Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”
Samantha: I know when you’ve done something devious, its stench is very strong. (~)
Mark: My job has been moved.
Camille: Where?
Mark: Right here. (~)
Widlin: I need to figure out a way to stop Camille.

<> Malina: Instead of trying to figure out a way to stop Camille’s blackmail, why don’t you just tell your father the truth?
Widlin: You don’t understand. That is the last thing I can do.

Camille: You’re telling me that you’ve been transferred to a law firm here?
Mark: Yeah, it’s “HatcherKeller & Associates.” It could be the break I’m looking for.
Camille: But why here?
Mark: Well, it feels like you have been in this town forever, almost as if you were never coming home. So instead of me waiting for you back home, I decided to come here and be with my wife.

Royce: I have not done anything devious.
Samantha: No, you cannot fool me. Who is the new woman in your life or who have you got your eye on this time.
Royce: (smirks) What is that supposed to mean?
Samantha: I’ve seen you in action, mister. Who have you roped into your web of manipulations now?

William: (on the phone) Hello, I was wondering if I could speak with a Romain Chandler.
Romain: This is he. What can I do for you?
William: I need to know if you have any idea where my wife could be. I mean, it’s like she disappeared off the face of the earth. (laughs) That can’t be possible, can it?

(theme music)

< > Romain: Who is it you are looking for?
William: Oh. Jessica Arlington, my wife.
Romain: The last I spoke to her, she was headed home determined to find out who was behind the problems you were having.
William: How long ago was that?
Romain: It was nearly a week ago. Are you telling me that no one has seen her since?

Royce: My web of manipulations. Is that how you really feel about your big brother?
Samantha: No, but seriously, I know there has to be someone special in your life.
Royce: Actually, there is. I’m actually, you could say, obsessed with this woman.

Malina: I am trying to save you from a lot of heartache down the road.
Widlin: and I appreciate it, but some things I have to handle on my own. Besides, don’t you have to get ready for that hot date of yours?
Malina: Oh God. I almost forgot. So are you going?
Widlin: Yeah. You know me, I can’t miss an event. I just have a feeling this will be one to remember.

< > Malina: So you never did tell me about this guy you met? Is he going to be at the masquerade ball?
Widlin: Yeah! His name is Alfonso Morgan and he is definitely the man I think I’ve been searching my whole life for.
Malina: Good for you. I don’t mean to burst your bubble, but what will happen with you and Alfonso when he finds out you’re keeping a secret from him or what that secret is.

Samantha: Obsessed?
Royce: I’m kidding. There is a woman I’ve had my eyes on for a while, but circumstances always seem to pull us apart.
Samantha: I know exactly who you are talking about!

William: It appears that way. I’m going to call the police and file for a missing persons. If you see or hear from Jessica, tell her that we need to talk.
Romain: All right.
William: Thanks. (hangs up the phone) Now I have to figure out where in the world she could have gone.

< > Samantha: I can’t believe I was so stupid that I didn’t see it before.
Royce: Okay, smarty pants. Who is it I’m secretly lusting after?
Samantha: It’s Rochelle.

Camille: I guess we should make the best of the situation.
Mark: How?
Camille: Be my date for the masquerade ball happening this afternoon.
Mark: What’s so important about this ball?
Camille: I just feel something will happen that I don’t want to miss.

Widlin: There is no reason why Alfonso should know. Besides, I just met the guy, there is no way the truth of my past will affect him.
Malina: I hope you are right. However, something tells me that each and every one of these ties that you have told will blow up in your face.

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