Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”
Darron: You are going to need all the comfort you can get.
Crystal: What is she doing here? (~)
Widlin: You really think this guy is in love with me.
Camille: If he is, your past will make sure he isn’t for long. (~)
Matthew: Something is not right. I feel if we go, we will be headed right in the middle of a war zone.
Earl: You are just being paranoid.

Earl: I hope you are still not upset and thinking about those weird visions you’ve been having.
Matthew: No, but I can’t stop thinking about it Earl.
Earl: That is all they are – visions.
Matthew: No, I feel a storm is coming and we are walking right in its path.

Widlin: Oh god, what do you want now?
Camille: Is that any way to talk to someone who has the goods on you?
Widlin: Yes, because if you don’t stop harassing me, then I will go to my father and tell him what you are up to. Better yet, I’ll go straight to your loving husband.

Crystal: I still cannot believe that woman had the gall to show her face in my restaurant.
Taneia: Wrong, it is our restaurant. I am starting to think maybe Earl had the good idea by backing out of this company.
Crystal: Oh, so you are finally realizing there is no significance in your presence here.
Taneia: Actually, I was thinking more on the lines of you quitting and me taking over.

(theme music)

<> Crystal: You have really lost your grip on reality?
Taneia: Excuse me?
Crystal: You must obviously suffer from some lack of mental instability if you think I am leaving this company.
Taneia: My mental capacity is just fine, thank you. How about you though, here you are on a date with a con-artist.
Darron: Why don’t you just shut your mouth, Taneia?
Taneia: How about you shut it for me?
Darron: All right.
Crystal: Stop it, my god. What has happened to the Taneia I use to know?
Taneia: Oh, she’s here. She just isn’t taking your crap any longer.

Camille: How about you stay away from my husband?
Malina: (thinking) “Oh, I need some air.”
Widlin: If you want me to stay away from your husband, then I suggest you stop throwing my past in my face.
Camille: I don’t think so because that will mean you have won and that is not going to happen.

< > (plane to Hallandale)
Matthew: I cannot believe the things we do for our family despite my feelings that it will turn out bad.
Earl: Nothing bad is going to happen. At least not to us.
Matthew: If we decide to open war on Taneia, then won’t it ultimately affect her other partner.
Earl: I almost forgot – Crystal.
Matthew: Don’t you see that innocent bystanders will be hurt as well. Put an end to this plan and forget about getting even with Taneia.

Widlin: My god, you love torturing me so much, its sickening.
Camille: Like I said, you chose to go through this suffering and all it can be resolved by simply admitting the truth.
Widlin: You know why the truth must never be acknowledge.
Camille: Oh, you would lose everything if it were.
Widlin: I could never make up for what happened to the Lynchetterette family. I would lose my social standing, my father would hate me and my career as a model would be over.
Camille: It makes you wonder, is it worth blackmailing me to lose all of those things so near and close to you. My, my, what will Malina and Alfonso think?

Crystal: The only person who has been spewing crap is you.
Taneia: Look at this party Crystal, who was it planned by?
Crystal: Me, but that was –
Taneia: You exactly. This party is a disaster.
Crystal: I have not seen nothing but unhappiness from most of the guests who walked in this room. Face it, you and your convict lover are ruining everything.

< > Darron: I have heard enough out of your mouth to last me a lifetime. So why don’t you do everyone a favor and just leave?
Taneia: I am not going anywhere. If anyone needs to leave, it is you.
Darron: I am here to support Crystal. She needs my help and she is going to get it.
Taneia: You are wasting your time, Darry Poo because Crystal is all work and no play. Oh, and I do mean, no play.
Crystal: (Darron holds her back) Oh, you little…

Widlin: You need to get a life.
Camille: Oh, I go home to a warm bed at night. Can you say the same?
Widlin: That is none of your business.
Camille: I’m sure Alfonso would love to hear about your love life.
Widlin: You wouldn’t dare.
Camille: Honey, you know I have never been one to turn down a dare.
Widlin: You shut your trap. Alfonso cannot hear about that.
Alfonso: I cannot believe what I’m seeing.

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