Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”
Alfonso: I know you are keeping something from me and I want to know what it is. (~)
Taneia: You are wasting your time. Crystal is all work and no play. Oh, and I do mean, no play. (~)
Man: We must cover up Leonard’s death to make it look like an accident.

(The Masquerade Ball is now over and a new morning has arrived)
Alexander: May I ask who are you and what brings you here this early in the morning?
Alfonso: My name is Alfonso. I was Widlin’s date last night.
Alexander: Yes, my daughter told me all about it, especially about the part where you upset her with the accusation that she was keeping something from you.
Alfonso: Sir, I can explain…
Alexander: What gives you the right? You and Widlin have not known each other that long to expect no secrets between you.
Alfonso: How about I come back later? You obviously don’t know the facts and I am not about to discuss them with you now.
Alexander: Hold up, you punk. How dare you come over to my estate and assault me. You had better adjust your attitude or the next time, you’ll be missing your two front teeth.

Crystal: I cannot believe the spectacle you made of yourself last night.
Taneia: Like you said, if there is one thing I’m good at, that’s being hypercritical.
Crystal: Why can’t we try to get alone? We need to be able to present a united front once we go up against Earl in court.
Earl: That will be one of the most shocking things to happen this year.

Rochelle: Oh, I am going to be at this for hours.
Woman: Talking to yourself, again.
Rochelle: Kavina. Oh, it so good to see you. You are just what we need around here.
Kavina: What’s been going on?
Rochelle: Total destruction. I desperately need your help.

(theme music)

Kavina: What’s wrong?
Rochelle: I have managed to get hurt by Leonard once again.
Kavina: What did he do now?
Rochelle: He slept with Lacreasha.

Man: Damn, I wanted to get out before the sun set so we could dump the body.
Lacreasha: I’m afraid we have a minor problem.
Man: What’s that?
Lacreasha: The body’s gone.

Taneia: What are you doing here?
Earl: I could not give in to your every whim, at least not without a fight.
Crystal: Who’s the gentleman over there?
Earl: Oh, Matthew, meet Crystal. Crystal, this is Matthew, my brother.
Crystal: Nice to meet you.
Matthew: Same here. Too bad it couldn’t have been under better circumstances.
Earl: To the point, I’ve decided to give you both one more chance to drop this silly suit.
Taneia: Why should we do that?
Earl: Would you rather own the money freely or lose it trying to sue me in court?

< > Earl: We all have better things to do with our time. You guys do not need to be funding a case, and lawyers. By the time you are done, you could be on your way to bankruptcy city. Is that what you want?
Crystal: That is not what I want. I say we drop the suit. He is giving us the money, regardless.
Earl: It’s up to you, Taneia.

Kavina: I cannot believe this guy.
Rochelle: I just keep thinking that maybe I gave him permission to go for it.
Kavina: No, you did not. Leonard always sees what he wants and goes after it, regardless of the consequences.
Rochelle: I still feel responsible.
Kavina: I cannot believe all the damage this guy has cause to your character. Sometimes I could kill him for the things he has done to you.
Rochelle: You aren’t the only one, sometimes I can’t help but feel that way.

Lacreasha: I don’t understand how he could have been able to walk when you shot him.
Man: (observing the blood) Because he was never shot.
Lacreasha: What?
Man: He was carrying fake blood. The man has outsmarted us, and who knows who he could be revealing my identity to.

Alexander: Widlin, come down now!
Widlin: Yes. What is it father?
Alexander: I want to know what is going on between you and this Alfonso character. How many more secret people from your past do you have stashed around?

< > Widlin: What do you mean?
Alexander: I mean, first it was Camille, who I hope has heeded my warnings and will not show her face on this estate again. Now it is this Alfonso character, who’s next… one of the boys from camp.
Widlin: No, that is not likely to happen.
Alexander: How can you be so sure? You can’t be sure of anyone you met travel plans unless they are no longer on the face of this earth.

Taneia: All right. I will drop the suit.
Earl: This is what is best for all of us.
Crystal: Maybe my premonitions were wrong. Everything seems to be looking up.
Matthew: (thinking) “This city is evil. I have to find some way to get me and my brother out of here.”

Rochelle: Enough about me. How has life been treating you?
Kavina: You will not guess who I ran into on my way over here.
Rochelle: Who?
Kavina: Jessica Arlington.

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