Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives”
Lacreasha: Believe me, if Rochelle or Leonard ever found out what I knew, it will be more than a shocker. It would be the end of everything they thought they knew. (~)
Leonard: I love you. Nothing and no one can change that.
Rochelle: I’m sorry. I just can’t seem to care anymore.

<> Malina: Life around you is never dull, is it?
Widlin: (half smile) It has its moments.
Malina: Hmm… would one of those be last night?

Leonard: What are you saying, Rochelle?
Rochelle: What I have been saying all along. There can be no more us.
Leonard: You can’t mean that.
Rochelle: But I do, Leonard. I am so sick of all of the turmoil you have placed in my heart.
Leonard: Sometimes, love hurts, baby.
Rochelle: Well, this is the sort of hurt I can do without and I will definitely be better off without your love.

<> Malina: Well, don’t keep me in suspense.
Widlin: I don’t know what you mean, Ms. Ramirez.
Malina: Come on. I want to know about this guy you’ve been seeing.
Widlin: Well, I’ll tell you this… one word can not even begin to describe him. In fact, I would say he’s indescribable. You’ll understand once you meet him.
Woman: (making her presence known as she walks onto the estate) Meet who?

Lacreasha: Oh, I love this plan. I don’t have to get my hands dirty and I don’t have to come on to Leonard like some whacked out prostitute.
Man: If this indeed works, it will be the end of Leonard and Rochelle as you know it.
Lacreasha: Thank God. The sooner I get them apart, the better.

Leonard: Do you really have to be this harsh?
Rochelle: You make me ill! I’m sick of you whining about how much you love me and I’m sick of your constant affairs and flings.
Leonard: Nothing happened between me and Lacreasha.
Rochelle: I don’t care and don’t ever speak that bitch’s name in my presence again.

<> Leonard: Whoa. I have never seen you like this.
Rochelle: Yeah! It feels so good. And guess what? I’m moving on to bigger and – (stops and looks down) and better things.
Leonard: You are nothing without me!
Rochelle: I need someone I can depend on, not a small-time gatekeeper from the ghettos.

Widlin: None of your business.
Woman: Will your father think so? There is a lot your father doesn’t know and a lot I’m sure your new found friend would like to know.
Widlin: Shut up, you blackmailing bit…
Malina: Widlin! What is going on here? Who is this?

<> Woman: Allow me to introduce myself— Camille Bellows.
Malina: How do you know Widlin?
Camille: Come on Widlin, cat got your tongue. Tell your new best friend how we know each other, all the glory details.

Man: Everything is set and ready to go.
Lacreasha: Great. Thank you so much. I don’t know how I am ever going to repay you.
Man: As long as you make sure no one knows I’m here, you can consider yourself free of any debt.
Lacreasha: Don’t worry, no one will ever know.
Rochelle: Know what? Who were you talking to?

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