Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Brian:  Maybe if you give him the chance…
Jennifer:  He has blew every one of them. (~)
Javier:  To severe the connection, I shot.
Crystal:  My god! (~)
Lacreasha:  You become the plague and you can have those papers.
***Lacreasha:  (pacing the floor) Can you believe Rochelle’s nerve?
Kyle:  (sitting on the couch) I thought you said we were going to forget about Rochelle.
Lacreasha:  Well, that was the plan, but she has been the subject of the whole day.  You’re right though; I am not going to let her ruin my night.
Kyle:  That would be nice because maybe then we can focus on us.  (Lacreasha smiles accordingly trying to hide her uncertainty)
(<- HatcherKeller & Associates Investigations ->)
Rochelle: (wondering in the dark, a hand touches her from behind causing her to gasp) Sly, you startled me!
Sly:  Sorry, I didn’t think anyone was still here, so I was closing up.
Rochelle:  I’m surprise the place was even open, everyone’s been so focused with the trial.
Sly:  Well, Ms. Vasquez has been operating in and out of her office and Royce, Kendall and Anton were here earlier celebrating.  I guess the news wasn’t as thrilling for you.
Rochelle:  What news?
Sly:  About Kavina’s trial? (Rochelle still appearing at a lost) They reached a verdict tonight, the jury ruled in favor of her plea.
(<- Outside of Crescent Manor ->)
Enrique:  (walking onto the scene filled with blaring sirens and displaced officers) Why didn’t you both tell me you already phoned the local police?
Dana:  We didn’t!  (overlooking the scene and spotting Javier’s corpse, which causes her to step back)
Matthew:  (catching on) Oh man.
Enrique:  Okay, you both stay here.  I’m going to find out what’s going on.
Dana:  (turning to Matthew) This must have to do with that bad feeling I’ve been having.
Matthew:  and once again, death comes to Hallandale.
Crystal:  (looking toward the balcony where men are examining the scene) My god, how could we allow this to happen?
Billy:  We didn’t allow this to happen, Javier chose to jump, now calm down.
Crystal:  Calm down?  My ex-husband has just jumped off a building and his remains are spread out on the pavement below.  I did this; my words drove him over the edge.  If only I was more understanding--
Billy:  No, you are not responsible, this is what he wants: for you to blame yourself.  He couldn’t break us up alive, so now he is trying to do so in death.  (Crystal turns to him in shock)
(<- The Labyrinth ->)
Jennifer:  What the hell are you doing here?
Romeo:  Why don’t you watch your mouth?
Jennifer:  and why don’t you answer my question-- (realizing the truth) because I already know, my god, it makes sense, you are the one that sent me the note.  You’ve been working for Dylan, you have been pulling the strings behind the scenes all along.  That is why Dylan did what he did.
Romeo:  Yeah, well I was a very unhappy man when you left me--
Jennifer:  I left you because you were sleeping with my aunt and I didn’t want to see you again.  I’m still disgusted to see your face even now.
*Theme Song*
Dana:  What do you think happen to him?  (glancing for a moment at Javier’s body and then turning her attention back to Matthew)
Matthew:  I don’t know, but in this town, it could be anything.
Dana:  I just keep getting the distinct feeling I knew him.
Matthew:  I’m sure it will come to you in time.  (Dana feeling reassured)
Enrique:  (flashes his badge) Lt. Enrique Rivera.  What do we have here?
Coroner:  All I know is Mr. Javier Sanchez fell three stories to his death.  I won’t get anymore particulars until I run an autopsy.
Enrique:  Did you say, Javier Sanchez?
Coroner:  If I heard the name correctly from the young couple, yes.
Enrique:  Where can I find this couple?
Crystal:  I cannot stand here and listen to you talk negatively of the dead.
Billy:  I’m sorry, but you know I never liked the guy.  You probably think I am happy he’s dead?
Crystal:  Are you?
Billy:  Honestly, I can’t deny that I am not somewhat thrilled that he’s dead, but then the other part tells me that death is far less than he deserved.  It was just another cowardly decision he made to escape punishment for his crimes and sins, another way to make you feel as if you failed him somehow.
Crystal:  I can’t believe that Javier would kill himself just to cause me more pain.
Billy:  He did because that’s the kind of man he is.  You didn’t believe he committed murder, but he proved you wrong and I am not going to forget what he tried to do, neither will the fair people of Hallandale.  I will be damn if one tear is spread over his death!  (Crystal shoots her head forward, appalled by the remark and dismayed by the glow of hatred in Billy’s eyes)
(<- The Labyrinth ->)
Romeo: (Jennifer back faces him) Wow, you must have been practicing that speech for years.
Jennifer:  (turning to his face) I don’t need to practice, it came right from the deep depths of my soul. (making her feelings evident as she stares into his face) I despise you!
Romeo:  God, you must have really cared about me and I had to hurt you really bad for you to say those words to me with such intensity.
Jennifer:  Don’t flatter yourself, it was a high school infatuation and it has been buried.  I erased you from my mind, my heart and my soul, every memory and all knowledge of you is gone.  You are just this dark spot in my book of failures at the age 16.
Romeo:  So you’re telling me you have forgot all the passion we shared? (captivating her closely with his lustful eyes)
Jennifer:  Don’t think you’re going to be able to change how I feel about you with some soulful look into your eyes.  I know who you are and I’m never coming back, so whatever your reasons for coming to Hallandale, it’s a trip well wasted.
***Romeo:  You forgot one rule-- Never say never!
Jennifer:  Yeah, well, if you were so in love with me, then why did it take you four years to come looking for me? (lifts her eyebrow in curiosity)
(<- HatcherKeller & Associates Investigations ->)
Rochelle:  You know, I consider the possibility that this would happen, but I guess I hoped against it.
Sly:  I guess it was Widlin Pierre’s testimony that really added the clincher.
Rochelle:  No, I just think the judge was sick of prosecuting this case and in the end, the jurors ruled sympathetically in Kavina’s favor and the judge gave her a light sentence to boot.
Sly:  Yeah, six months of stress management sessions and a court appointed psychiatrist, no prison term or community service.
Rochelle:  I guess the only silver lining is that this whole nightmare is finally over.
(<- Evercrest Gardens Palace ->)
Lacreasha:  With everything going on, I almost forgot that you had a surprise planned for me.
Kyle:  Well, like you said, a lot of things got in our way today.
Lacreasha:  You’re not going to let that spoil the surprise though, are you?
Kyle:  What I had planned was very important and I put a lot of thought and feeling into it, but there’s no way I can possibly do it now.  I wanted us to enjoy a nice dinner in Paris, the city where we first fell in love, dancing under the moonlight.
Lacreasha:  We can still fly to Paris.
Kyle:  No, we cannot.  I just got word that all flights have been delayed due to some tropical rainstorm brewing overseas.  Our plans are not going to happen.
Lacreasha:  (walks over to the radio) Oh come on, we still have music.  (the music plays) I’m sure you can whip up a 5-course meal in the matter of seconds or we can order something.
Announcer:  (music dims) Earlier tonight, the verdict in the exciting case of the State v. Kavina Shah was reached.  (Lacreasha is caught off guard by the announcer’s message as she looks over to Kyle) The jurors ruled in favor of her plea and with six months confined in a stress management facility, Kavina Shah will soon be a free woman again.  (Lacreasha scoffs in awe, turning back to Kyle, who is not shock and lowers his head in amazement of the situation)
***Lacreasha: (turns off the radio) I cannot believe this.
Kyle: (nonchalant tone, hands tucked in his pockets) I’m not shocked, it was obvious from the beginning Kavina was going to get off.
Lacreasha:  Well, I know that plea was a crock.  She is as sane as the both of us and I find this whole turn of events completely unfair.
Kyle:  Well, I learned a long time ago that life is full of injustice.
Lacreasha:  You’re referring to your father.
Kyle: He’s one!
(<- HatcherKeller & Associates Investigations ->)
Sly:  (catching Rochelle at her desk) Hey, I just wanted to tell you I finished locking up and that I am on my way out.
Rochelle: (with a smile) Okay, thanks and good night.
Sly:  Good night! (he departs)
Rochelle: (sighs deeply) Well, Kavina is free and the world did not cave in.
Dean: (advancing from a dark corner) We’ll see about that! (startling Rochelle as she drops her pen)
(<- Crescent Manor ->)
Enrique:  (walking into the room) Hey Crystal, Billy.
Crystal:  Hi Enrique, I guess you know about Javier.
Enrique:  Yes, maybe you guys can answer a couple of questions about what happened here tonight.  (Crystal unsure of whether to say something turns to Billy)
Billy:  I’m not sure we should say anything without a lawyer.
Enrique:  Do you think you need one?
Billy:  (calmly with a slight grin) I just think it would be better to be safe than sorry.
(<- The Labyrinth ->)
Romeo:  It took me awhile to come to this realization and you weren’t exactly receptive of any contact from me.
Jennifer:  and I’m sure you didn’t let it keep you from seducing half the women of Richmond Valleys.
Romeo:  Does that make you jealous?
Jennifer:  No, it just proves to me that you are the womanizer I thought you were and you aren’t capable of commitment or love.
Romeo:  That was the old me, but I have changed.
Jennifer:  and if I was to accept that, then I am as stupid as I was before.
(<- Outside of Crescent Manor ->)
Matthew:  (walking toward her from behind) So what do you think, murder or an accident?
Dana:  I don’t know! (she paces off lost in thought)
Matthew:  (following behind) What’s wrong?
Dana:  I am just trying to figure out where I have seen that man before.
Matthew:  It’s never going to come to you if you keep obsessing about him.  Besides, I found out he’s Crystal’s ex- husband, Javier Sanchez.
Dana:  (shaking her head no) No, that name doesn’t ring any bells for me.
Matthew:  Maybe you just have him confused with someone else.
Dana:  No, I am never wrong about faces.  I know I have seen him somewhere before and I will find out where!
***Romeo:  So in other words, you’re afraid to open your heart again.
Jennifer:  No!
Romeo:  Then why have you stayed single for so long?  I mean, god knows there have been many chances for you to move on.  Maybe you’re not as over me as you would like to believe.
Jennifer:  Or maybe you just want to believe that I am as pathetic as you are.
Romeo:  I’m sorry you see things that way.
Jennifer:  (conviction in her voice) I see you for who you are, that’s the problem! (turns away from him and proceeds to leave)
Lacreasha:  Hey, are you all right?
Kyle:  I’m fine!  I just can’t wait for this day to be over.
Lacreasha:  (contemplating his dilemma) You and me both!
Rochelle:  (startled tone as she places her hand over her heart) What the hell are you doing here?
Dean:  I figured you’d be here trying to assure yourself that the worst is over and I’m here to tell you that this will never be over.  So don’t get so comfortable.  Kavina got away with murder today, despite her confession and the testimony of those closest to her.  Despite the fact that she tried to set you up for the crime and kill you when you got too close to the truth.  Let’s not forget that my brother is dead and she is still breathing. (Rochelle feels the anger of his words and continues to let him rant) That’s not fair and that’s not justice and that is what I owe my brother.  You attempted to do that-- I read your article, you tried to convince the world Kavina was guilty, despite the fact that she is one of your closest friends.
Rochelle:  I just thought the truth should be heard.
Dean:  A lot of good that has done, a year or so from now, Kavina will be free to lead a life once again, breathing the air that my brother should have been entitled to.  I can’t stand for that, I can’t let your actions go unrewarded.  I just wanted to tell you that a rightful justice will be served. (Dean then storms out as Rochelle baffled by the encounter tries to gather her thoughts, inhaling deeply)

Brian:  Where did you disappear to last night? (~)
Danielle:  Someone went to a lot of trouble to make sure this was leaked to the press and I want to know whom…
Vanessa:  I appreciate your services. (~)
Romain:  (startling Samantha with the news) We have reason to believe this epidemic is contagious.

Click here for Episode 251