Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Spring of Devastation 
Devon:  I want to find my brother's murderer... now I can do that with or without your help. (~) 
Billy:  I don't think we should say anything without a lawyer. 
Enrique:  Do you think you need one? (~) 
Brian:  I don't think she is ready... 
Garrettlyn:  So you are? 
Brian:  You're twisting my words around. (~) 
Samantha:  (aghast) Mr. Diamond... oh my god! 
***Doctors:  (monitor flatline) Code Blue! 
Chief Resident:  What happened in there, Samantha? 
Samantha:  Why are you asking me? 
Chief Resident:  Uh... because a man is dead and-- 
Samantha: My point exactly, how does someone die in a hospital without anyone knowing? 
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->) 
Garrettlyn:  You're joking, right? 
Malina:  No, we would seriously like to have you ink a contract, right Shaquanna? 
Shaquanna:  Yes, but I understand if you have reservations. 
Garrettlyn:  No, why would I?  I can't think of any reason not to jump right on your offer. 
Brian:  (thinking to himself) I can think of one or two. 
Shaquanna:  So when do you think you will be ready to talk terms? 
Malina:  We'd prefer sooner than later. 
Garrettlyn:  Noon tomorrow would be perfect. 
Shaquanna:  Sounds good to me, so we will talk then. 
Garrettlyn:  Yes, thank you. 
Shaquanna:  No, thank you.  (checking her watch) Well, we have to get going, so until tomorrow.  Chao! 
Garrettlyn:  (watching them as they exit) Chao! 
Brian:  You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, do you? 
(<- Pryce International ->) 
Crystal:  Why were we summoned here when you knew all you had to do was ask? 
Enrique:  Because I am searching for answers and I thought I give you both the chance to explain yourselves before the proper officials take over. 
Billy:  What do you mean, proper officials? 
Crystal:  Yeah, why aren't you handling this case? 
Enrique:  For one, conflict of interest and two, this is a federal matter. 
Billy:  Federal? 
Crystal:  Wait a minute, why would the feds be investigating Javier's death? 
Enrique:  Maybe because Javier is one of them. 
(<- Pierre Mansion ->)  
Alexander:  (setting table) Come on down hon, I got the works set up for you.  (finally turning around to find his daughter with suitcases) 
Widlin:  I guess I should have reclarified my plans, but I didn't think I would have to.  I hope you didn't-- you didn't think I had changed my mind about leaving, did you?  (Alexander trying to hide his shock) After the trial, I just couldn't go anywhere, but it's morning now and it is time for me to go.  It's time to say good-bye! 
*Theme Song*
Chief Resident:  Well, that doesn't normally happen Mrs. Lombard, so why don't you tell me what happened with Mr. Diamond? 
Samantha:  (insightful tone and expression) Are you suggesting I had something to do with his death? 
Chief Resident:  Did you? 
Samantha:  How dare you ask me that?  I became a nurse to help people, not kill them.  Now this was hospital negligence and I will be damn if you try to use me as your scapegoat.  (She darts off) 
(<- Pryce International ->) 
Billy:  What do you mean, he was one of them? 
Crystal:  (enlighten expression) He was an international operative. 
Billy:  You knew? 
Crystal:  Well, of course, it slipped my mind at first, but I did marry the guy.  We had no secrets, well, at least not until later. 
Billy:  You mean, until you met me? 
Crystal:  That's not what I said, is it? 
Enrique:  Let me stop you both before this goes any further.  Now I called you both here because I wanted to know what happened last night in Javier's apartment.  Now I am making it pretty simple, you can tell me or you can tell the feds. 
(<- Pierre Mansion ->) 
Widlin:  I'm sorry, really, I am.  But I can't stay here!  I need tranquility for a while and that I can't get in Hallandale living with you. 
Alexander:  Now you're saying I am not peaceful enough for you. 
Widlin:  I am saying I need time with some space and quiet and what you need to do is to reassess yourself.  Find a new purpose to living life, find another fling or wife to obsess about, I don't care.  Just stop obsessing about me because my life is my own. 
Alexander: (scoffs) You're life is your own-- You're running away because a man dumped you and you don't have the courage or will to face him.  If your life was your own, you would stick around and fight for it. 
Widlin:  I shouldn't have to and another thing, I am not running.  I am just not allowing myself to be used and manipulated by you anymore. 
***Widlin:  I guess I shouldn't be surprise anymore by anything you say or do, but I guess I figured you could put your feelings aside long enough to say goodbye-- good-bye father!  (she storms off with her bags, leaving Alexander to contemplate his actions) 
(<- Pryce International ->) 
Billy:  Why do I keep getting the feeling you're accusing us of something? 
Enrique:  I don't know, did you do something wrong? 
Billy:  No, I confronted a man who revealed to me that he tried to kill me. 
Enrique:  You must have been pretty upset? 
Billy:  You're damn right I was, but not enough to push him over that balcony, if that's where your going.  Javier took care of that himself. 
Enrique:  So you're saying he jumped? 
Billy:  I'm saying he wasn't pushed, Crystal can vouch for that. 
Crystal:  Yeah Enrique, Billy was talking to me at the time when Javier went over that balcony. 
Billy:  So you see Mr. Rivera, there is no case. 
Fed:  (alarming Crystal and Billy) I wouldn't be so sure about that! 
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->) 
Garrettlyn:  What am I getting myself into? 
Brian:  Do you know what happened to Shaquanna's last star model?  She quit after realizing that her boss hired a PI to investigate the past of one of her former models, which indirectly resulted in the death of her star model's husband. 
Garrettlyn:  Even if that is true, I like to believe that people learn from the past and that Shaquanna is looking for is a second chance.  Besides, I am not married and I don't have any damaging secrets in my past.  Plus, how many opportunities like this come around in a lifetime?  I need something to bite my teeth into, perhaps this is it.  So what do you say we blow this joint, if I am going to be a model, I need the wardrobe and a man's opinion. 
Brian:  Well, I guess I can always talk to Jennifer at home.  All right, let's go! (Garrettlyn steps up from the table) 
Waiter:  I don't think you want to leave just yet, you and your lunch companion have been awarded a free lunch special. 
Brian:  Wow, another opportunity, I guess your luck is changing. 
Garrettlyn: (smiling accordingly) It seems that way. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Romain:  Hey, I heard about what happened with Mr. Diamond. 
Samantha:  Yeah, I still can't believe it, he was dead and yet the monitor was still reading life in his body.  This is your field of expertise, is it possible for a pathogen to kill someone without technology even knowing? 
***Romain:  Honestly, I don't know.  I have been doing analysis of the patient's blood that all became sick and nothing. 
Samantha:  Nothing, no common receptors, anything?  Well, there's got to be something, something you have overlooked. 
Romain:  Maybe, I am only one person and I can't catch everything with only two eyes, besides that, I haven't looked through all the microscopes. 
Samantha:  I thought you were hustling up the group. 
Romain:  No one is around.  Delilah and Erick are off today, Robin-- 
Samantha:  Off?  There is an epidemic going around and they are off?  Page them and tell them to get their asses down here.  I will takes notes on the blood specimens. 
Romain:  All right, I will be back in five. (Samantha scoffs and shakes her head in disbelief as Romain departs) 
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->) 
Garrettlyn:  Oh god, here I am chowing down on a free meal and I just realize what line of business I am getting into.  I have to start watching what I eat so I keep the right figure. 
Brian:  Please, don't obsess about your figure, that's how eating disorders arise.  Besides, you will be fine as long as you don't consume large amounts of fats and carbs on a daily basis. 
Garrettlyn:  Is that how you stay in shape? 
Brian:  You know what they say, to love someone else, you first have to love yourself and that means keeping up good hygiene and appearance. 
Garrettlyn:  Well, it works! 
Brian: (tilting his head to the right with a smile, but his smile is short lived) I wonder what's keeping Jennifer? 
Jennifer:  (walking toward the entrance of the club when she notices an unwelcome surprise) Eh! 
Romeo:  Hello, Jennifer! (he gives her a cocky smile as she looks on in discontent and then suspicion) 
(<- Pryce International ->) 
Enrique:  I think I will leave the rest of your inquiries with Agent Blaine.  Excuse me? (he walks out of the office, closing the door behind him) 
Devon:  (magically appearing) It's nice to see some things don't change. 
Enrique:  Devon, I haven't seen you in a while, I can't say I am pleased now. 
Devon:  Spare me your jokes and hand over my brother's files.  (Enrique taken aback by the request) 
Fed:  I will make my intentions clear, we have reason to believe that Javier did not fall from that balcony willingly and if so, we will find out. 
***Billy: You know what, I am growing sick of being accused of trying to murder a man who made it a point to try to murder me.  He got what he deserve and I will not apologize. 
Enrique:  It's nice to see you haven't lost your sense of humor. 
Devon:  Didn't think I had one, nevertheless, I have as much right to those files as you do.  Oh I forgot to mention, it's Special Investigator Devon Lynchetterette.  I said I would find my brother's killer with or without your help. 
Enrique:  You think because you have a P.I.'s license, that guarantees you access to my files. 
Devon:  No, but since you are too busy to handle the case, you can do an old friend a favor and give me the case files. 
Enrique:  All right, Devon.  I will give you the files because this seems to be important to you and I will wish you good luck; the only thing I hope is that you don't end up with a whole sea of regrets when you find what you're looking for. 
Widlin:  (driving and thinking) It didn't have to be this way father, but you're just too overbearing for your own good.  I just need time away from the regrets and the memories to retain my sanity and one day I will return and I will get what I lost-- back! (her eyes jerk back to the road, where her hand jerks from the wheel, causing the car to skid off the road into a ditch) Aah! 
Samantha:  (writing down notes and then moving over to another microscope) Mr. Diamond, ah, let's see what your blood cells show.  (peering inside the microscope, she quickly gasps and pulls her eyes away from the microscope)  Oh my god, what the hell was that? (grabbing hold of her chest in awe) 
Billy:  You've been quiet the whole ride home, what's going on? (~) 
Andrew:  If you hadn't been so careless, you wouldn't be in this position. (~) 
Vanessa:  No, no, she will not have them both!
Click here for Episode 253