Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”
Police: We need you to verify this woman as your wife.
William: Oh no. (~)
Widlin: Alfonso cannot hear about that.
Alfonso: I can’t believe what I’m seeing. (~)
Rochelle: That’s weird, where could they be? /
Leonard: No, please don’t. (gun fires)

< > Anton: I have looked everywhere, Leonard and Lacreasha are no where to be found.
Rochelle: That’s impossible.
Anton: It’s like they have dropped off the face of this earth.

Widlin: Alfonso, I can explain.
Alfonso: Explain?
Widlin: There is a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw.
Alfonso: Are we talking about the same thing? I was just shocked to see that bar out of your arms.
Widlin: Oh, that.
Alfonso: What did you think I was talking about?

Inspector Alvarez: What happened here?
Officer: He fainted dead away when he saw the body and hasn’t regain consciousness yet.
Inspector Alvarez: Looks like that is about to change. Did he verify that the woman was his wife?
Officer: I’m not sure. He fainted so quickly after he saw the body, whether it was her or not, waits to be heard from him.

(theme music)

< > Officer: Kasey, I’m sure we can handle it from here. Besides, you need to get back to your wife before she starts worrying again.
Kasey: All right. Just make sure the case is filed and that this man makes a complaint.
William: (moans) Oh my head.
Officer: Sir, we need to know, do you recognize this woman? Is she your wife?
William: Yes!

Widlin: I don’t know, you just seem so serious. I thought you may have overheard something bad about me.
Alfonso: Why would I? I mean, if you thought there was something I needed ot know, you would have told me by now, right?
Camille: I’m pretty sure you can trust Widlin. There’s no need to worry about yourself around her.
Alfonso: Why would you say that? Has someone gotten hurt around Widlin?
Camille: You could say that.
Alfonso: Don’t give into her jokes. Camille was always such a kidder.
Alfonso: It didn’t sound like she was joking.

Anton: I know you are not going to waste the whole night worrying about Leonard and Lacreasha, especially after what they did to you.
Rochelle: I shouldn’t, but I cared for both of them at some point in time. I can’t just shut those feelings off overnight.
Malina: There you are. I thought you might have left me hanging.
Anton: Oh no, never! Rochelle, I will talk to you later. Meanwhile, go and have some fun.
Rochelle: (thinking) “Fun, how can I have fun when I can’t stop thinking about Leo.”

< > Widlin: She has the ability to make things that come out of her mouth seem real. Camille, why don’t you leave me and my date alone? I’m sure your husband is worried about you.
Camille: I can take a hint.
Alfonso: Why don’t we step outside where it is just the two of us? There is something I’ve been dying to tell you all night.
Widlin: Okay.

Malina: So what was up with your friend? Should I be jealous?
Anton: No, me and Rochelle have been friends for a long time, but that’s as far as it goes. Besides, she got involve with the wrong man and does not want to let go of him.
Malina: That upsets you.
Anton: Not because I’m in love with her. It’s just that this man has hurt her time and time again. Sometimes, I feel the world would be better off if she never met Leonard.

Officer: This woman is your wife?
William: No, I know who that is.
Officer: Do you know who we can contact
William: Her sister.
Officer: Where can we find her?
William: Right here in this very city. Her name is Lacreasha Dupree.

< > Officer: How did you know the deceased?
William: Finola was my ex- wife.
Officer: I’m sorry. We need to notify her next of kin.
William: That would be Lacreasha. There parents are deceased. I wonder why she was headed this way.

Alfonso: Widlin, I know it is supposed to be a secret of how long we known each other, but I can’t keep it inside any longer.
Widlin: I know what you are going to say.
Alfonso: Then I’ll just say it. I know that you are keeping something from me and I would like to know what it is.

Rochelle: Oh Leonard. I wish things could have been different. Thanks to Lacreasha, everything I ever believed in has been destroyed.

Lacreasha: Oh my god. What the hell are we going to do with the body?
Man: Don’t panic on me. We had to silence him, and now we need to dump the body.
Lacreasha: Dump the body? We need to take him to a hospital.
Man: No, all right. We have to get rid of the body or we will be charged with murder. I know you do not want to spend the rest of your youth in jail.
Lacreasha: Of course, I don’t.
Man: Then we must cover up Leonard’s death to make it look like an accident.

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