Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”
Earl: What are you going to do, sue me?
Taneia: You’ve been served. (~)
Woman: Royce, are you here?
William: Gotcha Jessica! (~)
Leonard: Oh my god, what is he doing here? (~)
Anton: Be careful on that ledge.
Rochelle: (loosing balance) Aah!

Earl: I suggest you get out of here and take your silly court order with you.
Taneia: This isn’t going away.
Earl: You aren’t getting another cent from me. You keep my investment and get the hell out of my face.
Taneia: This is not going away just at the snap of your fingers.
Earl: Then you aren’t giving me any choice, but to make life very difficult for you.

William: Oh. You aren’t Jessica.
Woman: (caught off guard) Okay! Is my brother here?
Royce: Over here, Samantha.
Samantha: What is going on here? Who is this?
Royce: William Arlington. He was just leaving!
William: Fine, but I will be back. So if Jessica is hiding out here, it won’t be for long.
Samantha: (once William departs) Who’s Jessica?

Leonard: Ooh. I know someone who would be very interested in knowing he was back – (backs up, knocking over a trash bin)
Man: What was that? Who’s there?

Anton: Rochelle!
Rochelle: Down here, help! My hands are slipping. I can’t hold on much longer.
Anton: Stay calm, I’m going to get you from down there.
Rochelle: How am I supposed to stay calm? I’m hanging 9 stories up from this building by my fingertips.

(theme music)

< > Anton: All right. I have the rope. Now, all you have to do is grab on.
Rochelle: That’s all. What if I miss the rope?
Anton: We aren’t going to discuss that possibility because its not going to happen. Now you can either hurry and grab on or fall to your death.

Man: Someone is there and I’m not leaving this dock until I see who it is.
Lacreasha: You are probably just hearing things. I mean, you haven’t been noticed by anyone all this time and now you are being paranoid.
Man: I don’t think so. I can hear this person’s every breath. Someone is here and they should be worried because when I find them, they won’t be seeing daylight again!

Royce: Jessica is his wife, but enough about that idiot. I want to hear about what has been happening with you.
Samantha: Nothing much. I worked on my studies for the most part while I was there.
Royce: So you’re telling me that while you were in the luxury of one of the most beautiful places on earth, all you did was work.
Samantha: Basically.
Royce: No special French lovers or boyfriends?
Samantha: I was in France for business, not pleasure.
Royce: But which did you receive?

Taneia: You can’t make life for me any more difficult than it already is.
Matthew: Maybe my brother can’t, but I sure as hell can.

< > Taneia: Your threats do not scare me.
Matthew: Perhaps you forgot me and my brother are in charge of a multimillionaire company that can make life difficult for anyone it so chooses.
Taneia: That will not change the lawsuit.
Earl: What will Kyle think, though, when he reads about the many failures of his once true love.

Leonard: Why is he helping Lacreasha? Then again, I better focus on trying to get out of here.
Man: I’m afraid its too late for that.

Rochelle: Oh thank God you were here. I thought the ball was tonight.
Anton: It was, but it has been put on hold until tomorrow afternoon.
Rochelle: Oh. Well, I guess I better head home because I definitely had enough drama for one night.
Anton: All right, I’ll walk you out.

< > Taneia: I’m so sick of you and Crystal bringing him up. It is ancient history.
Matthew: You know what they say, history has a way of repeating itself.
Taneia: This battle is between me and your brother, so why don’t you just butt out?
Matthew: Because he is my brother and I’m going to stick by him.
Earl: That’s what family does, but you wouldn’t know because it has always been something you lacked.
Taneia: (before leaving) How could you say something so cold?

Samantha: I am not going to dignify that with an answer. Besides, I would rather hear about you and this Jessica woman.
Royce: What are you talking about?
Samantha: I always know when you’ve done something devious, bro and its stench is very strong right now.

Lacreasha: I should have figure out it was Leonard.
Man: You suspected he had followed you here?
Lacreasha: I ran into him earlier on the way here. How was I supposed to know he would follow me? I warned him that if he did, it could be dangerous to his health.
Man: Well, obviously he didn’t take your warning seriously enough.
Leonard: This is nice, but why don’t you two have your conversation and I’ll leave.
Man: (pulls out gun) I don’t think so. You should have listened to Lacreasha. I’m afraid you’ll have to learn the hard way. (cocks the gun and places his finger on the trigger, leaving Leonard staring down the barrel)

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