Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Spring of Devastation
Malina:  The first part of a truce is learning to forgive. 
Beau:  Even if I could forgive, how am I suppose to forget? 
Malina:  No one expects you too. (~) 
Dean: (alarming Rochelle) This will never be over, so don't get so comfortable. (~) 
Kendall:  My life is my own, you want dirt, search for it elsewhere. (~) 
Widlin:  I don't feel comfortable accepting gifts. 
Devon: (rattling Widlin) Would you just look at it? 
***Devon: (gazing at Widlin holding the wristband) You recognize it, don't you? 
Widlin: (tearing her eyes away from the bracelet) Should I? 
Devon:  Not necessarily, but your eyes tell all. 
Widlin:  What's that suppose to mean? 
Devon:  Well, you know that saying, "the eyes are the windows to the soul?"  Well, I have been studying your beautiful eyes for the past several hours and I'm beginning to see exactly what's going on through that little mind of yours. 
(<- HatcherKeller & Associates Investigations ->) 
Jessica: (approaching Kendall's desk) I need to see Mr. Keller! 
Kendall: (taken aback) and who are you? 
Jessica:  An old friend. 
Kendall:  Well, do you have an appointment? 
Jessica: (rudely) I'm pretty sure I don't need one. 
Kendall: (avoiding a scene and turning towards Royce's office door) Why don't I go check with Mr. Keller? 
Jessica:  You do that. 
Kendall: (she then walks into the office) Someone who says there an old friend is here to see you. 
Royce:  Hmm...okay, show them in. 
Kendall:  He will see you now.  (she points Jessica into the office and then closes the door behind her) Rude little witch! 
Royce: (amazed expression)'s been a long time. 
Jessica:  I realize that, but I don't have time for pleasantries, I need your help. 
Royce:  Help? 
Jessica: (baffling Royce further) Stopping my ex- husband from going free! 
(Rochelle flips through files when she suddenly becomes hit with a flash) 
Lacreasha:  "Leonard Stone is your brother..."
Rochelle:  "Dean, I don't want him to know the truth..."
Lacreasha:  "You have no shame.  You criticize me for keeping this secret and here you are..."
Liam: (walking in, he awakes her from her thoughts) Rochelle. 
Rochelle: (startled) Liam, what are you doing here? 
Liam:  I haven't heard from you in a while, I thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing. 
Rochelle:  I've been busy, I've had a lot of things to think about. 
Liam:  You mean, Kavina's trial and the verdict. 
Rochelle:  That is the least of my problems. 
(<- Garden Ridges Park ->) 
Malina:  You have got to put a stop to this paranoia. 
Anton:  I am not paranoid, Beau is up to something. 
Malina:  He's trying to fix this rift between the two of you, he was asking for my advice and just needed some reassurance. 
Anton:  and so he seeks it from you, of all people? 
Malina:  Why not?  I know pretty much all there is to know about you and your cousin.  I also think that Beau is genuinely trying to reconcile and if you would take the time to listen, actually listen without being skeptical of what he's going to say, you would see that I am right. 
Anton:  Alright, I'll listen. 
Malina:  Good, because I have to get back to work now.  (she kisses him lightly and then vacates) We'll talk tomorrow.  
Anton:  (muttering to himself) Sure, but first I am going to have a talk with my cousin. 
*Theme Song*
Liam:  The least of your worries, huh?  So you're okay with the way things turned out at Kavina's trial? 
Rochelle:  Of course not, but I have made peace with it.  Kavina has lost her job, her freedom...what more justice could you ask for? 
Liam:  That's a very positive outlook considering everything that she put you through. 
Rochelle:  Well, I'm just one person, Kavina impacted a lot of people's lives and they may not be so understanding. 
Royce:  I thought William was sentenced to three to five years in the state penetiary. 
Jessica:  Well, my deranged ex- husband is working on an appeal and that is why I need your help. 
Royce:  I don't think you have anything to worry about, William hasn't even served half his term yet. 
Jessica:  Normally, I would agree, but William seemed very confident, especially with this new lawyer of his. 
Royce: (smirks) His lawyer would have to be pretty good. 
Jessica:  Does the name A. Ramsey Lakhan strike a familiar chord? 
Royce:  The A. Ramsey? (Jessica nods yes hesitantly) Well, I understand now why you're so nervous...(pausing for a moment and then stating bluntly) and you should be! 
(<- Northern Heights Resort ->) 
Widlin: (agitated tone) Just what exactly are my eyes telling you? 
Devon:  Besides, the fact that you're quite beautiful when you're agitated. (Widlin scoffs) Really, you should calm down, I was just making an astute observation. 
Widlin:  Well, I don't like it, like much of this conversation. 
Devon:  I understand, people don't appreciate being analyzed, especially when they are intent on hiding particular things about themselves from the world.
Widlin:  You're back to that kick again? 
Devon:  I was willing to move pass it, that's why I offered to give you this bracelet, also with the intent on finding out whether or not you've been lying to me and you failed miserably. 
Widlin: (snappy and quick) Why don't you tell me why I should remember some ancient piece of jewelry? 
Devon:  Because it was a gift to my brother, he was wearing one quite like it the last time he was alive. 
***Beau: (he responds to incessant knocking on his door) Hold your horses.  (opens the door within two seconds) Anton. 
Anton:  Can I come in? 
Beau: (baffled) Why are you here? 
Anton:  Don't tell me you're surprised to see me, you know why I'm here. 
Beau:  No, If I knew that, then I wouldn't be asking. 
Anton:  Your little scene in the park with Malina today. 
Beau:  Scene?  What scene... 
Anton:  You're playing games with me and Malina and I want it stopped. 
(<- HatcherKeller & Associates Investigations ->) 
Jessica:  Great, you're suppose to be helping me feel better. 
Royce:  I could, but it won't change the fact that A. Ramsey Lakhan is a very powerful and ruthless lawyer. 
Jessica:  Ruthless enough to get William out on parole? 
Royce:  I wouldn't put it past him. 
Jessica:  Then how do I put a stop to this? 
Royce:  Find someone who can fight as dirty as he can. 
Jessica:  That's easier said than done. 
Royce:  Not necessarily.  In fact, I think I know exactly who you should get to represent you. 
Jessica: (intrigued tone) Who? 
Royce: (shocking Jessica) Joy Gannon. 
Liam:  Would one of these people be Dean Stone? 
Rochelle:  That's a pretty lucky guess. 
Liam:  Yeah, well, I've had several encounters with Mr. Stone over the past month. 
Rochelle:  Really, about what? 
Liam:  What else, seeing that justice is enacted against Kavina for murdering his brother.  Quite frankly, I think he has become obsessed. 
Rochelle:  You may be right, I know his last visit really rattled me.  It was...(trying desperately to search for a word, but gives up) I can't explain it.  It's like that feeling when a chill moves down your spine because you know something bad is going to happen. 
(<- Northern Heights Resort ->) 
Widlin:  You expect me to remember some anxious piece of jewelry that your brother wore over 13 years ago. 
Devon:  Why not?  You seem so sure that you don't remember anything that can be pertinent to find out why he was killed. 
Widlin:  You know what?  This conversation is ridiculous, I am doing what I have been trying to do all morning. 
Devon:  Running away won't make the questions go away. 
Widlin:  I'm not running, I am leaving for some sense of peace and if you follow me, I will have you arrested.  (she then walks towards the door) I appreciate your rescuing me, but the next time I'm in an accident, do me a favor and leave me there.  (she opens the door and leaves) 
***Kendall: (standing near Royce's door) Who is this Jessica and what could she and Royce be...wait a minute, what am I doing?  This is none of my business and I have work to do.  (turning back to her desk, she is startled by a figure) 
Jacquez:  When did you start eavesdropping? 
Kendall:  What are you doing here? 
Jacquez:  That's not the welcome I was expecting. 
Kendall:  When you come here unannounced, how can you expect any less? 
Jacquez:  I don't know, maybe I'm wrong to expect more from someone whose life I saved. 
Jessica:  Joy Gannon?  Isn't that the woman who represented Kavina? 
Royce:  The one and only and she allowed Kavina to avoid jail time by a measely year in an anger management facility. 
Jessica:  Except this time we are trying to keep someone in jail. 
Royce:  Nevertheless, I think she is your best bet, at least consider the idea. 
Jessica:  Fine, I will. 
(<- Springfield Lakes Resort ->) 
Beau:  I'm not playing any games. 
Anton:  You're right, you're not playing any games because I won't allow it.  So whatever plans you have for Malina, you might as well forget them. 
Beau:  Once again, I have no idea what you're talking about. 
Anton:  Oh, you know, I've seen this scenario played out far too many times.  I stole Karen from you during one night of blind passion and now you want to reciprocate the pain by trying to steal Malina away from me. 
Beau: (overcoming initial shock) It's a good plan, too bad I never thought of it.  You obviously don't have much faith in Malina if you think I would try such a thing. 
Anton:  I trust Malina, it's you I don't trust. 
Beau:  That becomes more apparent everyday.  But if I wanted to get back at you, I wouldn't go through Malina, besides that's already been done.  By the way, Mauricio says hi. (Anton becomes agitated as he blows in the steam) You know, I admire your handle on that, being with Malina, knowing your best friend got her first. 
***Anton:  Wow, you know just the right words to use. 
Beau:  The truth hurts, that's just a sad fact of life. 
Anton:  So this is about Karen? 
Beau:  This is not about Karen, I have dealt with that part of my life.  I have tried to put it behind me, you are the one that is making it impossible.  You're intent on believing that I am this imaginary enemy. 
Anton:  You were when you first came to town and you weren't exactly over what happened with Karen. 
Beau:  I admit that and Malina helped me to realize that holding onto anger won't change a thing and I do understand why you are skeptic, but I do hope you will realize in time that I do want to put this chapter behind us. (Anton unsure how to read the moving speech) 
Widlin:  Damn, Damn, Damn. (throwing down her jacket) Why is this happening again? (walking over to a nearby mirror) This secret is never going to die. 
Devon: (pacing the floor deep in thought overlooking some files) If there is one thing I know for's that you're lying.  (throws down the files) The question is why. 
Liam:  What is it about his visit that really rattled you? 
Rochelle:  I don't know, it's like you said.  He's fixated on getting justice for his brother's murder and last time I saw him, he actually told me that this whole thing with Kavina wasn't over and that I shouldn't get so comfortable. 
Liam:  He's been throwing around a lot of threats lately. 
Rochelle:  Yeah, well, I'm worried about him and what if...what? 
Liam: (shaking off initial alarm) Nothing, I guess I am just surprise, you and Dean seemed on the outs.  Has something changed? 
Robin:  I tried to have an abortion. (~) 
Sherri:  If you didn't set this up and I didn't, then who did? (~) 
Jacquez: No one will know what happened in Europe. (~) 
Bella:  Your ex- husband tried to kill my son, so don't you dare make him feel guilty for being glad that bastard's dead.
Click here for Episode 259