Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Romain: What are you doing?
Laura: I can’t get anymore obvious. (~)
Earl: Didn’t you ladies call me?
Crystal: No we didn’t.
Taneia: Wrong, I called you, Earl. (~)
Lacreasha: Lives are in jeopardy if we fail. (~)
Rochelle: Widlin, what is going on here?
Widlin: Nothing.
Rochelle: So why did I overhear this woman talking about paying her off for her silence.

<> Widlin: Stop kidding around!
Camille: I’m not. It seem so real, I almost forgot we were even reading off a play.
Rochelle: Okay. Look the reason I came down here was to ask if you knew where Leonard was.
Widlin: No, I don’t. Only that he was going to that masquerade thing.
Rochelle: (excited) The masquerade ball. Did he say who he was taking?

Crystal: I cannot believe you called Earl to settle your petty problems.
Taneia: I called him here because it is time to get you off your high horse and back down here with the rest of us. Not treating use like your peasants, oh mighty one.

Laura: Come on, we both know this was going to happen.
Romain: This is not what I was expecting.
Laura: I made you a home-cooked meal. So is it so much to ask if you honor my one request?
Romain: You want me to sleep with you?
Laura: What’s the problem?
Romain: I think I better go.
Laura: (throws the leftover food onto the floor) You are not going anywhere until I get what I want!

(theme music breaks out for nearly a minute before concluding)

< > Romain: Whoa, you need to calm down.
Laura: I don’t understand why you don’t want me.
Romain: We work together and I don’t believe in mixing business with pleasure.
Laura: I thought most guys liked direct women regardless— unless… are you gay?

Lacreasha: What do you want, Leonard?
Leonard: You caused me to lose everything over one misunderstanding. I think it is time I collect. (grabbing her roughly)
Lacreasha: Let go of me!
Leonard: That’s not what you want and it is not what you are going to get. It’s time I rock your world.

Earl: Look, I know I’m a silent partner in this venture, but I cut my professional ties with this company a long time ago. You guys are partners and you should be able to come up with your own decisions.
Crystal: Spare me the lecture. Taneia’s the one who needs to hear it.
Taneia: I have a right to a break. Besides, she acts like she is the only one who cares about this company. I have invested just as much time and money to keep it afloat.
Crystal: I wouldn’t call a penny an investment.
Taneia: Oh you—
Earl: (intercedes) Quiet, the both of you. I have had it with this nonsense and I will not be a part of this rollercoaster any longer.

Widlin: Why do you care who he is going with? I heard you called it off.
Rochelle: (trying not to appear overly anxious) Just curious. Do you know where he is staying?
Widlin: No, but I remember him telling me he had some unfinished business with Lacreasha. Maybe he went to see her.

< > (Rochelle has left)
Camille: So, who is this Leonard, another boy toy?
Widlin: No, he is just a friend.
Camille: I remember you saying that once before about a certain guy.
Widlin: Shut your mouth. I don’t want to hear another word about that night again.
Alex: What night are you talking about, Widlin?

Earl: I am withdrawing myself from this company.
Crystal and Taneia: What?
Earl: I’m taking my investment and putting it somewhere more lucrative. You gals can consider your silent partner null and void.
Taneia: No. Wait. (Earl leaves)
Crystal: Was it really worth it? You tried to get back at me for whatever criticism I put on you and now your plan has blown up in your face. I do hope it was worth it. (with that, Crystal leaves Taneia alone to contemplate their newest dilemma)

Romain: No, I’m not. I just don’t want to hurt you.
Laura: Maybe I want you to hurt me.
Romain: Then how can I refuse?
Laura: (removing her bra) You can’t. (They then move into the bedroom)

< > Earl: Can I please have a one-way ticket to Pacific Palisades?
Desk Receptionist: I’m sorry, sir. I’m afraid you’re stranded. Our last flight to Pacific Palisades just took off about 15 minutes ago.
Earl: Damn. (thinking to himself) This is all Taneia’s fault. Now I’m stuck in this boring little town for yet another day.

Camille: Oh, Mr. Pierre, it is—
Widlin: (cuts her off) Shut up. I’m so sick of lying and I’m really sick of you. Malina was right. This is no way to live, constantly looking over your shoulders. I think it is time I tell my father what I’ve been hiding.

(Leonard and Lacreasha moaning and groaning in satisfaction)
Rochelle: What the hell is going on in there?
(she opens the door, which was left unlocked)
Lacreasha: Oh Leonard, that’s the right spot. Hit it.
Rochelle: (shock and disgust grace her face) Oh my god!

Click here for the next episode!