Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Jessica: Someone is lying, and when I find out whom, there is going to be hell to pay. (~)
Taneia: Can you please tell Earl Pryce that there are some very pressing matters he must attend to in Hallandale. (~)
Rochelle: I am not going anywhere until I get my things… so this is who you’ve been hiding.

<> Rochelle: A cat!
Lacreasha: What?
Rochelle: You’ve had a cat in this place after I explicitly told you that I didn’t want it in here.
Lacreasha: It doesn’t matter now. You’re moving out. So hurry up and fetch your things.
Rochelle: I’ll take how much time is needed. Besides, I think there are more secrets to discover tonight.

(thunder clouds rolls over outside)
Taneia: Whoo! It is really storming out there.
Crystal: Yeah.
Taneia: What is your problem?
Crystal: There hasn’t been one customer in today.
Taneia: I wonder why? We should not even be open now. No one in there right mind would be out in this storm.

Jessica: (driving) My god, I care barely even see the road. What the— Oh my god, its headed right for me. (she screams, jolting her car quickly to the left and crashing)

(theme music)

<> William: Thanks for agreeing to see me.
Dr. Laura Sedwick: What’s going on?
William: I need to be sure of some results I got about a month ago.
Dr. Laura Sedwick: You mean, your sterility results?
William: Yes. I’d like to schedule another test.
Dr. Laura Sedwick: I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.

Taneia: It is a huge storm going on out there. You are lucky I’m even here.
Crystal: Yes, you are here strangely early. What are you up to?
Taneia: Let’s just say your days of controlling me are over.

Lacreasha: There are no secrets to discover.
Rochelle: I highly… doubt that – Lacreasha, whose clothes are these?
Lacreasha: (nervous speak) They’re mine, silly. (she tries to grab them from Rochelle, but Rochelle yanks them away from her grasp)
Rochelle: No.
Lacreasha: Yes, it is.
Rochelle: No, it isn’t, Lacreasha. My god, you did have a man in our home. He’s still here, isn’t he?

<> Lacreasha: There is no man in this house!
Rochelle: I don’t believe you.
Lacreasha: At this point, I could care less. Now I want you out of my house.

Crystal: What have you done?
Taneia: I just did what needed to be done. You have been taking over this company like it is more important to you than me ever since Earl left town and it is going to end, tonight.
(a loud thunder cloud crashes, causing both women to let out a scream)

William: What do you mean?
Dr. Sedwick: There is no reason for you to take another test.
William: If you won’t let me take it over, then I will go somewhere else.
Dr. Sedwick: Alright. I just need to go and get the pathologist on duty.
William: (thinking) “After tonight, I will finally know whether everything Jessica has been telling me was a lie.”

Man: Ma’am, are you okay?
Jessica: (moans in pain) Oh, my baby.
Man: (smelling the gas leak) Oh damn. I got get you out of here. (he pulls on the door, but its stuck) Damn, it’s jammed. (he shouts to her through the window) Come one, you got to get out of the car now.

<> Jessica: I’m so tired.
Man: If you don’t get up, this car will blow with you inside.
Jessica: What?
Man: You crashed your car and we have a gas leak. You have to get out of the car now.
Jessica: Oh god! (Attempting to get out) I can’t open the door.
Man: (observes the surroundings of the car) Okay. Don’t panic, I’m going to get you out.

Dr. Sedwick: Your test results are in.
William: Finally. I will know once and for all if Jessica’s baby could be mine.

Taneia: Okay, maybe we better retire here tonight.
Crystal: You’re right. There’s no use in going out and being killed. Although, I still want to know what you were talking about, earlier.
Taneia: You’ll get your answers tomorrow.
Crystal: All right.
Taneia: (thinking) “Little miss goody gumdrops is about to take a great big hit and she doesn’t even know it.”

Rochelle: I can’t believe how much you have changed.
Lacreasha: Get use to it. You ended our friendship and now you are on your own.
Rochelle: and it feels good. You may have money, but that won’t keep you warm at night. You are alone and it is exactly what you deserve.
Lacreasha: (after Rochelle departs) You can come out now.
Man: Good God, I thought she would never leave. So are you ready to put this plan into action?
Lacreasha: I had some doubts at first, but after tonight, bring it on!

Click here for the next episode!