Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Winter of Forbidden Ecstasy 
Matthew:  You’re one to insinuate about lies. (~) 
Man:  Widlin Pierre? (~) 
Malina:  Apparently you have competition and a well-known rival. (~) 
Lacreasha:  How can you stand to listen to Kavina’s lawyer defending her actions the night she killed Leonard… she relished every moment. 
***Kelley:  Hey boss, you wanted to see me? 
Kyle:  Yes Kelley, I wanted to make sure the pressroom was ready for my-- for Lacreasha at her earliest convenience. 
Kelley:  Well, everything is in order and I have some of the techs around in case there is something I missed. 
Kyle:  Good, because she’s working on a big story and the last thing on our side is time. 
(<- Hallandale Courthouse ->) 
Royce:  (spotting Kendall walking down the corridor) Kendall! 
Kendall:  Royce! (turns around, lacking a joyous expression) 
Royce:  I didn’t think you’d want to see me again. 
Kendall:  Well, after your little inquisition, I don’t blame you. 
Liam:  Hey, what’s up? 
Lournings:  You tell me; you’ve been quite evasive with me here and at the office during this trial except when you’re after something. 
Liam:  You know I backed down because of my involvement with everyone in this case, but you are right, there is something I want from you-- the name of this surprise witness! 
(<- The Pierre Mansion ->) 
Widlin:  Who the hell are you? 
Man:  Court Appointed Official with a summons. 
Widlin:  Summons? 
Man:  Your presence has been requested to appear on behalf of the defense in the State vs. Kavina Shah, or in other words, you have been served. 
(<- Pryce International ->) 
Earl:  (fixing portrait on wall, then turning to his brother’s presence) Hey, I didn’t think you were going to show up. 
Matt:  Well, I am not sticking around long.  I am just picking up a few things. 
Earl:  What do you mean, picking up a few things? 
Matt:  That’s right, you don’t know.  I guess I should tell you. 
Earl:  Tell me what? 
Matt:  Well, I may be force to live under the same roof with you, but I will be damn if I have to work with you.  As of now, I quit, effective immediately. 
*Theme Song*
Earl:  Do you even know what you’re doing anymore? 
Matt:  I guess you can say I am on a journey, trying to figure out who I am without you because it looks like things are going to be that way from now on.  (Matt walks down the corridor as Earl looks in despair) 
Evelyn:  (witnessing the tense situation) What has been going on since I’ve been away? 
(<- The Pierre Mansion ->) 
Widlin:  This is unreal, you have a summons for me to appear in court and you’re just now giving me notice. 
Man:  What can I say; you’re a hard woman to track down. 
Widlin:  There is no excuse for this; I am supposed to rearrange my schedule because some defense attorney wants me to testify. 
Man:  I’m sorry it’s an inconvenience-- 
Widlin:  No, its not because you’re going to tell the court I have no intention on testifying. 
(<- Nichols’ Beauticon Agency->) 
Shaquanna:  What exactly is Michelle up to now? 
Malina:  Well, apparently she owns a very new modeling agency-- (Shaquanna jaw drops in shock) Hunks & Beauty Fashions International. 
Shaquanna:  (uncertain tone) Hunks & Beauty? 
Malina:  Male and Female!  Apparently she’s advertising love and romance.  (with a grin) Hmm-- and a little lust. 
Shaquanna:  (scoffs) I should have known Michelle was behind something like this, she will not rest until she sees me destroyed. (walks off as Malina looks on empathetically) 
(<- Showtime Limits Agency ->) 
Lacreasha:  (racing into the office but swiftly) Oh hi, you must be Kelley. 
Kelley:  That would be me. 
Lacreasha:  Is everything set in the pressroom? 
Kelley:  To the best of my knowledge, but if you need any assistance, there will be some technicians around. 
Lacreasha:  Thank you, but I think I will be able to handle that just fine. 
Kelley:  All right then, good luck.  (departs) 
Lacreasha:  Thank you!  (turning back towards wall) All right Kavina, let the show begin. 
Rochelle:  Talking to yourself again? (Curious and comical look as Lacreasha scoffs) 
(<- Hallandale Courthouse ->) 
Royce:  Why don’t you just say what you are trying to say? 
Kendall:  Oh, the great Royce can’t read between the lines.  That’s a first. 
Royce:  Are you upset over one little inquiry I made? 
Kendall:  About my past, a matter that is none of your business. 
Royce:  I never assumed it was. 
Kendall:  You had no right to, I am your co-worker, but my life is my own.  You want dirt; you search for it elsewhere. (walks off, Royce left completely off guard) 
***Lacreasha:  I am glad you decided to show up. 
Rochelle:  Well, you know I have my qualms. 
Lacreasha:  Working with me again? 
Rochelle:  Working with you at all? (bypassing Lacreasha with a smile) 
Lacreasha:  Well, there’s no saying you have to.  In fact, if you’re going to have this attitude, I prefer you don’t! (Rochelle is taken aback by her bluntness)
(<- Hallandale Courthouse ->) 
Lournings:  I knew this would be about that surprise witness. 
Liam:  Then tell me what I want to know. 
Lournings:  You dropped yourself from this case remember? 
Liam:  It’s kind of hard to forget, but there were extenuating reasons for that and its not like I don’t have a right to know the name of the surprise witness.  After all, I am the A.D.A. 
Lournings:  and what difference would it make knowing who the surprise witness is? 
(<- The Pierre Mansion ->) 
Man:  You expect me to go back to court and tell the court you rescinded their summons? 
Widlin:  I don’t care what you do; I know I have no intention on going to court. 
Alexander:  Widlin please, you’re making this hard for you and him, you’re only delaying the inevitable. 
Widlin:  (turns to him with a smile) I know the only thing you’re interested in delaying is my leaving this town, but let me tell you something, court or no court, I will be leaving this house. 
(<- Nichols’ Beauticon Agency->) 
Malina:  Do you really think she still holds this grudge against you and that’s why she started this modeling agency? 
Shaquanna:  Exactly.  I mean, look at the theme, she is trying to humiliate me by advertising romance while I am just advertising clothes. 
Malina:  We’re not advertising just clothes, in fact, I just figured out our theme and its going to knock the competition right off their derrière. 
Shaquanna:  Well, don’t keep me in suspense. 
Malina:  Liberation! (taking a moment to think, Shaquanna gives a reassuring smile) 
***Shaquanna:  I like it, its exactly the opposite of what Michelle is promoting, we will be in direct competition with her. 
Malina:  Which is apparently what she wanted. 
Shaquanna:  Go for it; let’s get liberated! 
(<- Showtime Limits Agency ->) 
Rochelle:  Well, that is quite an interesting change. 
Lacreasha:  That’s because I am sick of taking your moral flap, you either co-exist with me or get out.  I am trying to do good here and I will be damned its ruined because you can’t put your petty differences aside. 
Rochelle:  Well, some things are hard to do, but for the record, that was not a hypothetical statement. 
Lacreasha:  Yes, you were. 
Rochelle:  No, but obviously what I said hit a nerve-- Leonard and I all know how that turned out. (Lacreasha glances over ominously at Rochelle) 
(<- Hallandale Courthouse ->) 
Liam:  Knowing and not knowing. 
Lournings:  (grins with a sarcastic tone) Very funny! 
Liam:  Come on man, its not like you’re breaking any confidences. 
Lournings:  I suggest if you want to learn the name of that witness, you look no further than your second home.  See you later, I got go prepare my case. 
Liam:  (frustrated shout) Second home-- what? 
(<- Pryce International ->) 
Earl:  (attempts a cheery tone) Evelyn, you’re back. 
Evelyn:  Nice try, but the enthusiasm was a minus. 
Earl:  Well, I didn’t expect to see you and I didn’t hear you come in.  When did you get back? 
Evelyn:  Never mind that!  I think you’re the one that needs someone to talk to and listen.  I notice a pretty abrupt closing to your encounter with Matthew.  So what happened? 
Earl:  The secrets have hit the fan since you been away. 
Evelyn:  You mean the whopper you’ve been keeping about your father’s death from him?  Honestly, (painstakingly true tone) what did you expect? 
***Joy:  There you are, I have been looking all over for you.  I assume my surprise witness isn’t too far behind. (Liam overhearing part of the conversation) 
Man:  There’s been a slight glitch; Widlin Pierre has no intention on testifying today. 
Liam:  (going into shock) Widlin Pierre’s the surprise witness! 
Alexander:  There was no need for that scene in front of the errand boy. 
Widlin:  (holding her glass of red cider) I think it was, it was time for me to exercise my inner strength that I once had.  I have lost so much this year that I allowed it to weaken me and then the crookedness of Camille and Akeira only weakened me more.  But not anymore, Widlin Pierre is coming back and with a vengeance.  Excuse me father, (putting down the glass) I have somewhere to be! (Alexander aghast by the turn around) 
Lacreasha:  I am well aware of the saga concerning Leonard, as well as you know. 
Rochelle:  Yeah, I tell you, one of the worst moments of my life was hearing your moaning and then seeing you in bed with Leonard. 
Lacreasha:  Well, that’s definitely not an instance I look back on keenly or without shame. 
Rochelle:  Perhaps because you never wanted to do it, I always knew that, I just never knew why. 
Earl:  I thought you were supposed to be listening and cheering me up. 
Evelyn:  Yeah, but I am not going to let you co-exist in denial.  I could have told you this was coming because this is what happens with secrets.  You know how Matthew felt about his special connection and to know that he was not alone in that aspect would have made him feel more normal.  You took away something he shared with his father. 
Earl:  It sounds like you’re on his side. 
Evelyn:  I am on your side and if you want your brother back, then tell him the truth.  If not, then let me take him to Mt. Ridge Creek. 
Earl:  (in an outburst) No!  You will keep my brother away from Mt. Ridge Creek; danger waits there, so stay away.  (leaving her with that thought) 
Evelyn:  No can do Earl, I have to fix the damage between you and your brother and this is the way, you’ll thank me later. 
*Stay in Tuned for Next Week’s Episode*

Click here for Episode 241