Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”
Royce: Who is it I’m secretly lusting after?
Samantha: It’s Rochelle! (~)
Anton: There is no way you are going over to Leonard’s place. (~)
Widlin: There is no way the truth of my past will affect him.
Malina: I hope you’re right.

(The Masquerade ball has begun)
Crystal: Good afternoon everyone. My partner and I are so glad that you could all make it to this joyous occasion. It all intends to be an evening of mystery and excitement. So sit back and relax. Welcome to the 1st Annual Masquerade Ball and may there be many more. So everyone, go out and have fun. (her smile dissipates as she leaves the stage)
Audience: Whoo!!
Darron: Crystal, are you all right?
Crystal: Of course not, where the hell is Taneia? She knew we were having this party tonight.
Darron: Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Taneia since yesterday morning.
Crystal: You’re right. Where could she be?

Anton: Wow, you look stunning!
Malina: Thank you, I try. So what should we try out first?
Anton: How about we explore the secret room over there?
Malina: Ooh! Let’s go!

Royce: Wrong, it is not Rochelle.
Samantha: Then tell me, you aren’t going to make me beg.
Royce: Of course not.
Samantha: (with relief) Good.
Royce: Because I’m not telling you.

(theme music)

< > Samantha: I can’t believe my own brother does not trust me.
Royce: I do trust you.
Samantha: Then tell me who the special woman in your life is?
Royce: (avoiding the question) Whoa. Look at the time. If we don’t get ready for the party, we’re going to be late.
Samantha: Royce! (groans in defeat)

Widlin: Come on Alfonso, win me a teddy bear.
Alfonso: Okay. Which one do you want?
Widlin: The nice white and cuddly one.

Crystal: There she is.
Darron: Just calm down. Give her a chance to explain.
Crystal: I don’t think so. (grabbing Taneia by the arm) Where have you been?
Taneia: Let go of me. I was out of town.
Crystal: What were you doing out of – you went to see Earl, didn’t you?

< > Taneia: Yes, and it didn’t go so well.
Crystal: Oh, I’m sure! You probably made things a lot worse. What did you do?
Taneia: I gave Earl a subpoena. I’m suing him for what he owes to this company.
Crystal: You idiot. You have no idea what you have just done.

Malina: So tell me, what makes you the intriguing type?
Anton: I’ve been told my kisses are worth the long wait. Basically, my intrigue comes from the fact that I like to make people wonder about me. What is he about? What kind of person is he? Is he rough? Is he gentle?
Malina: What kind of a person are you?
Anton: You keep by my side and you’ll find out.

(knock at door)
Samantha: I got it.
Rochelle: Hello. Oh, Samantha. When did you get back? How are you?
Samantha: Just last night. I’m not in a very good mood. I don’t want to bore you, so I won’t get into the specifics. Why are you here?
Rochelle: I wanted to go over some last minute legal problems with your brother.
Samantha: So you’re not going to this party everyone’s talking about?
Rochelle: I was, but then I thought it would be best to stay away and work.
Samantha: That’s too bad! Well, I will get my brother so you two can hurry and talk about these legal problems.

< > Royce: So is that all?
Rochelle: Yeah.
Royce: Why don’t you reconsider the party? I mean, everyone is going to be there.
Rochelle: Exactly, and the last person I want to see is Leonard or Lacreasha.

Taneia: I haven’t done anything wrong.
Crystal: That’s what you think. Because of you, T.E.C. could be in more trouble now than ever before.
Darron: Look, I’m sure it is not that bad.
Crystal: What do you know? You are a con-artist and probably haven’t made an honest day of living in your life.

Widlin: This is Camille Bellows.
Alfonso: Hey. Nice to meet you.
Camille: Same here. So how long have you two known each other?
Alfonso: Not that long, but I trust we know all the important stuff about each other or what we need to know.
Camille: So you told him, Widlin.
Alfonso: Told me what?
Mark: Camille, there you are.
Widlin: (umm) So Camille, who is this?
Mark: I’m her husband, who are you?
Widlin: Her what?
Mark: My name is Mark Reyes. Camille is my wife.

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