Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Man: Make sure no one knows I’m here.
Lacreasha: Don’t worry, no one will ever know. (~)
Camille: There is a lot your father doesn’t know and a lot I’m sure your new found friend would like to know.
Widlin: Shut up, you blackmailing bit… (~)
Jessica: I am telling you the truth.
William: I want you out!

<> Jessica: Is Dr. Chandler in, please?
Receptionist: Yes, but he’s busy with…
Jessica: Thank you!
Receptionist: You cannot go in there.
Jessica: I need to discuss a few things with Dr. Chandler that cannot wait.

Malina: What’s going on, Widlin? How do you and this woman know one another?
Camille: Since Widlin doesn’t seem to be very forthcoming, I will tell you.
Widlin: The hell you will. You will close your mouth, you greedy little bitch. (Malina and Camille are both shocked by Widlin’s choice of words)

Rochelle: Who were you just talking to?
Lacreasha: (nervous speak) No one!
Rochelle: Why don’t I believe you? There’s a man in here, isn’t there?
Lacreasha: No and if there, what business is it of yours?
Rochelle: Then you won’t mind if I look around.
Lacreasha: No, you can’t do that!

(theme music)

<> Receptionist: I’m sorry, but he is having a counsel and cannot be disturbed.
Jessica: I don’t care. I need to see him now. So either you page him and tell him to finish his consult or I’m coming in.
Receptionist: I’m not doing any such thing and if you do try to go in there, I’ll have security up here so fast your head will spin.

Camille: Wow. Malina, how can you trust someone who uses this kind of language? It is obvious she is hiding something and doesn’t want you to know.
Widlin: Why don’t you shut up and stop spreading your venom?
Camille: Alright. I can tell your friend has some questions to ask, but I will be back. Count on it! (she gives Widlin a firm stare)
Widlin: Oh, that Camille, she was always a dramatic.
Malina: (not amused) What is going on? If our friendship means anything, you will tell me the truth.

Rochelle: If no one is here, then why can’t I come in?
Lacreasha: I’m doing a little redecorating.
Rochelle: This won’t take long. I just need to get a couple of my personal belongings and I will be out.
Lacreasha: Can it not wait until tomorrow?
Rochelle: Why does it seem more and more that you are trying to get rid of me?

<> Malina: So are you going to start talking?
Widlin: All right. Brace yourself because this is a long story… Camille and I met years ago while I was staying at West Creek Camp in Coral Springs, Nevada. The night before I returned here to Hallandale, I got into a very nasty situation. Things got crazy. I reacted in the moment and before I could take it back, it was done. If I didn’t think things could get any worse at that moment, soon I was face to face with Camille’s face.

Romain: I heard you have been calling for me.
Jessica: I need to ask you something.
Romain: What is it?
Jessica: Are you absolutely sure that I’m pregnant?
Romain: Jessica, you retook the test three times. How much more certainty do you need?
Jessica: This just doesn’t make since. If my husband is sterile, then how can I be pregnant?

<> Romain: Are you sure your husband is sterile?
Jessica: He seems very sure.
Romain: Then I don’t know how else your pregnancy can be explained except…
Jessica: (intercedes) Don’t you dare say it. This baby is my husband. Now, someone is lying, and when I find out whom, there is going to be hell to pay.

Malina: What did Camille see? What did you do?
Widlin: I’m sorry, I can’t do this. I cannot relive that horrible night and I’m not sure I will ever want to.
Malina: If Camille is blackmailing you with this, then it is not going to end until the truth comes out, whether you like it or not.

Lacreasha: Don’t be ridiculous, I just think you should come back tomorrow.
Rochelle: I’m not going anywhere until I get my things, so you might as well get out of my way.
Lacreasha: But— (Rochelle shoves her aside)
Rochelle: Oh my god, so this is who you’ve been hiding.

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