Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Rochelle: What the hell is going on in there? Oh my god! (~)
Crystal: Your plan has blown up in your face. I do hope it was worth it. (~)
Widlin: I’m so sick of lying and I’m really sick of you. I think it is time I tell my father what I’ve been hiding.

<> Alex: What is going on here, honey? Why are you upset with your friend and what exactly is it that you have been hiding from me?
Widlin: First of all, this woman is far from a friend and never will be. She has caused me nothing but trouble since camp. I think you should know the real nature of Ms. Bellows.

Crystal: Get this— she called Earl all the way from Pacific Palisades to come down here in hopes of seeing me get mine.
Man: What happened?
Crystal: Earl resigned from the company and took his shares with him. Thanks to her, we could be headed to debt city quicker than we expected.
Taneia: If you want this company to survive, why don’t you get up and do something about it instead of pointing blame?

Rochelle: (in tears) How could he do this?
(Leonard looks up from his drunken tryst with Lacreasha to find Rochelle staring at their naked interconnection in disbelief)
Leonard: Rochelle, baby, what are you doing here? (he inquires, sitting halfway up in the bed, while Lacreasha hangs to his side) This isn’t what it seems. (Rochelle edges closer as he explains, her eyes seeing red) Lacreasha and I, we just fell on each other and then on the bed. (he smirks nonchalantly) So we happen to be naked, it is—
Rochelle: (slaps him hard, causing Lacreasha to detach herself from Leonard, as Rochelle irrationally shouts to him) Shut your lying mouth!
Lacreasha: (thinking) “I better get out of here.”
Rochelle: (catching Lacreasha trying to slither away, she quickly retreats over to her end) Where do you think you’re going? I think it is about time we got things out in the open.
Lacreasha: Look, I did this all for you. Leonard is not the guy for you.
Rochelle: and what? You are?
Lacreasha: That is not what I said. Look, just try to understand that things may look bad now, but it is all for the best.
Rochelle: You think it is for the best that you are sleeping with my man! (she glides her hand firmly across her best friend’s face) You really have lost your mind you sick, two timing bitch.

(theme music)

< > Lacreasha: (slipping into her jeans) How dare you lay your hands on my face, I am not Leonard.
Rochelle: Shut up! I have watched for years you tell me how much you hate Leonard and now you’re sleeping with him.
Lacreasha: (buttoning her shirt) That is not how this is.
Rochelle: Didn’t I tell you to shut up. I want to know, what is it about Leonard and me that is so forbidden?
Leonard: I like to know also.

Crystal: There is significance to why Darron is here.
Taneia: I think he should leave. After all, customers don’t feel too good when the people they are getting there services from are fraternizing with ex- convicts.
Crystal: What are you talking about?
Taneia: You mean poor, love struck Darron didn’t tell you?
Darron: You said enough. I was planning to tell you when the time was right.
Crystal: Oh and when was the right time going to be… sometime next century?

Widlin: Father, Ms. Bellows is a blackmailer and she has been holding very precious information over my head.
Alex: You’re saying that this woman has been blackmailing you about something that happened years ago at camp?
Widlin: Yes father and it is time it stops!
Alex: Wait just a minute. What is it that she knows that you couldn’t tell me?
Camille: Yes Widlin. Let’s not leave out your dirty little part in this. Tell your father what you did.

< > Darron: There were reasons why I didn’t tell you at first.
Crystal: Name on.
Darron: Because I’m in love with you.
Taneia: Oh, give me a break. If I don’t leave now, I have a feeling I will soon be sick.
Crystal: Darron, that is so sweet, but I don’t feel the same way and that is no reason for your lies. If you truly love someone, then you tell them the truth. No good comes from secrets.

Lacreasha: It is because I wanted Leonard for myself.
Leonard: That’s no longer an option or problem.
Rochelle: Spare me. There is more going on here, I can see it in your eyes. You aren’t telling me something. You know something that could change everything with me and Leonard, don’t you?
Lacreasha: I don’t know what you are talking about.
Rochelle: Stop lying. Start telling the truth for once.

Widlin: What I did at camp was horrible, but it was an accident.
Camille: I agree it was horrible, but Mr. Pierre, what your daughter did was no where near accidental. It was planned and executed from the beginning. Isn’t that right, Widlin?

< > Taneia: Yes, I would like to book a two-way trip to Pacific Palisades. “The tickets can be ready tomorrow night?” Okay, good.

Darron: Sometimes, secrets are kept to protect the one you love.
Crystal: It doesn’t matter the purpose because whether you keep it hidden or tell, secrets always find a way of coming out.
Darron: You sound like you’ve learned from experience.
Crystal: Yes, I have. I had to learn the hard way that secrets can cause you to lose everything.

Rochelle: Now, I have ignored the signs, but not after tonight.
Lacreasha: What signs are you talking about?
Rochelle: The mysterious phone calls in the night, the late night outings, the mysterious appearance of men’s clothing, your adamancy that I break up with Leonard--
Lacreasha: Get to the point.
Rochelle: The point is that something is driving you to break up me and Leonard and I want to know what it is.

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