Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Spring of Devastation
Danielle:  How did the press get wind I was working here...
Vanessa:  I appreciate your services. (~)
Billy:  He got what he deserved and I will not apologize. (~)
Brian:  You're twisting the context of my words.
Garrettlyn:  and I thought I was reading between the lines. (~)
Romeo:  Hello, Jennifer.
***Jennifer:  What are you doing here?
Romeo:  I guess you can say its fate.
Jennifer: (scoffs) Don't make me die of shock. (her expression changes as Romeo gives her a cocky grin) Are you following me?
Garrettlyn:  Would you stop fiddling with your watch, its driving me crazy.
Brian:  Sorry, I was just trying to make sure it hasn't stopped.
Garrettlyn:  Nope, chances are it is as late as it says and you're getting anxious over her delay will not make it any less true.
Brian: (caught off guard) What? Whose delay?
Garrettlyn:  Who else?  Jennifer.
Brian:  I'm not anxious, maybe a little worried since I would have expected her to at least call if she was running late.
Garrettlyn:  Well, maybe she's tied up with someone. (observing his body language) Is that what's bothering you, a repeat performance of last night or what she is doing with this someone?
Brian:  Why are you and Dylan so insistent that my relationship with Jennifer is more than what it is?
Garrettlyn:  Maybe because we have been in love before, we know the signs!
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Andrew: (responding to pounding on his door as he walks toward the door wrapped in nothing but a towel) What are you trying to do, wake the dead?
Shalia: (welcoming herself in quite hastily) Put on your clothes.  Shanna Hemmings is not around and we have bigger fish to fry.
Andrew:  I wasn't expecting anyone.  I was trying to end the source of a potential headache.  Now what are you doing here?
Shalia:  You mean, the beautiful Shanna hasn't informed you of her husband's migrating habits?
Andrew: (finally putting on a loose shirt) What are you talking about?
Shalia:  Ben has gone back to Louisiana, determined to find out anything he can to destroy me.
Andrew: and you just let him?
Shalia: You haven't had to endure his constant questions; the man has been breathing down my neck for months. So if you think you can stop him, then by all means, I'm all ears!
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->)
Michelle:  Wow, these proofs are great.
Stephen:  Yeah, I have to agree.  There is definitely an equal, yet distinct amount of chemistry between her and your two leading male models.
Michelle:  Well, my darling sister has experienced a lot in her young life, that's the reason I picked her for the campaign because no one can retain that charismatic look as well as she can.
Stephen:  Well, I have a solution to seeing that charisma in full bloom.
Vanessa: (hanging on to Lucien's shoulder) So Jacquez, why a modeling gig in Hallandale of all places?
Jacquez:  Well, I needed a change and I was actually at the point where I wasn't caught between projects.  Why?
Vanessa:  Well, it's just that I followed your career and you have been practically all over the world and now you're settling for drab old Hallandale?
Jacquez:  It's not that bad.  Besides, the more local I am, the less likely of running into crazed paparazzi.  (changing the subject) You two are pretty close, are you both an item?
Lucien:  (taken aback until he realizes his and Vanessa proximity) Oh no, we're just friends.
Jacquez:  I've heard that more than once in a lifetime.
Lucien:  (defensive tone, leaving Jacquez unconvinced) Well, sometimes a friend means a friend.
(<- Crystal's Fantasy ->)
Billy:  (turns on the light switch as Crystal passes him by) Okay, that's it.  You've been quiet the whole ride home, what's going on?
Crystal:  How can you be so callous today, a man committed suicide and you're glad?
*Theme Song*
Billy:  No, I am not glad, maybe relieved that the man who tried to kill me cannot hurt us anymore.  He's gone and I'm sorry I am not shedding any tears.
Crystal:  That is not what this is about.  You're treating Javier's death like it was no big deal.
Billy:  In a way, it was.  (Crystal taken aback) Think about it, the man jumped because he couldn't face the fact that you knew the truth and because he knew it could be a way for him to exact his revenge.  He is still trying to break us up, only this time, from the grave.
Crystal:  I think that is a bit extreme.
Billy:  Or maybe you're deluding yourself again, you do remember what happened as a result of that?
Crystal: (walking off to the side with her back turn to him) Yes and I don't appreciate having that thrown in my face.
Billy:  I'm sorry, but I just can't stand by and watch you delude yourself into thinking Javier died the saint he once was; when in fact, he died a spineless coward! (Crystal turns back to him, realizing the depth of his anger)
(<- Hunks 8t Beauty Fashions ->)
Jacquez:  I meant no offense.
Lucien:  No, I understand, you've been all around the world, you've adapted to different customs.  But here, what you see is what you get.
Jacquez:  Well, some things don't change no matter where you are, like the beautiful women.
Lucien:  Speaking of beautiful women, what happened to Danielle?
Vanessa: (thinking to herself) Probably somewhere trying to ingratiate herself into the center of attention.
Lucien:  Vanessa...Vanessa!
Vanessa: (startled from her thought) What?
Lucien:  I said, do you have any idea where Danielle is?
Vanessa: (smiling diligently) No, not a clue!
(<- EI Club de Moniasis ->)
Brian:  What signs?  Extreme devotion?
Garrettlyn:  For one, the way you look at Jennifer when you think no one else is looking.
Brian:  Oh come off it, you're making that up.
Garrettlyn:  Okay, how about the fact that you both are always together?
Brian:  We're friends, we hang out together.  Why does that have to be suspect?
Garrettlyn:  Because it is so obvious there is something more going on, you're just afraid to admit it.
Brian: (adamantly) What is going on is a close friendship. We both met at a time when our lives were completely unbearable and we have come to depend on one another, like a brother and sister, that's all there is.
Romeo:  No, I did not follow you here.
Jennifer: Then what are you...Never mind, I'm going inside.
Romeo: (stopping her from passing) No can do, you're staying put.
***Jennifer:  Excuse me?
Romeo:  You heard me; we have some things to straighten out.
Jennifer:  I thought we did all that last night.
Romeo:  Okay, maybe you said everything you wanted to, but I haven't.
Jennifer:  and what more could we possibly have to discuss?
Romeo:  Our underlining feelings, of course. (Jennifer looks on in disgust and suspicion)
Garrettlyn:  You make a pretty convincing case, Brian!
Brian:  But you're not convinced.
Garrettlyn:  Maybe that you want to believe that all there is between you and Jennifer is friendship, but I think you're in for a rude awakening.
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Andrew:  It's not my job to put a leash on Ben Hemmings and if you had not been so careless, then maybe you wouldn't be in this position.
Shalia:  This has nothing to do with carelessness; Ben Hemmings is not a man who takes things at face value.  If you had moved up this plan like you were suppose to have done months ago, then Ben wouldn't be in Louisiana.
Andrew:  You are well aware that this plan cannot be rushed.  In order for my plan to work, I have to act it out to every last detail.
Shalia:  and I'm sure you're suffering in the meantime spending all your time with another man's wife. (Andrew taken aback by the response)
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->)
Danielle: (walking over to the gang, gives a discontented look when she notices Vanessa) Hey Jacquez, the proofs have developed, do you want to take a look?
Jacquez:  Sure. (following her into the archive room) What was that look between you and the blonde?
Danielle: (scoffs) Don't ask.
Michelle:  Hey, was that Danielle and Jacquez I saw take off?
Vanessa:  Yeah, they went to check out the proofs from earlier.
Michelle:  I guess I can run the idea by the both of you.
Lucien:  What idea?
Michelle:  Stephen was just telling me of the photo chemistry between you and Danielle and Danielle and Jacquez.  He thinks we should do a co- feature of Danielle with her two leading men.
***Danielle: (leaving the archive room with Jacquez as she notices the meeting) Hey, what's going on?
Michelle:  Good, I am glad you were both able to tear yourselves away from the photos long enough because Stephen has come up with a great idea. (Vanessa watches in discontent in the foreground)
(<- Crystal's Fantasy ->)
Billy:  There's that uncomfortable silence again.
Crystal:  It's obvious we have conflicting views on the subject, so let's refrain from discussing it.
Billy: Conflicting views?
Crystal: You're relieved, I'm not.
Billy: (slight scoff) Look, just because I'm not...
Crystal: (quickly interceding) Shedding any tears?
Billy:  That doesn't mean, that I'm happy he's dead or that I am dancing on his grave.
Crystal:  Well, you could have fooled me because you don't seem the least bit shaken by it or the semblance it represents.
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
Brian:  To say I am in for a rude awakening is to say I am either deluding myself or I am about to make a shocking revelation and neither of those cases are true.
Garrettlyn:  Whatever you say. (taking a look at her watch) Whoa, look at that, it's after five.
Brian: (observing his watch) That can't be right.  Okay, maybe she is on her way now.  I mean, she would have call if she were running late.
Garrettlyn:  You said the same thing about three hours ago.  Whatever Jennifer is doing, the furthest thing from her mind is us. (Brian's suspicions are peaked by Garrettlyn's comment)
Jennifer:  Our underlining feelings for each other?  I discussed my feelings with you last night, but if you need a refresher, it's pure and utter contempt.
Romeo: (Jennifer preparing to turn toward the entrance, he grabs hold of her arm) But what's beneath that hatred?  
Jennifer: (jerks his hand away) Get your hands off me!  There is nothing there but emptiness, any possible feelings of love died when you slept with my aunt.
Romeo:  and that still hurts you, doesn't it?  At the core of all that hatred are scars, not emptiness, scars.  You need my genuine love to heal those scars.
Jennifer:  I don't need your love.  I don't need anything from you because nothing will change what you did to me. (tears begin to fall from her eyes) Do you hear me? Nothing!
***Brian:  Okay, I am not doing this anymore.
Garrettlyn:  What?
Brian:  Waiting!  If Jennifer won't come to me, then I will come to her. (rising from the table and pacing off)
Romeo:  Wow, I sensed your pain.
Jennifer: (wiping away the tears) You sensed the pain, I lived with it for five years.
Romeo:  Well, that's what I came back to remedy.
Jennifer: (immediately jumping in) You can't remedy the pain you've caused!
Romeo:  Maybe I can make the pain worth it.
Jennifer:  No amount of apologies or sorrows will make this worthy.
Romeo: (catching glimpse of Brian) Then how about this? (grabbing hold of Jennifer and kissing her as Brian watches in shock)
Andrew:  I hope you're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting?
Shalia:  If you're thinking it, it can't be further from the truth.
Andrew:  The mere thought of that suggestion is enough to make my stomach turn, the plans I have for Ms. Hemmings aren't going as far as your dirty little mind carries you.
Shalia:  Why not? It would be the perfect revenge for her to realize she's sleeping with...
Andrew:  It is not going to happen.  Now, if you're trying to clear the pathway to her husband...
Shalia:  I can't stand her husband.
Andrew: Good, then there should be no complications to get in our way.
Billy:  Semblance, what semblance?
Crystal:  You don't see it, my ex- husband and your wife?
Billy:  Oh come on, those are not parallel.  One jumped and the other fell.
Crystal:  Both because of us!
Danielle:  I don't know, we're a week away from the big show and I just started working with Jacquez.
Michelle:  Well, the proofs of you and Jacquez were great and you have already done some great footage with Lucien.
Lucien:  I think it's a great idea, you'd be like the spokesperson for women everywhere, who want that sex appeal that draw men everywhere to them. (Vanessa then darts off, unable to take the scene for another moment)
Danielle:  I don't know, it feels like I am advertising lust or something and I am not comfortable with that.
Michelle:  It's not lust, it is something we call "selective romance."
Vanessa: (in her dressing room appeasing herself) Just breathe in and remain calm, but how can I remain calm?  That witch is taking over everything.  If it wasn't bad enough it was her and Lucien, now its going to be her, Lucien and Jacquez?  Oh no!  No, no, she will not have them both. (regaining some sense of tranquility) This ad campaign cannot happen.

Kyle:  This will be an evening you will never forget. (~)
Alexander:  I want Akeira Smith Santana found. (~)
Billy:  We are not the blame for what happened to Angela and Javier. (~)
Andrew: (gasps) My god! (~)
Brian:  Really, you owe me no explanations!
Click here for Episode 254