Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Spring of Devastation 
Romeo:  But I have change.
Jennifer:  If I was to believe that, then I am as stupid as I was before. (~) 
Vanessa:  You're the one that's going to be sorry if you don't keep your mangy hands off Lucien! (~) 
Samantha:  This thing is getting worse and worse by the hour... 
Romain:  Definitely more serious than either of us anticipated. 
***Romain:  Hey Samantha, how are you?  I was worried when you didn't come in yesterday. 
Samantha:  After yesterday, I just needed some time away. 
Romain:  Well, while you were out, I think I made a huge discovery. 
Samantha:  What kind of discovery? 
Romain:  (shocking Samantha) We have reason to believe this epidemic is contagious. 
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->) 
Reporter:  (walking toward the agency entrance, cornering Danielle) Ms. Marquez, Ms. Marquez! 
Danielle:  No comment! (passing the reporter and catching Michelle as she enters the agency) There you are, perhaps you can inform me of how the press got wind that I was working here. 
Michelle:  Well, I certainly didn't leak it to them. 
Danielle:  Well, someone did because they cornered me a couple days ago at my place. 
Michelle: You know that I have been trying to keep this secret, especially considering what I have invested in this line and I'm sure Shaquanna Nichol's going to be down my throat once she learns that I am her newest competition. 
Danielle:  I don't think Shaquanna is wasting time worrying about your plans for the fashion world, especially since she's done a good job in improving it over the years. 
Michelle:  Yeah, well, business hasn't been the same for Shaquanna since that scandal of hers hit the fan last year. 
(<- Nichol's Beauticon Agency ->)  
Shaquanna:  That was the sixth prospective client that turned me down. 
Malina:  I can't believe that, whom have you been scouting? 
Shaquanna:  The wrong people, obviously.  They are not willing to risk their reputations by being associated with a woman who tried to ouse socialite Widlin Pierre out of her company.  You know what, this is all Michelle's fault. 
Malina:  Don't blame Michelle, thank her because if the prospective clients can't get past something that is in the past, then you don't need them.  We will find someone else.  In fact, why should we go international or look for professionals?  Let's do what Michelle is doing and create our own modeling sensations. 
Shaquanna:  That's a great idea, but where are we going to find some beautiful young faces? 
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)  
Dylan: (inches from the door) Look, I am on my way.  I take my job very seriously. 
Brian: (coming down the stairs as Dylan finishes his conversation) Whoa, what happened to all the black? 
Dylan:  A new era has dawn and I have a life to embrace.  So Garrett dumped me, maybe there's a greater plan for me and that's what I am looking forward to.  However, now, I am needed at the hospital, so I will see you later. (exits, closing the door behind him) 
Brian:  Later! (As he begins to walk away from the door, but turns back when the door bell rings and finds Jennifer in the door way) 
Jennifer:  Great, I was hoping someone was still here, I left my car keys.  (passing Brian as she walks into the kitchen) Ah, right where I left them.  (walking out of the kitchen) All right, I will see you later. 
Brian:  Wait, don't you think you have some explaining to do, like where did you disappear to last night? (Jennifer is awestruck by the question) 
*Theme Song*
Jennifer:  I would really love to indulge your interests, but I have an important meeting to get to. 
Brian:  It's going to take more than a minute to explain where you were? 
Jennifer:  That's beside the point, I have already wasted enough time.  So how about we meet at Club Moniasis later and we can discuss it then. 
Brian:  Well-- 
Jennifer:  (not giving him time to confer) Good, bye! 
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->) 
Danielle:  Well, I hope that you have at least gotten past that. 
Michelle:  I'm working on it day by day, but I can't help but think if Shaquanna wasn't so desperate to get rid of Widlin, my husband would still be alive. 
Danielle:  Well, I don't think you should waste your time with what ifs, you're only going to drive yourself crazy.  On that note, how about we get back to how the press learned I was modeling here? 
Michelle:  Why are you so bothered by this? 
Danielle:  Because during the press' ambush, Brett was there and you know how he feels about things involving me and you.  That's one of the reasons I didn't tell him about it and then here's the press to reveal all in the matter of minutes. 
Michelle:  How did he react? 
Danielle:  Strangely, pretty well, but someone went to a lot of trouble to make sure this was leaked to the press and I want to know who. 
Reporter:  I did what you asked, now where's my severance? 
Vanessa:  (startled scoff, she quickly ducks into the room) I have it, but I thought I told you not to meet me here. 
Reporter:  I just wanted to make sure you weren't trying to cheat me. 
Vanessa:  Believe me, I appreciate your services and I intend to pay you your money's worth. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Samantha:  Contagious?  Oh my god! Do you know how many times I have been exposed to these patients? 
Romain:  Calm down!  There is no reason to believe you have contracted this thing.  
Samantha:  We don't even know what this thing is. 
Romain:  But I do know that most contagions are airborne and it hasn't gotten any further than profuse sweating and erratic coughing. 
Samantha:  Yeah, well, we can't be sure that's how it is spread.  I mean, several people have manage to contract it without any warning. 
Romain:  Well, if you think that's strange, how about this?  Hallandale seems to be the only place in this state where this epidemic is manifesting. 
***Samantha:  Does that mean what I think it means? 
Romain:  Yep, we could be dealing with a whole new disease outbreak altogether. 
Samantha:  But how is that possible? 
Romain:  Sick individuals with brilliant minds, it is possible that this disease isn't an act of nature, but-- 
Samantha:  (interceding him) Oh my god! 
Romain:  Yep, it's being administered-- intravenously! 
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->) 
Michelle:  I think you are reading more into this than necessary.  Unfortunately, the press just have ways beyond our understanding on getting their information. 
Danielle:  Okay, maybe you're right.  (She then takes a look around the agency) So where is everyone, I thought we were having a practice shoot today. 
Michelle:  Yeah, however, you are going to be practicing with a new hunk. 
Danielle:  and who is this new hunk? 
Michelle:  He's supposed to be very popular, maybe you've heard of him-- Jacquez Esteves? 
Danielle:  No, I don't think so, but having a new guy around will definitely get Vanessa off my back! 
Reporter:  Whoa, this is more than generous. 
Vanessa:  Good, then you can thank me from afar before anyone ties us together.  
Reporter: (sneaking out) Feel free to call if you ever need my services again. 
Vanessa:  I'll remember that, bye.  (she closes the door and lets out a sigh of relief as Lucien sneaks up on her) 
Lucien:  Who was that? 
Vanessa:  (turning quickly) Oh, just some pesky reporter trying to get a quote. 
Lucien:  Yeah, I saw the paper this morning.  I wonder how the press got a hold of that information.  (Vanessa flips her hair behind her ear, narrowin her eyes innocently) 
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->) 
Brian:  Thanks for meeting me here. 
Garrettlyn:  Well, its not like I have anything else better to do.  So what's up? 
Brian:  You and Jennifer are pretty close, aren't you? 
Garrettlyn:  I guess, why? 
Brian:  Do you know what has been going on with her lately? 
Garrettlyn:  Well, we haven't really talked about our lives lately.  Is this about her disappearing from dinner last night? 
Brian:  I just feel there is more going on in Jennifer's life than I'm aware of. 
***Garrettlyn:  It sounds like you're feeling a little left out or a little jealous? 
Brian:  Jealous?  Of what? 
Garrettlyn:  Of the thought that there is someone special in Jennifer's life. 
Brian:  Oh god, not this again.  Now I know why you and Dylan were together.  You both have this delusion about a romance stirring between me and Jennifer. 
Garrettlyn:  Are you sure it's a delusion? 
Shaquanna:  You weren't kidding when you called this a teen dive. 
Malina:  Well, Anton's brother told me about it, this seems to be his regular hangout.  
Shaquanna:  Is he around? 
Malina:  No, I don't think so.  So do you see any fresh faces you're ready to turn into stars? 
Shaquanna:  (scouring the room) How about her? 
Malina:  I know I said liberation, but-- 
Shaquanna:  Yeah, I know, too liberated. 
Malina:  What we want is inner beauty, a soul free in itself, if it's here, I'll find it. 
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->) 
Michelle:  Hey Stephen, are we all set on your part? 
Stephen:  Yeah, now we just need the props. 
Jacquez:  (entering the studio wearing a tee shirt and long, sky blue jeans) First thing first, I will object to any name that debases my human like qualities. 
Michelle:  You must be Jacquez Esteves, I'm Michelle Dientes, the owner of this agency. 
Jacquez:  It's a pleasure to meet you, I look forward to working with a woman of your beauty. 
Michelle:  Your agents told me you were a man of many charms. 
Jacquez:  I think they just confuse charm with honesty.  So where is my romantic half? 
Danielle:  Right here, I'm-- 
Jacquez:  Daniella Marquez, I've seen your pictures and obviously, they don't do you justice. (Danielle blushes at the comment) 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Samantha:  You really think that someone could be making these people sick? 
Romain:  I think we need to start doing some investigating, see if we can find any common links between the patients and their symptoms. 
Samantha:  That's a lot of backtracking. 
Romain:  Well, you want to get to the bottom of this, don't you? 
Samantha:  Yeah, of course.  But I think we're going to need more than two heads. 
Romain:  Fine, it's time for a staff intervention, let's go!  (Romain marches off and Samantha follows behind) 
***Danielle:  You better stop with the flattery or it might go to a girl's head. 
Jacquez:  I've seen worse things happen. 
Stephen:  Okay, sorry to interrupt the introduction,, but we really need to get this shoot started.  If we're going to be ready for the show in a couple weeks, we need to start working on your inner chemistry. 
Jacquez:  I don't think that will be much trouble. 
Vanessa:  Looks like they finally found a stand-in for this campaign feature with Danielle and now you and I can focus on our own ad. 
Lucien:  That's if Jacquez has the chemistry with Danielle the camera is looking for.  
Vanessa:  I don't think that will be a problem, Jacquez looks like the man who could ignite chemistry with anyone. 
Brian:  It was as delusional as it was yesterday when you suggested it. 
Garrettlyn:  Why? 
Brian:  Why what? 
Garrettlyn:  Why do you not feel an attraction to Jennifer, she is a beautiful young woman. 
Brian:  I'm aware of how beautiful she is, but we are friends and quite frankly, I don't think she is ready for it to be any more than that. 
Garrettlyn:  So you are? 
Brian:  You're twisting my words around. 
Garrettlyn: and I thought they called it reading between the lines. 
Malina:  (spotting the perfect model) There she is, she's perfect! 
Shaquanna:  You're right, but will she be willing to work for us? 
Malina:  She looks liberated enough.  I mean, look how she is carrying on her conversation... let's see if we can strike a deal. 
Garrettlyn:  Come on, wouldn't it be less weight on your soul if you just admit your true feelings for Jennifer. 
Malina:  (reaching Brian and Garrettlyn's table) Hi, sorry to interrupt, but we really must ask you something. 
Garrettlyn:  Yes? 
Malina:  Have you ever considered a career in modeling? 
Samantha:  (stopping at the hospital door) Hey, I will be with you in a minute, I am going to check in on Mr. Diamond. 
Romain:  Okay, I am going to find Delilah and Erik. 
Samantha:  I'll meet you in the lounge.  (walking into the room and picking up his chart) Mr. Diamond, how are we today?  (she walks closer and notices the paleness of Mr. Diamond's face)  Mr. Diamond... (as she touch his ice cold skin) oh my god!
Samantha:  How does someone die in a hospital without anyone knowing? (~) 
Enrique:  What happened last night in Javier's apartment? (~) 
Brian:  I guess your luck is changing. 
Garrettlyn:  It seems that way. (~) 
Widlin:  (car screeches as she loses control of the wheel) Aah!
Click here for Episode 252