Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Spring of Devastation  
Women: Waiting for you to come... come make love to me... (~) 
Devon: (noticing something near his wreck and racing off) Oh my god! (~) 
Romain:  We have reason to believe this epidemic is contagious... 
Samantha:  (discovering Mr. Diamond's body in horror) Oh my god...Mr. Diamond, let's see what your blood cells show...what the hell was that? 
***Andrew:  (he voices standing in the entrance) Hey, how is it going? 
Shanna:  I knew you'd come sooner or later. 
Andrew:  (thrown) What? 
Shanna:  I said I was expecting you, is everything alright? 
Andrew:  (regaining grasp of the situation) Yeah, I just had a weird night. 
(<- North Dakota ->) 
Dr. Lambridge:  (stepping out of his office) Kristen? 
Kristen:  Reid!  We need to talk. 
Dr. Lambridge:  About? 
Kristen:  Dane Casteñello, I think he is slipping again. 
Dr. Lambridge:  Slipping? 
Kristen:  He's more focus on his anger for Romain Chandler now more than ever. 
(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts: Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Samantha:  (pacing the floor) Do you see what I see? 
Romain:  My god, I never seen anything like it. 
Samantha:  My point exactly, it was almost as if one of them were moving and about to jump out of the microscope. 
Romain:  Well, this definitely isn't normal. 
Samantha:  (resting upon the wall) If there is one thing I am almost certain of, it could defintely be the reason why Mr. Diamond keeled over without anyone knowing. 
*Theme Song*
Romain:  Do you really think some pathogen could have caused this? 
Samantha:  What else?  You're the pathologist, are black red blood cells normal to you? 
Romain:  No, I didn't even think it was possible. 
Samantha:  In ancient times, the color black symbolize death.  Mr. Diamond was our first case, who was our second?  
Romain:  The Carter kid? 
Samantha:  I think we need to run another blood test, see if Mr. Carter's blood is starting to change. 
(<- North Dakota ->) 
Dr. Lambridge:  I'm not surprise, I warned you this could happen. 
Kristen:  Yes, you said Romain's visit could upset Dane's recovery. 
Dr. Lambridge:  and it has, hasn't it?  Because you allowed yourself to get soft on Romain Chandler. 
Kristen:  This is not Romain's fault, his visit did not surface Dane's anger.  Dane is angry because that is how he feels, only now he isn't hiding it anymore.  He has been hiding behind the truth for so long, that we mistook it for signs of improvement, but I am starting to think he is more sicker than ever. 
Dr. Lambridge:  Then how can we help him? 
Kristen:  By forcing him to open up about those feelings because if we don't, the results could be detrimental, for everyone. 
***Devon:  (appearing to be talking to himself) Well, what an ironic twist of faith, thinking to myself I will find my brother's killer sooner or later and then I find you, how is one to decipher this discovery? (he gazes over to an unconscious Widlin) 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Erick:  Just abstain from any physical exertion for the next four hours and you'll heal fine. 
Woman:  Thank you! 
Erick:  (he smiles as she walks off) No problem, bye. 
Delilah:  Well, at least your doctor/patient skills are still good. 
Erick:  You're everywhere I turn these days, why is that? 
Delilah:  Just trying to figure you out, that's all. 
Erick:  What's that saying, what you see is what you get? 
Delilah:  No, not with you.  There's something more. 
Erick:  Well, I'd be careful because you just might be looking for something I don't have. 
Delilah:  (after Erick storms off) Oh, I doubt that. 
Samantha:  So did you get Mr. Carter's blood? 
Romain:  It's getting drawn as we speak.  (Samantha begins to pace again, lifting her head and sighing) Are you alright?  
Samantha:  Its just every minute we waste trying to get to the bottom of this thing is another minute its affecting another life. 
Romain:  We're doctors, but we can't always save everyone. 
Samantha:  Yeah, but we should be able to use our knowledge for something and not knowing what this thing is and how to treat it makes me feel... 
Romain:  Powerless?  (Samantha expression is answer enough for him) Yeah, I know all to well about that feeling.  But then I remember it's not the amount of lives we lose, but the amount we can save in the long run. 
(<- North Dakota ->) 
Kristen:  (knocks on his door) Dane? 
Dane:  (nonchalantly, focusing on the wall) Mrs. Destitute! 
Kristen:  Why so formal? 
Dane:  I was afraid you'd scold me if I wasn't anything but. 
Kristen:  You know I wouldn't, we're friends, there such a freedom in that. 
Dane:  Yeah, what do you want? 
Kristen:  I am just trying to understand you-- (pacing the floor with her hands folded behind her back as she talks causing Dane's suspicions to grow) Give you a chance to tell your story because I think you want to talk and I just wanted you to know that I will be here to listen...anytime, 100% completely. 
***Shanna:  (walking around the corner) Oh you're back, did you get those paintings from the shed?  (Andrew in a daze hears her voice as she stands in a bikini) Do you like what you see? 
Shanna:  Andrew! 
Andrew:  (shaken from the thought) What? 
Shanna:  The paintings, did you get them? (Andrew remains baffled) 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Samantha:  (Delilah not looking where she is going nearly crashes into her) Delilah! 
Delilah:  (gasp and jumps) Samantha. 
Samantha:  What's so interesting back there? 
Delilah:  Nothing, I was just pondering something.  Tell me, what do you think of Erick? 
Samantha:  Who? 
Delilah:  Erick...Erick Kerrigan!  (Samantha still remains unsure) The intern. 
Samantha:  Oh, sorry, I don't believe we had the chance to really meet, I've been so busy lately.  Why? 
Delilah:  I don't know, there's just something about him. 
Samantha:  Well, is he attractive? 
Delilah:  Why?  What does that have to do with anything? 
Samantha:  (shocking Delilah) Because it sounds to me like you have a crush on him. 
Erick:  Well, that is a very interesting sore, I never seen something of that magnitude.  How did it happen? 
Man:  Let's just say I'm the venturous type. 
Erick:  (eyes begin to level) Oh! 
Romain:  What's going on, you're not suppose to be performing medical duties. 
Erick:  I wasn't, I was doing a checkup that Dr. Elkasinogen already followed up on. 
Romain:  Well, I think I will take over in any case.  (Erick calmly steps aside) 
Man:  Hey, don't I know you? 
Romain:  (looking at the man) Sorry, you don't seem familiar. 
Man:  Well, I could, I know I have seen you somewhere before.  Have you've done videos? (Romain becomes alarmed) 
(<- North Dakota ->) 
Dane:  What, you want to hear my story?  Because I have one hell of a story, you won't believe it. 
Kristen:  I want you to tell me about your life, specifically your time with Romain Chandler. 
Dane:  (slight grin) You want to hear about Romie, I don't think you're quite ready for that story.  Hell, I don't think Romie's ready for anyone to know that little story.  You see, the Romain Chandler we know today, the doctor, is nothing like the dirty doormat I use to know. 
***Kristen:  Is that why you hate him, because you think he's weak? 
Dane:  No, he isn't weak, at least not anymore.  I made him strong, I made him strong, he is who he is because of me and he will never forget that.  (Kristen becomes frighten by his fierce words) 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Romain:  No, I have not, obviously you're mistaken. 
Man:  (baffled) I am usually good about faces. 
Romain:  Well, maybe you have this one confused with someone else's.  (looking over his chart) Well, everything here looks fine.  So you're free to go, Mr. Bastings.  Well, I have a blood test to check on, so I'll see you later. 
Erick:  (after Romain departs) He couldn't get away fast enough. 
(<- Shanna's Art Studio ->) 
Shanna:  Are you alright?  You've been out of it today. 
Andrew:  Like I said, I had a weird night, I'll go find those paintings for you.  (running into Derek on his way out) Hey.  
Derek:  Hey.  (turning back as he apporaches Shanna) Who was that? 
Shanna:  Andrew Stokes, he's the one making this possible. 
Derek:  Really, how much did it cost you. 
Shanna:  Nothing, he's doing it as a favor.  So what brings you here, I know it's not to talk about my new friends. 
Derek:  Wait a minute, he's doing this for free? 
Shanna:  Yeah, so? 
Derek:  Well, how well do you know this Andrew that he'd expect nothing in return? 
(< Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Delilah:  No, I don't and that's a typical assumption. 
Samantha:  I'm sorry, its just you seem so focus on him and you do spend a lot of your time around him. 
Delilah:  Who's been spreading gossip around here? 
Samantha:  It's not hospital gossip.  I just heard a lot of things from Robin and Romain. 
Delilah:  Yeah, well, they should focus on their own lives. 
Samantha:  Well, I'm sorry I couldn't help you with Erick. 
Delilah:  That's okay, I was just hoping you picked up on a vibe or something, he's just a mystery to me. 
Samantha:  Yeah, well, if its vibes and feelings you're looking for, you'd have better chance talking to my sister-in-law. 
(<- Northern Heights Resort ->) 
Devon:  Well, you're sleeping rather peacefully, I wonder what you're dreaming about. 
Widlin:  (dreaming of the night at camp) I never pretended to be your friend because you were rich, that was Akeira.  
Ralph:  No, that was you, Akeira loved me and you ruined that.  (Widlin becomes startled) 
Devon:  (observing the change in her facial expression) What is it that you're dreaming about, whatever it is, it must be troubling.
***Widlin:  (dreaming continues) Ralph, just calm down. 
Ralph:  No, (grabbing her arm) I am sick of listening to you.  (pushes her on the couch and holds her down) You are going to give me what I want. 
Widlin:  No Ralph...Ralph stop (she screams awakening from her dream in terror, echoing her last words upon discovering herself in Devon's apartment, who is baffled upon hearing the conclusion of her nightmare). 
Kristen:  What do you mean he will always remember? 
Dane:  (moving near the door) You ask Romain, he will remember.  Romain will always remember, he can't forget, he will always remember.  Romain Chandler is tainted, he's tainted with every memory, he's tainted.  (Kristen becomes even more unnerved by Dane's uncomprehensive ramblings) 
Shanna:  Well, I know he was married, I know he's a carpenter and I know he was in a little trouble back then and is grateful that I could help him. 
Derek:  and he is so grateful he is going to devote his valuable time to building you an art studio for free, no strings attached. 
Shanna:  You make it sound criminal. 
Derek:  I just think it's a bit odd. 
Shanna:  Well, I think Ben's overactive imagination is wearing off on you because I have nothing to fear from Andrew Stokes. 
Derek:  I hope you're right. 
Samantha:  (walking into his room) How are you, Mr. Carter? (gasp, screams) Aah!
Chief Resident:  (offending Samantha) How much of a coincidence is it that you're the one to find yet another dead body? (~) 
Sandy:  You and Romain belong together, all you need is a little pushing. (~) 
Danielle:  I am going to be around, so you might as well get use to it. (~) 
Robin:  What am I going to do about you?