle or Leonard ever found out what I knew, it will be more than a shocker. It would be the end of everything they thought they knew.

Malina: It must be hard sometimes, accepting she’s gone.
Widlin: Yeah, some days are more difficult than others. But then I remember, even though my mother isn’t physically here, she’s here, you know?
Malina: Yeah, I know. (at the moment, a huge gust of wind blows right pass them)
Wow, that’s weird. There’s not even a cloud in the sky.
Widlin: Maybe it’s not as weird as we think.
Malina: You mean—
Widlin: Maybe!

Leonard: What are you saying, Rochelle?
Rochelle: What I have been saying all along. There can be no more us.

Lacreasha: I must bury this secret with my life.
Man: Alright. Just understand this. I can’t have anyone finding out I’m here.
Lacreasha: Fine by me. Just help me break up Leonard and Rochelle for good.

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