Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Enrique:  I just hope you don't end up with a whole sea of regrets. (~) 
Crystal:  A man committed suicide and you're glad? (~) 
Andrew:  The mere thought of that suggestion is enough to make my stomach turn. (~) 
Kyle:  Our plans are not going to happen. (~) 
Garrett: (the truth of her words are evident as Brian catches Jennifer and Romeo kissing) You're in for a rude awakening! 
***Silence is evident as Brian stands for a couple seconds and watches Jennifer and Romeo, finally clearing his throat, he startles Jennifer into turning away from the kiss. 
Jennifer:  Brian!  (she voices, turning back suspiciously to Romeo, then back to Brian who lowers his head in embarassment, then raises it back up curious to know what's going on) 
(<- Paris, France ->) 
Lacreasha: (Kyle leads her into the beautifully decorated room, where a feast awaits them on the terrace set with two lit candles) Are we there yet? 
Kyle:  I guess patience isn't the one of your few virtues. 
Lacreasha: (bouncing up and down once) I never claimed it was, now can I open my eyes? 
Kyle:  Yeah, go right ahead!  (Lacreasha gasps upon opening her eyes) I take it the silence means you're impress. 
Lacreasha:  What in the world is all this? 
Kyle:  Well, you mean a lot to me and it's time I show you how much, so get ready Lacreasha because this will be an evening you will never forget! (Lacreasha smiles accordingly) 
(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts: Crystal's Fantasy ->) 
Billy:  I do not want to hear that, we are not the blame for what happened to Angela and Javier. 
Crystal:  So you can ignore the semblance? 
Billy:  The semblance is not parallel, history did not repeat itself.  What we did in the past may have been wrong because we were both legally and emotionally tied to someone else, but we didn't go around people's back or lead them on this time.  I was honest from the get go about my feelings for you, when Javier came along, he misinterpreted it as this drawn out affair that had been going on for years.  The semblance to the past was in Javier's mind, don't make it yours. 
Crystal:  Well, that's hard to do especially when people from the past keep on dying around me. 
(<- Pryce International ->) 
Enrique:  Well, that should be everything. 
Devon:  Thanks, I really appreciate this. 
Enrique:  Like I said, its your journey and I definitely have bigger fish to fry.  So now that you have those files, where are you going to start? 
Devon:  With my brother's old friends, Akeira Smith Santana and Widlin Pierre.  (Meanwhile, Widlyn remains unconscious in an ebankment from her car wreck) 
*Theme Song*
Enrique:  (scoffs) Widlin Pierre?  She's a very hard women to track down and an even harder one to question, at least that's what I hear around the grapevine. 
Devon:  (eyes become fixed and serious) Well, she hasn't begun to deal with me yet and I get what I want. 
(<- Past Revelations Chronicle ->) 
Elianna:  Alexander, what are you doing here? 
Alexander:  I have a paper to run. 
Elianna:  That's been the same for weeks.  So what's change? 
Alexander:  My reputation, this paper is an embarrassment and these stories... 
Elianna:  Are news. 
Alexander:  There garbage, something you'd expect to read from Showtime Limits.  What I do is uncensored and scandalizing, that's my news and it's time this town remember what it taste like. 
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->) 
Shalia:  I wouldn't be so sure about that. 
Andrew:  What, something getting in our way? 
Shalia:  Yeah, like your intermingling with the enemy. 
Andrew:  I have explained that to you already.  I am just trying to get Shanna to trust me. 
Shalia:  Yeah, well, I love to know how constructing an art studio fits into that plan. 
Andrew:  Because the more time I have with Shanna, the more time she has to create a bond with me and the easier it will be to make our next move. 
Shalia:  Our next move or your next move...on the lovely Shanna? 
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->) 
Jennifer:  (breaking the unawkward silence) How long have you been standing there? 
Brian:  Long enough to know that I am the furthest thing from your mind. 
Jennifer:  That's not true, I was on my way in, but... 
Brian:  No!  Really, you owe me no explanations! 
Jennifer:  I know, but I want to explain what you just walked in on. 
Brian:  I think I am fully able to deciper that, you obviously felt more compel in kissing some stranger than meeting with me. 
Romeo:  Oh, we're not stangers, far from it.  (Brian's eyes become fixed at Romeo) You're even more out of the loop than you think.  (Jennifer scoffs and turns her disgust to Romeo) 
***Jennifer:  This is a private conversation, please keep your input to yourself. 
Romeo:  (offending Jennifer) Brian needs to know the truth, something he obviously can't get from you. 
Brian:  I am standing right here and I am more than capable of speaking for myself.  Now I have been waiting inside this club for the past several hours while you were out here chatting it up with this man. 
Jennifer:  His name is Romeo Sullivan. 
Brian:  Why does that name sound familiar? 
Romeo:  Could it be she's mention me before? 
Jennifer:  (she gives him the evil eye, then turns back to Brian) I mention him briefly, one of those moments in the past I rather forget. 
Brian:  Well, obviously that's change, but I'd appreciate in the future when you have these encounters with the past, you'd have the decency not to keep me waiting, but to call me up and cancel. 
(<- France, Paris ->) 
Kyle:  How's the entrée? 
Lacreasha:  Dinner's lovely, so is this view. 
Kyle:  Only the best for the best. 
Lacreasha:  Be careful, I could get use to this flattery. 
Kyle:  That's okay because I plan to impress you beyond all means tonight. 
Lacreasha:  Oh, what do you have plan? 
Kyle:  (violin begins to play as Lacreasha gasp in amazement) There's our song! 
(<- Crystal's Fantasy ->) 
Billy:  Oh come on, that is merely an exaggerated coincidence. 
Crystal:  (voice grows erratic as Billy stands in shock) Angela, her unborn child, Laura and now Javier.  Is there anyone else left to die? 
Billy:  (shrugging off the initial shock) We are not the cause for what happened to Angela, Javier or Laura.  It was fate that stepped in and dealt its hand, we were just fortunate. 
Crystal:  Fortunate?  It doesn't feel fortunate.  Is it fortunate that everyone we have inflicted pain on has ended up dead? 
***Billy:  I think we better cool our jets here! 
Crystal:  (stops his attempt to walk away) Is what I'm saying finally starting to ring true? 
Billy:  No, you are intent on blaming yourself for Javier's death, no matter what I say and regardless of the fact that he killed himself. 
Crystal:  and you're intent on relishing in it, so whose worse? 
(<- Past Revelations Chronicle ->) 
Alexander:  First on the agenda is whipping this paper back into shape with some oh so juicy news stories. 
Elianna:  You like being the town's most hated journalist? 
Alexander:  I print what all newspapers are afraid to...the ugly truth with an oh so sweet twist.  Now if printing good journalism makes me immoral, then so be it.  I want you to take note of these ideas and get right on it. 
Elianna:  (grabs her note pade) Okay. 
Alexander:  I want a man on this story of Javier Sanchez' murder. 
Elianna:  He wasn't murder, it was suicide. 
Alexander:  Oh please! 
Elianna:  Also, the story is dead. 
Alexander:  A story is never dead, not until at least I've tackled it.  Also, I want a reporter on the new beauty agency in town, co-conspirators duke it out and lastly is a case I plan to handle personally. 
(<- Linconln Manners Resort ->) 
Andrew:  (in his bedroom) Good thing Derek called that nuisance over, she was beginning to drive me crazy with her insinuations...making my next move on the lovely Shanna.  (bitter tone) I like to make my next move around her lovely neck.  Curses to another day, soon this nightmare will be over and my patience will be very well awarded.  (yarns) Oh, I think it's time for me to turn in.  (cheerful expression as he begins to lie down on the bed) When I'm done with Mrs. Hemmings, she won't know what hit her.  (thinking as his eyelids become heavy) Making my move, how absurd. 
(<- Somewhere in Hallandale ->) 
Devon:  (driving around as he thinks) He didn't want to bother with the case, but he's now given me everything I need to find the truth.  For 13 years, 13 years I didn't know my brother was dead and they buried him in the ground as if he was nothing.  Don't worry, this is all for you bro., I am going to find your killer sooner or later and I will make them pay.  Now if only I knew where to start.  (car screech) 
***Devon: (stepping out of his car and observing the surroundings) Well, thank god I didn't hit anything.  (looks near the woods and is taken aback by the view)  Oh my god! (he runs toward the woods) 
Andrew: (dreaming and hearing a women's voice) Who is it?  Who's there? 
Woman:  I've come for you! 
Andrew:  What, I don't understand. 
Woman:  I'm the one, I'm the one!  (startling Andrew as he turns and turns to find her) 
Andrew:  Where are you? 
Woman:  Right here, Waiting for you to come, waiting for you to come.  Come make love to me Andrew.  (the woman touches his shoulder as Andrew turns to her face, causing him to reawake in a cold sweat) 
Andrew:  (gasps) My god! 
Alexander:  (walking over to his desk with the phone glued to his ear) Hey, I'm glad I caught you, I need a favor.  Look, I don't care about any other projects, this is top priority.  Now, I want Akeira Smith Santana found! 
Kyle:  Care to do me the honors? 
Lacreasha:  Oh come on, you know I hate to dance. 
Kyle:  Please, oblige me! 
Lacreasha:  Okay, but let's slow dance, I want to be next to you. 
Kyle:  Wouldn't have it any other way. 
Lacresha:  (dancing to the music)  This song is lovely. 
Kyle:  It would be even lovelier if you said yes. 
Lacreasha:  Yes? 
Kyle:  To marriage. 
Lacreasha:  What? 
Kyle:  (getting down on one knee) Won't you be my wife, Lacreasha? 
Lacreasha:  (grins) I don't know what to say. 
Kyle:  Why don't you make me the luckiest guy in the world? 
Lacreasha:  Why don't you slide that ring on my finger?  (both laugh as he puts the ring on her finger and seals the deal with a passionate kiss) 

Widlin:  (jolting up, shouting from her dream, which surprises Devon) Ralph, stop! (~) 
Dane:  Romain Chandler is tainted. (~) 
Derek:  How well do you know this, Andrew? (~) 
Man:  (alarming Romain) I know I have seen you somewhere before. 
Click here for Episode 255