Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”
Malina: So, you are a man of mystery?
Anton: There is one way to be sure, be my date for the masquerade ball. (~)
Laura: Crystal not only killed my sister’s baby, but Angela also. (~)
Camille: You had better call of your father or you will live to regret it.

(It is now the morning of the Masquerade ball)
Camille: (phone rings) Who could that be? Hello!
Man: Miss me, Sweetie. Well, you don’t have to anymore. Open the door.
Camille: (opens the door) What did you get me?
Man: Me silly. I decided to come and see what you were up to. What’s wrong, no hug for your husband?

Laura: Romain, wait up. So what’s going on? I’ve called you several times and you haven’t answered me back.
Romain: I’m a pathologist in a hospital. You know how busy I am. I simply didn’t receive any of your messages.
Laura: Oh really! So why don’t I call your voicemail service and we can both see for ourselves.
Romain: That won’t be necessary.
Laura: Why not? Admit it. You are avoiding me and I want to know why.

Anton: Where are you going?
Rochelle: I need to go and get a couple of things from Leonard’s place and then buy my dress for tonight’s party.
Anton: I thought so. There is no way you are going over to Leonard’s place.

(theme music)

< > Rochelle: Why does it matter to you whether I go over to Leonard’s or not?
Anton: I’m sorry for being concerned after learning you tried to kill yourself because of what Leonard did to you.
Rochelle: You think I can’t handle one visit to his house? Do you really believe I’m that unstable?

Malina: It’s about time I reached you.
Widlin: Why? What’s going on?
Malina: I have a date to that masquerade thing and I wanted to tell you all about him. However, I can see something or someone is troubling you.
Widlin: Who else? It’s Camille.

Camille: Of course I’m happy to see you, Mark. I just wasn’t expecting you.
Mark: I thought I would surprise you. So what has my beautiful, sweet wife been doing here in this suburban city? What has been taking up all your time.?
Camille: I’ve just been focus on helping a friend from my camp days put the past behind her.

< > Malina: I told you that if this woman is—
Widlin: (cuts her off) I know, if she is blackmailing me, then I might as well tell the truth because it will come out one way or another.
Malina: Have you given it any thought?
Widlin: I actually came close to telling my father when Camille stepped in and told him another lie. He was very upset and he warned Camille away from me, but she isn’t going away.
Malina: What did she tell your father?
Widlin: That I slept with every man in our camp.
Malina: No wonder he was upset. You went along with this lie.
Widlin: Prepared to my secret, that was the best alternative.
Malina: What did you do that was worth making your father believe the filth that Camille told him?

Romain: Let’s just say that ever since last night, I could not bring myself to face you.
Laura: What is that suppose to mean?
Romain: Have you considered talking to a psychologist about some of the anger in your heart?
Laura: How would you know about anger in my heart? You barely know me.
Romain: That’s right. I don’t know you, but the other night, we knew each other well enough that you felt we had to sleep together and then you started to become irrational when I refused.
Laura: Your point?
Romain: My point is you don’t stand a chance for a healthy relationship as long as you carry this rage inside of you. (Romain exits)

< > Rochelle: You think I’m unstable, don’t you?
Anton: That is not what I’m saying at all. Just maybe you shouldn’t go over there until you are strong enough to face Leonard.
Rochelle: Fine, I will wait a couple of days. Thanks for being a friend.
Anton: No problem. Well, I had better go get ready for the ball myself. Are you going to be all right alone?
Rochelle: Don’t worry about me. All the windows are sealed shut, so I will be staying on stable ground for a while.

Mark: So when can I meet this famous friend?
Camille: I don’t think you are going to have time. Besides, don’t you have to get back to Miramar to your job?
Mark: That’s the main reason I came out here. My job has been moved.
Camille: Where?
Mark: Right here. So it looks like we are going to be stuck to each other like glue.

Widlin: I really don’t want to get into that.
Malina: I just think you are better off telling the truth in the long run.
Widlin: What I need to do is figure out a way to stop Camille.

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