Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”
Anton: Some people just don’t belong together, that’s Leonard and Rochelle. (~)
Earl: Why are you here, Taneia? (~)
Leonard: No, all right. I need some time to think. (~)
William: I will make you pay.

Earl: I have made up my mind about that company if that is why you have come all the way down here.
Taneia: You can’t do that. I am not going to let you.
Earl: (sarcastically) and what are you going to do, sue me?
Taneia: As a matter of fact, you’ve been served.

Leonard: Damn, how could I be so stupid? I had Rochelle right where I wanted her and what do I do, I sleep with her slut of best friend.
Lacreasha: If that’s how you feel, then what does that say about yourself?
Leonard: I thought I told you I wanted to be alone.
Lacreasha: I am actually meeting someone.
Leonard: Who in the world could you be meeting at this time of night?
Lacreasha: That’s none of your business.

William: Where are you Jessica? We have a score to settle. Who would she go to for help… I know exactly where she is.

Anton: Rochelle, are you in here? What in the world is that window doing open?
(he walks out to close the window)
Anton: Rochelle! What are you doing out here on that ledge?
Rochelle: There is nothing else left for me. I might as well end it all.

(theme music)

Anton: Have you lost your mind? Get off the ledge, now!
Rochelle: We both know my life is pathetic. In the recent days, I have lost the man I love, my so-called best friend and my career has gone sour. There’s nothing else left keeping me here. So give me one good reason why I shouldn’t end it all.

Leonard: That makes me even more curious.
Lacreasha: Curiosity won’t get you anywhere, only into more trouble.
Leonard: You’re hiding something. I can see it written all over your face. Whoever you’re meeting has something to do with it.
Lacreasha: I am warning you. Don’t get wrapped up in what I’m hiding or you may not live to regret it.

Earl: I don’t believe this.
Taneia: If you want to bow out of the company, that’s fine. But you are not taking your investment with you.
Earl: I am not about to sit back and watch this happen.
Taneia: I’m afraid it is out of your control. So instead of staying on this beautiful island, it looks like you will be riding back with me to Hallandale.

< > (knock at door)
Royce: Who is it?
William: It’s William Arlington. I want my wife now.
Royce: (opening the door) Your wife isn’t here.
William: I’ll see that for myself. Jessica!
Royce: (grabbing William’s arm before he can move an inch further into his personal space than he already has) Who the hell do you think you are? Get the hell out of my house.

Earl: There is no way I’m going back to that town.
Taneia: You have no choice since the trial is there and ignoring the court will hold you in contempt and therefore I would win by default. On second thought, you do just that.
Earl: The hell I will.
Matthew: What’s going on out here?

Anton: You are just having a bad day. Remember what they say, “what seems horrible now will only get better,” you are still the sexiest, powerful lawyer this country has ever seen.
Rochelle: That doesn’t matter now that things between Leonard and me are over and my best friend is now my enemy.
Anton: You still have me, Royce, Kavina and Evelin.
Rochelle: You are all my co- workers.
Anton: We are more than that, we are your friends and we care if you die, so get down from there.

< > Rochelle: Okay.
Anton: Be careful on that ledge.
Rochelle: (looses balance) Aah!
Anton: Rochelle!

Leonard: So let’s see who you are secretly meeting.
Lacreasha: Everything is over. There is no need for plan 2.
Man: Good. So my services are complete?
Lacreasha: Yes. You can go back to your anonymity.
Leonard: Oh my god. What is he doing here?

William: Do you have any idea where my wife is?
Royce: How would I know? I’ve been out of town for the past few weeks.
Woman: Royce, are you here?
William: Gotcha Jessica!

Matthew: I cannot believe you are suing my brother because he is leaving your boring little restaurant.
Taneia: How would you know?
Matthew: My brother was dead set against investing in that company and having financial ties with your and Crystal.
Taneia: My, how you and your brother show your true colors.
Matthew: You think you’ve seen it all. You mess with my brother and you mess with me. I’m bringing you down.
Earl: Stop Matthew. There is no need for you to stand up for me because I’m going to tell Taneia exactly where she’s going.

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